Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria
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The Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (often abbreviated as NAV) is a text prepared by the International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature. It is used as the standard reference for anatomical (zootomical) terminology in the field of Veterinary Science. ICVAN (Prof. H. Waibl) Prof. Waibl informs that the 5th Edition of the NAV has been published and is accessible for free on the WAVA homepage. He expresses his gratitude to all the members of the International Committee on Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature ICVAN for their work and in particular to its secretary, Prof. H. Gasse for his outstanding support. He also acknowledges the immediate publication of the NAV on the website. Work on the NAV was accomplished in close collaboration with Prof. Simoens, president of the International Committee on Veterinary Embryological Nomenclature ICVEN. The current edition of the NAV is the result of a comprehensive revision. Yet, further work needs to be done. Therefore, any members being interested in actively contributing to this task are encouraged to come forward. Prof. Waibl also transmits the following message from Prof. H. Gasse: The secretary's major concern is about the striking lack of active members in the Committee. The number of colleagues who declared themselves ready to participate is in fact too small in some of the subcommittees, for instance in Splanchnologia. A major reason for this might be that many colleagues were afraid of a heavy workload, particularly during the period when the new edition of the Nomina was prepared. However, now that the 5th edition has been published, some of you may feel encouraged to join. As president of region 1, Prof. Waibl is concerned about the lack to contacts with African members. Therefore, he suggests that our colleagues from the African continent should consider establishing an African Association. As this would increase the number of regions and, consequently, the number of vice-presidents, an amendment of the constitution would be required. Therefore, he invites Prof. Saber to fathom out the issue with his colleagues so as to be prepared to table a motion for the next general assembly. 4. ICVEN (Prof. P. Simoens) The International Committee on Veterinary Embryological Nomenclature ICVEN was appointed in 2003 in Knoxville. The 2nd edition of the NEV is dedicated to the memory of Prof. W. O. Sack who devoted his life to promoting veterinary morphology and who had also contributed decisively to the advancement of the NEV as a member and chairman of the ICVEN. Prof. Sack passed away in 2005 and Prof. Simoens calls to hold a minute’s silence to commemorate Prof. W. O. Sack. With respect to the constitution of the ICVEN, Prof. Simoens would value the inclusion of more members from outside Europe. Prof. Simoens acknowledges the support of all the people who contributed to accomplishing the revision. The NEV is accessible on the WAVA website. The 2nd edition of the NEV constitutes a thorough revision. Notwithstanding, a number of questions will need to be addressed. These include species coverage (rabbit, birds), improvements in the classification as well as the elimination of ambiguous and contradictory terms. To meet this challenge, the formation of subcommittees with specific tasks should be considered (Termini generales et Reproductio mammalium (& avium?); Embryogenesis; Organogenesis; Membranae fetales; Dysmorphia). However, progress will not be possible without new active members from different regions of the world. 2/4 Besides convenient accessibility, saving money was a reason for publishing the NAV and the NEV on Internet. However, Prof. Simoens found a printing house, that would be willing to print these books on demand and for free. The copyrights of the WAVA would not be touched upon and costs for shipping and handling would be minimal. Prof. Simoens would be willing to add an index and, thus, the Nomina would also be available as hardcopies for any interested colleagues. A consultative vote reveals that all the attendants gratefully welcome this initiative. The president expresses his sincere gratitude to Prof. Simoens for providing and arranging this unique opportunity.