Nidaros cathedral boys choir
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The Nidaros Cathedral Boys Choir (Chorus Puerorum Cathedralis Nidrosiensis) is a Norwegian churchchoir.
Nidaros Cathedral Boys Choir (Nidarosdomens Guttekor) in Trondheim represents a tradition of boys and men cathedral choristers stretching back almost 900 years. The present conductor is Bjørn Moe (Bjørn Moe is the choir's artistic manager, and conductor).
The Nidaros Cathedral Boys Choir has been closely linked to the Cathedral School, across the street from the cathedral, for 900 years. The choir holds its regular rehearsals there. At the end of the 11th century Norwegian and English stone carvers came to Trondheim to build the Christ Church, the predecessor to the cathedral. In one of the chapels the stonecarvers' sons were instructed by the clergymen in Gregorian songs and liturgy, and the boys sang at masses, just like today's choir. This was the beginning of Trondheim Cathedral School and the tradition of a boys' choir in the cathedral. New classrooms were soon built near the church - probably where the school is situated today.
In 1806 the official bonds to the Cathedral School were broken. From now on the song duty was attended to by the Common Parish School, and from 1862 by the "Waisenhuset" school (Orphanage school) until 1905. For 22 years Trondheim had no boys' choir. But when planning the 900th anniversary of the death of St. Olav, chaplain Arne Fjellbu, later to become bishop, took the initiative to establish a new boys' choir in Trondheim.
In the autumn of 1927 Nidaros Cathedral Boys' Choir was re-established under leadership of Erik Saltnessand, who was engaged as conductor, and now the choir was back at Trondheim Cathedral School.
In 1948, Churchorganist Ludvig Nielsen took over as conductor.
Bjørn Moe took over as conductor in 1973
[edit] Discography
-Jul i Nidarosdomen = christmas in the Nidaros cathedral. Released in 1992
-Laudate. Released in 1994
-Julekveld = Christmas eve. Released in 1995
-Våre vakreste salmer og sanger = A selection from some of our best hymnes and songs. Released in 1996
-Snørosa (the choir participated in this record with Åge Aleksandersen, Ulf Risnes and Bjarne Brøndboe). Released in 1996
-Stille Natt = Silent Night. Released in 1998
-Jul med guttekoret = Christmas with the choir. Released in 1999
-Våre beste julesanger = Some of our best christmascarols
-Evige Øyeblikk = Eternal moment. Released in 2003
-Frelsesarmeens Julesanger (this record is a charity-record). Released in 2004
-Aria. Released in 20th of November 2006
Some of the records are recorded with the Norwegian violinist Arve Tellefsen[1]
Note: Some the translations in the recordnames may be wrong (all the names in Norwegian are correct).
[edit] Links English verson of the choirs site.