Talk:Nova Scotia Liberal Party leadership election, 2007

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Scott Brison, eh? Something tells me he's probably still a Tory provincially. -- Earl Andrew - talk 00:58, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

I didn't add him, but no he is actually an active Liberal provincially and campaigned hard for Liberal candidates within his federal consitituency in the last election. Paula Lunn, who was at the convention as a Liberal delegate, almost won a Tory held seat despite the poor fortunes of the provincial Liberals,[1] she credits her near victory on Brison's help. He really has no choice however because the NSLP is both a federal and provincial organization, until the membership changes passed at the Liberal convention in December you couldn't join one without joining the other, they continue to have a shared executive, etc. - Jord 12:52, 23 January 2007 (UTC)
Here's a source from a quick search showing Brison as a potential candidate. [2] - Jord 12:54, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Access to the convention: GRANTED

Anyone know any Nova Scotia residents, or people willing to travel? I've guaranteed access to the event for a photographer and journalist, likely university students in the field if we can't find any internally, and Mike Smith is the first candidate to have his "people" (my term, not his) agree to grant us access the day of. I've contacted all the current candidates and MLAs about this. -- Zanimum 16:18, 25 January 2007 (UTC)