Noah Rosenberg

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Noah Rosenberg
Noah Rosenberg

Noah Rosenberg is a geneticist working in evolutionary biology and human genetics and population genetics, at the University of Michigan, where he heads the Noah Rosenberg laboratory at the University of Michigan.

Rosenberg earned his BA in Mathematics from Rice University (1997), his MS in Mathematics and his PhD in Biological Sciences from Stanford University (1999, 2001), and his Postdoc in Computational Biology from University of Southern California (2001-2005).

Rosenberg's work is concerned with quantifiable changes in the human genome over time. A 2002 paper in the journal Science addressed the famous question of whether race has a biological basis - and conluded that it largely does not. This more sophisticated analysis corroborates results defended by geneticist Luca Cavalli-Sforza since the 1960s.

Rosenberg is perhaps most famous outside the population genetics field for work that he did as a teenager. He spent his last three years of high school at the prestigious Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) in Aurora, Illinois, where he was involved in a number of math competitions. There he developed the "Noah Sheets," a four page collection of challenging elementary results from algebra and geometry that are useful in competitions at the high school level. High school competitors in Chicago and elsewhere still use them, over ten years after Rosenberg graduated.

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