Talk:Nikolai Luzin

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[edit] POV Issues

It seems to me that this passage is full of loaded language:

"The political offensive against Luzin was launched by not only Stalin's repressive ideological authorities but also a group of Luzin's students headed by Pavel Alexandrov...His students, participating in his political execution, never showed any remorse. The Luzin case was a prologue to the grim years of Stalin's repressions and political attacks on genetics, relativity, and other trains of free scientific thought."

Referring to the attacks as "political," Stalin's "ideological authorities," and the fact that his students "never showed remorse" all seem to indicate that the criticisms were groundless and that there should've been remorse. I don't know if that's true or not -- what evidence is there on the subject of these accusations and whether or not they were well-founded? If such evidence exists, it should be posted; if not, I'd suggest revising to something like "Some of Luzin's students were involved in accusing him of intellectual misconduct, etc." and leave it at that.

Also I think the whole passage about "the grim years of Stalin's repressions" needs to be cut. "Grim" isn't a neutral word: it's explicitly making a value judgment. I agree with the value judgment, but that's more or less irrelevant to the issue at hand. Pstinchcombe 07:33, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

The evidence of the political nature is given (i.e. excerpt from the editorial of the official party newspaper) and the links are indicated. The Luzin case was definitely political and some of his students were definitely involved. To describe the case as accusations of misconduct is far from neutral; it is a red herring that was invented by the students that showed no remorse about the political execution of their teacher even after thirty years after Stalin's and Luzib's death. These are facts.