Not Without My Daughter (Arrested Development episode)

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Arrested Development episode
"Not Without My Daughter"
Episode No 1AJD20
Airdate April 25, 2004
Writer(s) Mitchell Hurwitz & Richard Rosenstock
Director Lee Shallat Chemel
On the next: “Tobias loses his security job trying to solve the store’s mice problem, Lindsay, now without a job, goes with her initial instinct, and Annyong exacts his revenge.”
Guest star(s) Justin Lee as Annyong Bluth
Henry Winkler as Barry Zuckerkorn
Judy Greer as Kitty Sanchez

Arrested Development Season 1
November 2003 - June 2004

  1. Pilot
  2. Top Banana
  3. Bringing Up Buster
  4. Key Decisions
  5. Visiting Ours
  6. Charity Drive
  7. My Mother, The Car
  8. In God We Trust
  9. Storming the Castle
  10. Pier Pressure
  11. Public Relations
  12. Marta Complex
  13. Beef Consommé
  14. Shock and Aww
  15. Staff Infection
  16. Missing Kitty
  17. Altar Egos
  18. Justice Is Blind
  19. Best Man for the GOB
  20. Whistler's Mother
  21. Not Without My Daughter
  22. Let 'Em Eat Cake
  23. Extended Pilot
All Arrested Development episodes

Not Without My Daughter was the twenty-first episode of the TV comedy series Arrested Development.


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Michael was heading off to work when his son, George Michael, reminded him of a yearly tradition. It is Bring your Daughter to Work Day. Not having a daughter, Michael would bring George Michael. He had first made the joke when his son was six, but it is a joke Michael is starting to grow concerned about as it had not worn well with age. He tries to talk George Michael out of going, but with no luck.

Meanwhile, Maeby is making plans to join Tobias for work. This entails sitting in front of the TV watching entertainment news. G.O.B. comes in, excited because he has the new "Girls With Low Self-Esteem" tape, filmed over Spring Break when G.O.B. made the family yacht disappear. G.O.B. expects his yacht illusion to revive his career, but instead the tape only features his flubs.

Lindsay disguises herself to apply for a job
Lindsay disguises herself to apply for a job

Michael then notices that Lindsay is wearing a new outfit. Lindsay claims she got it from Lucille, but Michael knows better. Needing a better excuse, Lindsay claims she has been shoplifting. In reality, Lindsay has been working as a shop girl, but she is too embarrassed to admit it. G.O.B. does not believe Lindsay has the skills to shoplift, while Maeby is impressed that her mother is breaking the law. Michael, concerned about the example Lindsay is setting for Maeby, decides to take Maeby to work for Take Your Daughter to Work Day so he can provide her with a good role model. Maeby surprises her parents by agreeing to the plan.

Michael has trouble driving Maeby to the office
Michael has trouble driving Maeby to the office
Micheal and Maeby at the Police Station
Micheal and Maeby at the Police Station

During the drive to the office, Maeby makes it clear that she only agreed to come in order to get back at her parents, and she has no intention of actually going to work. She twice jumps out of the moving stair car to escape, but Michael brings her back. Before they can get to the Bluth Company, Lucille calls. They go to check on Lucille, who needs someone to pose as her husband at Annyong’s soccer game. Maeby seizes the opportunity to once again try and escape. Michael tells Lucille she is on her own, and leaves to track down. Maeby and head to the office. Lucille decides to have Oscar go with her to the game.

Back at the model home, three of the Bluth men struggle with their manliness. George Michael is upset about Maeby taking his place for Take Your Daughter to Work Day. G.O.B. is insecure because Lindsay is apparently better at sleight-of-hand than him. Tobias is trying to find a job that will prove he is a man and impress his daughter. The three collectively decide to head to the mall.

Having found Maeby, Michael finally makes it to the office. He tries to teach Maeby about honest hard work, but she feigns sleep. Michael challenges her to go one day without telling a lie. She is reluctant, but when he promises her $50, Maeby agrees to participate as long as Michael does, too. Just then, two police officers (who are also having trouble keeping their daughters in line) arrive, investigating the disappearance of Kitty. Kitty was last seen flashing Michael, whom she claimed was threatening her, and the police want to ask Michael some questions.

Hearing laughter from the conference room, Michael and Maeby go to see what is happening. Several staff members are watching "Girls With low Self-Esteem," which features an employee’s daughter. They notice that the tape shows Kitty on the yacht that G.O.B. blew up.

Meanwhile, Tobias has acquired a job at the mall as a security guard. G.O.B. and George Michael go to the pet store to buy some mice. At the prison, George Sr. had a surprise visitor. Buster has come to alert him that Annyong is violating George Sr.’s ban on organized sports. George Sr. explains to Buster that the rule only applied to him, because he was so bad at sports. Buster lets George Sr. know that Oscar is accompanying Lucille to the soccer game, much to his dismay. George Sr. makes Buster promise to get rid of Oscar.

Michael and Maeby go to the police officer station, where they meet up with Barry Zuckerkorn. Barry suggests that Michael should lie about Kitty being on the yacht. After sending Maeby away, Michael agrees. Meanwhile, Lindsay is at her own job, and growing jealous that her daughter was with Michael. She calls to check in on Maeby. As she is doing this, G.O.B. arrives with George Michael and a box full of mice in tow. G.O.B. knocks the box onto the floor, releasing the mice. The diversion gives him the chance to start stuffing shirts into George Michael’s pants, and proving he is the real sleight-of-hand master. Lindsay, frustrated with Michael, loudly admits that she is a shoplifter, just in time for the new security guard to overhear. Using his cat-like agility, Tobias tackles Lindsay. G.O.B. and George Michael are caught in the act by the daughter of the head of security.

