Nitrogen inversion

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Nitrogen inversion in ammonia
Nitrogen inversion in ammonia
Inversion of an amine.  The pair of dots represents the lone electron pair on the nitrogen atom.
Inversion of an amine. The pair of dots represents the lone electron pair on the nitrogen atom.

In chemistry, a nitrogen compound like ammonia in a trigonal pyramid geometry undergoes rapid nitrogen inversion whereby the molecule turns inside out. This interconversion is a room temperature process because the energy barrier (24.2 kJ/mol) is relatively small. Contrast this to phosphine which does not show inversion at room temperature (energy barrier: 132 kJ/mol) [1]. Even if all three substituents on the nitrogen in an amine are different, rapid inversion would prevent the nitrogen atom from becoming a permanent chiral center, since such inversion becomes effectively like a conformational change.

However, if the nitrogen is a bridgehead atom in a bicyclo or a similar compound where it cannot invert around the lone electron pair, then the nitrogen atom could be a chiral center if all three substituents on it are effectively different. An example of such a compound is Tröger's base.

In one study the inversion in an aziridine was slowed down by a factor of 50 by placing the nitrogen atom in the vicinity of an phenolic alcohol group compared to the oxidized hydroquinone [2] :

Nitrogen inversion Davies 2006

The system interconverts by oxidation by oxygen and reduction by sodium dithionite.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Kölmel, C.; Ochsenfeld, C.; Ahlrichs, R. An ab initio investigation of structure and inversion barrier of triisopropylamine and related amines and phosphines. Theor. Chim. Acta. 1991, 82, 271-284. doi:10.1007/BF01113258
  2. ^ Control of Pyramidal Inversion Rates by Redox Switching Mark W. Davies, Michael Shipman, James H. R. Tucker, and Tiffany R. Walsh J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 2006; 128(44) pp 14260 - 14261; (Communication) DOI:10.1021/ja065325f