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Born on the 16th of February 1990, Nicholas Martin Donovan has led a fruitful and seemingly joy-filled life up until this point. His family has gone through a lot of moving from suburb to suburb, and they have now settled on the quiet suburb of Dural, in the Hills District.

He left home and his worries behind and started his education at Hornsby Heights Primary School, where he soon discovered his passion for learning. At a young age Nicholas was an avid reader and liked nothing more than picking up a good book or sitting down to compose, what he believe to be a new best seller. But he was only 7 years old, and his work was pretty shithouse. Halfway through Year 3 at Hornsby Heights, his family made the heartbreaking move from Hornsby to Dural and Nicholas took up the reigns at Dural Primary School. He found the switch in schools surprisingly easy and adapted to a new lifestyle and school, where sport reigned supreme and Nicholas found a passion burning inside of him that yearned for football and futsal.

Starting Year 4 he formed a strong friendship with a boy by the name of Tom and an alliance formed that would bring through til the end of their primary school years. In Year 6 Nicholas was announced as School Captain of Dural Primary after a massive rise to fame, and even though he did not have the full support of many teachers, Nicholas completed his tasks with diligence and a never-say-die attitude that saw him become one of the most controversial School Captains in Dural Primary's history. He spent most lunch times outside the staffroom on detention and a memorable detention was one time in Scripture when their teacher had pitted the boys against the girls in a game and she was clearly favouring the girls, Nicholas and his friends stood on their chairs and abused their teacher chanting "Sexist, Sexist". That was one weeks worth of detention for them, but it was well worth it to see her respect males from that point on.

He graduated from Dural Primary and joined his older brother at Galston High School where Nicholas was accepted into the Extension class and like always, he excelled at everything he tried. It seemed everything he touched turned to gold, and his acting skills, and love for the flamboyant became apparent in his English class where he became the class actor and teacher's clear favourite. Although as in Dural, Nicholas was not Nicholas without trouble following him around. He had many run-ins with his anti-christ of a music teacher and his desire to piss her off gave him many lunch time litter duties and a reputation for being a quiet, yet secretly hardcore student. His time at Galston High School came to an end halfway through Year 7 and the Donovan Family made the leap from public high school to Anglican private school and Nicholas and his older brother joined the ranks of many at William Clarke College.

WCC was a new experience for Nicholas, he was a simple boy from the bush and his new surroundings led him to believe he was a like a naive sheep, being led to the slaughter. He found strong friendships every quickly (for privacy reasons, names will not be mentioned) and he has maintained those friendships until this very day. His learning passion only increased with his new opportunities at WCC and he was accepted into many Enrichment courses and once again discovered his passion for writing. But in Year 10, whilst completing his School certificate, Nicholas was struck down by Glandular Fever and was bed ridden for four weeks. This time alone everyday gave Nicholas time to contemplate life and he returned to school a new man, a wiser man. He paid less attention to school and devoted more to dreaming big and he wanted top marks without putting in the effort required.

This slack work ethic followed Nicholas through Year 11, where he still achieved respectable grades, but he knew his life was not going in the direction he wanted it to. He tried to several occasions to care about school and to put effort in but he came our feeling hollow and it seemed to him like he was going through life without any purpose. He was a drifter in a world where people were being driven by their own ambitions, and Nicholas realised he was falling behind other people he knew he could have the edge over. In his present situation, Nicholas is almost halfway through completing his HSC course and is looking to lift his marks and grades to give him the option of choosing a course he found enjoyable or interesting at University and he is hoping to fulfill his dream of churning out one novel per year and being paid millions for it and owning mansions in Sydney, on the Coast of the Mediterranean and in the mountains of New Zealand.


[edit] Sporting Career

Nicholas, like many young boys found a passion in Football (soccer) and his love for the sport grew and grew as he matured. There was no denying his natural talent, he was a defender in his early years who loved nothing more than to clear the ball up field and get in the face of opposition strikers. But as the game grew more complex, so did Nicholas. He had one year at striker where he profited off the vision and talent of hsi school mate Tom in midfield and the excellent coaching of Mr Zann. He then took a year off to cope with his Osgood-Schlatter Disease in both knees and this only fueled his desire to get out on the pitch and he worked on his skills and sharpness in the off season to prepare to come back.

He returned back on the field and took a new position in the centre of midfield where he thrived and found a knack for scoring goals. His right boot contributed to over 40 goals in two seasons from midfield and his fearsome tackling and smartarse attitude made him many enemies.

Apart from his success in the outdoor soccer arena, Nicholas also applied himself to his Futsal (indoor soccer). Plying his trade out of Dural Leisure Centre, Nicholas learned knew skills and tricks that he took onto the outdoor field to great success and but getting ten times the more touches, he was able to use the ball differently and he started to realise a different importance to football. Entertainment. His free-lancing and roaming abilities in his position in outdoor was greatly developed by his new skills and ball distribution skills he acquired through Futsal.

In June/July of 2006, Donovan went on a Futsal trip to Europe where he trained with Lazio/Nepi in Italy and with Playas De Castellon of Spain. Donovan also completed a one week training camp with Playas and with other Spanish teenagers. Ten other boys also went on trip, with three receiving extended trials back at their respective clubs, and in one instance, one of the boys received a contract offer on the spot. After arriving back in Australia without a contract and thinking of pursuing a career in writing or journalism Donovan got the news that one of the coaches from Spain was impressed with him and one of the other boys and there was a chance Nicholas could be heading back to Spain, not to Playas, but to another club on the northern tip of Portugal. After weeks of deliberation, the club decided they could not support the two boys and Nicholas was once again rejected from his dreams. He returned to the futsal scene in Australia however and began working his way back to top form after a month resting from the overseas trip. He is still playing futsal and is not sure whether he will have another go at a contract or further his studies and attend University in Australia.


Outdoor - Hornsby Heights 1996, 1997, 1998 Hills Hawk's 1999 West Pennant Hills 2001, 2002, 2003 & 2005

Futsal (Club Sides) - Cannonballs 1999/00, 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03 Those With Faith II 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07

Futsal (Representative Honours) - State Championships: 2001 Runners up (Cannonballs), 2004, 2005, 2006 Champions (Those With Faith II)

National Championships:(SCHOOLBOYS NATIONALS FOR NSW) 2002 Runner up, 2003 Champions (Selected in Australian All-star Team), 2005

Champions (CLUB NATIONALS FOR NSW) 2005 Runner up, 2006 Champions