Oscar comes on to Lucille
Oscar comes on to Lucille

While the rest of the Bluths are in police custody, Lucille is with her brother-in-law. Oscar is elated to be with Lucille, but, after thinking about marijuana, soon heads to his camper. Buster comes to the camper, and tells Oscar he is not wanted, and should leave.

Michael submits to the detectives’ questions. He says he has no idea where Kitty is, but the detectives know she had evidence against George Sr. They offer Michael a deal: if he gives up evidence against his father, they will overlook the fact that Kitty is missing. At that moment, Michael gets a call from George Michael, telling him there is an emergency down at the mall.

Back at the soccer game, Buster emerges form Oscar’s trailer with a new sense of manliness, when a soccer ball hits him in the head. Seizing the opportunity to participate in an organized sport, Buster runs through the crowd of players, knocking them all over, before firing the ball directly at Annyong. Buster turns to see Oscar clapping, just before he leaves, and realizes he may have just scared away a man who supported him the way he’d always hoped his father would.

George Michael and G.O.B. are caught shoplifting
George Michael and G.O.B. are caught shoplifting

Michael arrives at the mall, where he tries to make sense of what has happened. Everyone claims to be innocent, forcing Lindsay to finally admit that she broke down and got a job. Unfortunately, she has been fired because they thought she was in cahoots with G.O.B., who is embarrassed to have been caught by a 13-year-old girl, and George Michael is still upset that Michael spent time with Maeby instead of him. Just then, Michael remembers that Maeby, who has promised to tell the truth, is still at the police station. Fortunately, her instincts to lie return, and she discovers the key to Michael’s freedom. Leaving the station, Michael asks Maeby what happened, and she reveals that Kitty is still alive, and the police were just bluffing to get him to testify against George Sr.

[edit] Episode notes

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details about this and future episodes follow.
  • Although this episode doesn't take place chronologically until several episodes later, several storylines in this episode directly relates to the events that took place in Missing Kitty. However, the fact that Oscar appears in it suggests that the episode is not intended to be set directly afterwards (as Oscar wasn't introduced until the previous episode, Whistler's Mother).

[edit] References

  • David Cassidy - Oscar's jacket says "David Cassidy LIVE!" on the back.
  • Not Without My Daughter - This episode shares a title with the book and the 1991 movie, though there are no other connections.

[edit] Callbacks/Running Jokes

  • David Cassidy – Oscar is seen wearing a “David Cassidy Live” jacket. In Whistler's Mother, Oscar says he wrote a song, “All You Need Are Smiles,” that David Cassidy was supposed to sing on The Mike Douglas Show.
  • "Hey" - Buster greets Oscar by saying, "Hey, uncle."
"No Touching!!
"No Touching!!
  • M. Sabino - The African-American guard has a uniform labeled “M. Sabino.”
  • "No touching" - M. Sabino's daughter yells out "No touching" and slams a baton down on table, enforcing the prison's strict "No touching rule," first mentioned in Top Banana.
  • Tobias is gay
    • Watching the girls from “Girls With Low Self-Esteem” tape, Michael asks Tobias, “Is this what you want?” referring to Maeby potentially appearing on the tape. However, Tobias responds that he is not interested in the girls, before adding that he would not want it for Maeby, either.
    • He refers to getting a job as a security guard as "butch"
  • Catlike reflexes - The guard that tackles Lindsay, Tobias, is described as "surprisingly cat-like."
  • Bluth Company Board/Coworkers are Incompetent - One of the employees brings a tape of his daughter showing her breasts on the "Girls with Low Self Esteem" video series to the company's Bring Your Daughter to Work Day

[edit] Hidden/Background Jokes

  • Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution - A photograph of the group can be seen on Tobias’ desk in a flashback.

[edit] Character Cameos

  • Although this episode heavily centers around the character of Kitty, she does not actually appear in this episode (with the exception of flashbacks, and the Girls With Low Self Esteem video, which is actually just footage from Missing Kitty).
  • This episode guest stars several of David Cross's fellow Mr. Show alumni, including Jay Johnston, Jerry Minor, and John Ennis.
  • Former Kids in the Hall Kevin McDonald plays a detective who gives Maeby the security code to the office.

[edit] Foreshadowing/Future References

  • Oscar is Buster's father - Oscar massages Buster's shoulders the same way Buster did to various other characters at the start of Season 1. The narrator also comments that Oscar had supported Buster just like Buster had always wanted his father to.

[edit] Goofs

  • Officers Taylor and Carter are shown to have daughters, however, in Season 2's Out on a Limb, we learn that they are a gay couple expecting a child from a female egg donor. However, this "goof" may be explained in that the policemen possibly brought fake daughters in an attempt to conceal their respective homosexuality. Also, there is no reason the baby in the later episode has to be their first child. The daughter could plausibly be an older sister.
  • When Buster starts to run through the children on the soccer field, soccer ball was left behind him.
  • When Micheal gets called to go to his mothers to be her husband to Annyong's soccer game, he walks into the kitchen after talking to Annyong and a guy hold a big furry mike is seen in the corner. (6:02 - time in episode)

[edit] Sources