Norwegian Wood (novel)

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Title Norwegian Wood

First edition UK cover
Author Haruki Murakami
Original title ノルウェイの森
Noruwei no mori
Translator Jay Rubin
Country Japan
Language Japanese
Genre(s) Coming of age novel
Publisher Vintage
Released 1987
Media type Print (Paperback)
Pages 400 (UK Paperback)
296 (US Paperback)
ISBN ISBN 0-09-944882-3 (UK edition)
ISBN 0-375-70402-7 (US edition)

Norwegian Wood (ノルウェイの森 Noruwei no Mori?) is a 1987 novel by Japanese author Haruki Murakami.

The novel is a nostalgic story of loss and sexuality. The story's protagonist and narrator is Toru Watanabe, who looks back on his days as a freshman university student living in Tokyo. Through Toru's reminiscences we see him develop relationships with two very different women — the beautiful yet emotionally troubled Naoko, and the outgoing, lively Midori.

The novel is set in Tokyo the late 1960s, a time when Japanese students, like those of many other nations, were protesting against the established order. While it serves as the backdrop against which the events of the novel unfold, Murakami (through the eyes of Toru and Midori) portrays the student movement as largely weak-willed and hypocritical.

Norwegian Wood was hugely popular with Japanese youth and made Murakami somewhat of a superstar in his native country (apparently much to his dismay at the time). In translation it is also one of the most read Japanese novels in the Western Hemisphere.[citation needed]

Despite its mainstream popularity in Japan, Murakami's contemporary readership saw Norwegian Wood as an unwelcome departure from his by-then established style of energetic prose flavored with the unexpected and supernatural (as exemplified by Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, released two years earlier). Yet, as translator Jay Rubin observes in the translator's note to the 2000 English edition, Norwegian Wood retains much of the complexity and symbolism characteristic of Murakami's work, and is thus "by no means 'just' a love story".


[edit] The novel's title

The original Japanese title, Noruwei no Mori, is the standard Japanese translation of the title of The Beatles song "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)," written by John Lennon (the song is often mentioned in the novel). This itself seems to be a mistranslation, since noruwei no mori means "Norwegian wood," as in forest, and not the material wood referred to in the song. The novel however mentions the song itself invoking for Toru a peaceful mental state, as if one is walking through a wood; and a dark state of mind is compared to a dark forest, both comparisons perhaps adding poignancy to the Japanese translation of the song title.

[edit] Characters in Norwegian Wood

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
  • Toru Watanabe — The main character and narrator. He is a Tokyo college student of average ability, majoring in drama but without reason or conviction for doing so. Unlike most students, he is interested in Western, and in particular, American literature. He is Kizuki's best friend, and develops romantic relationships with Naoko, and later, Midori.
  • Naoko — a beautiful but emotionally fragile woman who is Kizuki's girlfriend, but becomes involved with Toru after Kizuki's death. Naoko's older sister committed suicide at age seventeen which, along with Kizuki's suicide, has a lasting effect on Naoko's emotional stability.
  • Midori Kobayashi — a vivacious, outgoing classmate of Toru. She and her sister help their father run a small bookstore. She originally had a boyfriend but develops feelings for Toru as she gets to know him more, and eventually breaks up with her boyfriend, setting Toru in a tough situation.
  • Reiko Ishida — a music teacher and a close friend of Naoko who stays with her at the asylum. As a result of lifelong mental problems that wrecked her professional musical career and later her marriage, she attempts to advise Toru and Naoko in their relationship, and tries to be neutral later on when Toru also feels attracted to Midori.
  • Kizuki — Toru's best friend in high school, and Naoko's first boyfriend. Kizuki took his own life when he was seventeen.
  • Nagasawa — a diplomacy student at the elite University of Tokyo who befriends Toru through a shared love of The Great Gatsby. Nagasawa is unusually charismatic, and is complex in both his ideals and personal relationships. Often given to debauchery, Toru initially goes along with him to have intercourse with random girls Nagasawa picks up, but later he just stays on as Nagasawa's on/off friend.
  • Hatsumi — the long-suffering girlfriend of Nagasawa. A kind woman by nature, she tries to offer advice to Toru, but Toru is reluctant to trust her or Nagasawa, for fear of the situation with Naoko and Kizuki being repeated. (Outside the story of the book, she will get married, two years after Nagasawa leaves for Germany, only to commit suicide after another two years by slashing her wrists.)
  • "Storm Trooper" — Toru's dormitory roommate who is obsessed with cleanliness, and who is majoring in cartography in preparation for a career at the Geographical Survey Institute of Japan. He later moves out, leaving their room entirely to Toru until he moves out of the dorm altogether.
  • Itoh — an art student whom Toru meets after moving out of the dorm he shared with Nagasawa and Storm Trooper. The two share a love of Boris Vian. He has a girlfriend in his hometown of Nagasaki, but her unease about Itoh's chosen career leads him to unease about their relationship.
  • Momoko (Momo) Kobayashi — Midori's sister.
  • Mr. Kobayashi — Midori's widowed father. Midori had initially said that he had immigrated to Uruguay, but that later turns out to be a joke; Mr. Kobayashi was actually in a hospital in Tokyo, with brain cancer. When Midori and Toru visit him, Toru briefly stays to take care of him alone. He later dies, and his daughters sell the bookstore to move to new quarters.
  • Sir Nakano — the nickname given to the head of Toru's dorm, a man who is popularly rumoured to be a former spy.
  • Uniform — the nickname given to Nakano's assistant, known for always wearing a school uniform.

