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This article is about a Joseph Conrad novel. For spacecraft in the film Alien, see Nostromo (Alien). For other uses, see nostromo (disambiguation).
Title Nostromo

First edition cover
Author Joseph Conrad
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre(s) Novel
Publisher Harper & Bros
Released 1904
Media type Print (Hardcover)
Pages 630 pp

Nostromo is a 1904 novel by Polish-born British novelist Joseph Conrad, set in the fictitious South American republic of "Costaguana." It was originally published serially in two volumes of T.P.'s Weekly.


[edit] Background

Conrad sets his novel in the mining town of Sulaco, an imaginary port in the occidental region of the imaginary country of Costaguana. This town and its denizens are believed by many to be among Conrad's greatest literary creations.

The book has more fully-developed characters than any other of his novels, but two characters dominate the narrative: Señor Gould, and the eponymous anti-hero, the "incorruptible" Nostromo.

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Señor Gould is an English expatriate who owns the silver-mining concession in Sulaco. He is tired of the political instability in Costaguana and its concomitant corruption, and puts his weight behind the Ribierist project, which he believes will bring stability to the country. Instead, the silver mine and the wealth it has generated become a magnet for local warlords to fight over, plunging Costaguana into a new round of chaos. Among others, the revolutionary Montero invades Sulaco; Señor Gould, adamant that his silver should not become spoil for his enemies, entrusts it to Nostromo, his trusted "capataz de los cargadores" (head longshoreman).

Nostromo is an Italian expatriate who has risen to that position through his daring exploits. ("Nostromo" is Italian for "mate" or "boatswain," as well as a "contraction" of nostro uomo — "our man.") He is so named by his employer, Captain Mitchell. "Nostromo's" real name is Giovanni Battista Fidanza — Fidanza meaning "trust" in archaic Italian.

Nostromo is what would today be called a shameless self-publicist. He is believed by Señor Gould to be incorruptible, and for this reason is entrusted with hiding the silver from the revolutionaries. He accepts the mission not out of loyalty to Señor Gould, but rather because he sees an opportunity to increase his own fame.

In the end it is Nostromo, together with a ruined cynic of a doctor and a journalist (all acting for self-serving reasons), who are able to restore some kind of order to Sulaco. It is they who are able to persuade two of the warlords to aid Sulaco's secession from Costaguana and protect it from other armies. Nostromo, the incorruptible one, is the key figure in setting the wheels in motion.

In Conrad's universe, however, almost no one is incorruptible. The exploit does not bring Nostromo the fame he had hoped for, and he feels slighted and used. Feeling that he has risked his life for nothing, he is consumed by resentment, which leads to his corruption and ultimate destruction.

[edit] Film, TV or theatrical adaptations

[edit] Trivia

  • The first pressing had a misprint, with page 187 incorrectly listed as 871.

[edit] See also

  • Nostromo was the name of the deep space convoy ship that was featured in Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien.
  • Sulaco is the name of the Colonial Marines space war ship in the movie Aliens.

[edit] External links

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