Nova Roma, Goiás

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Nova Roma is a small town and municipality in northeastern Goiás state, Brazil.

  • Population (2005): 3,092
  • Area of the municipality (2002): 2,135.9 km²
  • Elevation: 610
  • Became a municipality: 1958
  • Postal code: 73820-000


[edit] Location

Nova Roma is part of the Chapada dos Veadeiros Microregion. It is crossed by the important Paranã River, a tributary of the Tocantins. There are poor road connections with Teresina de Goiás, 72 kilometers to the west, Monte Alegre de Goiás, 58 kilometers north, Alto Paraíso de Goiás, 100 kilometers southwest, and Iaciara, 71 kilometers southeast.

The distance to the state capital, Goiânia is 616 km. Highway connections from Goiânia are made by BR-153 / Anápolis / GO-060 / Alexânia / Formosa / BR-020 / Alvorada do Norte / GO-112 / Iaciara. [1]

Municipal boundaries are with:

[edit] Political Information

As of January 2005 the Mayor was Robervaldo Neri Sampaio. There were 9 city-council members and 2,478 eligible voters in 2002.

[edit] Demographic Information

In 2003 the population density was 1.60 inhab/km². The urban population was 1,241 and the rural population was 2,169. The population has been dropping steadily since the first census in 1980, losing almost 1,000 inhabitants.

[edit] Economic Information

The economy is based on agriculture, cattle raising, services, modest transformation industries, and public employment. There were no industrial units registered in 2005 and 23 retail units. In 2004 threre were 51 automobiles and 25 motorcycles.

In 2004 there were 60,000 head of cattle, 15,000 head of poultry, and 2,280 head of swine. The main agricultural products were pumpkin, rice, banana, sugarcane, beans, manioc, and corn (1,300 hectares planted).

[edit] Health and Education

In 2003 there were no hospitals and only 1 walk-in health clinic. There was 1 doctor, 1 nurse, 1 dentist, and 7 auxiliary nurses. In 2000 the infant mortality rate was 30.02, below the national average of 33.0.

In 2005 the school system had 14 schools, 36 classrooms, 93 teachers, and 1,298 students. There was 1 secondary school with 196 students. In 2000 the adult literacy rate was 81.9%, below the national average of 86.4%.

[edit] Income Distribution

In 2000 there were 926 households. Of these, 147 had no income and 423 made less than 1 minimum salary.

Ranking on the United Nations Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 66.7
  • Adult literacy: 0.793
  • School attendance: 0.789
  • HDI-M: 0.679
  • State ranking: 223 (out of 242 municipalities)
  • National ranking: 3,323 (out of 5,507 municipalities)

All data are from 2000

For the complete list see

[edit] Sources of Data

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