[edit] Plot synopsis

A 37 year old Toru Watanabe has just arrived in Hamburg, Germany. When he hears an orchestral cover of the Beatles' song "Norwegian Wood", he is suddenly overwhelmed by feelings of loss and nostalgia. He thinks back to 1960s, when so much happened that touched his life...

Toru, his classmate Kizuki, and Kizuki's girlfriend Naoko are the best of friends. Kizuki and Naoko are particularly close and feel as if they are soulmates; and Toru seems more than happy to be their enforcer. This idyllic existence is interrupted by the unexpected suicide of Kizuki on his 17th birthday. Kizuki's death deeply touches both surviving friends; Toru feels the influence of death everywhere, while Naoko feels as if some integral part of her has been permanently lost. The two of them spend more and more time together, trying to console one another, and they eventually fall in love. On the night of Naoko's 20th birthday, she feels especially vulnerable, and they consummate their love. Afterwards, Naoko leaves Toru a letter saying that she needs some time apart and that she is quitting college to go to a sanatorium.

The blossoming of their love is set against a backdrop of civil unrest. The students at Toru's college go on strike and call for a revolution. Inexplicably, the students end their strike and act as if nothing had happened, which enrages Toru as a sign of hypocrisy.

Toru befriends a fellow Drama classmate, Midori Kobayashi. She is everything that Naoko is not — outgoing, vivacious, supremely self-confident. Despite his love for Naoko, Toru finds himself attracted to Midori as well. Midori is attracted to him also, and their friendship grows during Naoko's absence.

Toru visits Naoko at her secluded mountain sanatorium near Kyoto. There he meets Reiko Ishida, another patient there who has become Naoko's confidante. During this and subsequent visits, Reiko and Naoko reveal more about their past: Reiko talks about her search for sexual identity, and Naoko talks about the unexpected suicide of her older sister several years ago.

Toru, now back in Tokyo, unintentionally alienates Midori through both his lack of consideration of her wants and needs, and his continuing thoughts about Naoko. He writes a letter to Reiko, asking for her advice about his conflicted affections for both Naoko and Midori. He doesn't want to hurt Naoko, but he doesn't want to lose Midori either. Reiko counsels him to seize this chance for happiness and see how his relationship with Midori turns out.

A later letter informs Toru that Naoko has taken her own life. Toru, grieving and in a daze, wanders aimlessly around Japan, while Midori — who hasn't kept in touch with him — wonders what has happened to him. After about a month of fugue, he returns to the Tokyo area, where Reiko is visiting. With her support, he comes to the conclusion that Midori is the most important person in his life. Toru calls Midori out of the blue to declare his love for her. What happens following this is never revealed - Midori's response is characteristically (by this point) cold, yet the fact that she does not explicitly cut Toru off at that point (like she did before) leaves things open.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Allusions/references to other works

  • When Toru first moves into the dorm, he is struck by the punctual raising of the Flag of Japan and playing of the Japanese national anthem by Sir Nakano and Uniform, two characters that he finds somewhat ridiculous.

[edit] English translations

Norwegian Wood has been translated into English twice. The first was by Alfred Birnbaum (who translated many of Murakami's earlier novels), and was published in 1989 in Japan by Kodansha as part of the Kodansha English Library series. Like other books in this pocket-sized series, the English text was intended for Japanese students of English, and even featured an appendix listing the Japanese text for key English phrases encountered in the novel. Notably, this edition kept the two volume division of the original Japanese version, and its color scheme--the first volume having a red cover, the second green (the first UK edition in 2000 would also keep this division and appearance). This earlier translation has been discontinued in Japan.

The second translation, by Jay Rubin, is the authorized version for publication outside Japan and was first published in 2000 by Harvill Press in the UK, and Vintage International in the USA.

The two translations differ somewhat. Of note, there are some differences in nicknames: Toru's roommate, for example, is called "Kamikaze" in the Birnbaum translation, and "Storm Trooper" in the Rubin translation.

[edit] Film, TV or theatrical adaptations

British director Hugh Hudson, best-known for Chariots of Fire, is rumoured to plan directing a film based on the novel.

[edit] References