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You've seem to have stumbled onto my Wikipedia Page! Well I strongly suggest that you read my ideas because that's all you'll find here - nothing about me other than that.

I Am Nicholas Ryan Iverson

How to create exotic matter!!!

In order to create exotic matter you need to bend spacetime in a unique way. First take empty space, no mass, and then take energy away - a strong electrical draw or endothermic reaction could cause this. As you cannot take energy away from nothing I'm going to assume that this is imposible, but if you succeeded you would have created a vaccuum in spacetime (not like a low pressure but more like regular space) and then that space would have been efectively slowed as far as the speed at which time travels, and as a vaccuum would be expected spacetime fills it'self, that space would then travel through time relatively faster than the normal speed of one second per... second. Exactly half the ammount of time faster the space is moving through time after the reaction takes place there will be from the void exotic matter with a mass and energy equal to what you put into the system (negative mass and energy equal to what you drew from space-time) and the properties of which would corespond to the type of reaction and the nature of spacetime itself. A similar method would be used to create matter from energy, with p0sative energy and mass 0f c0urse.

Nicholascobalt 11:01, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

My solution to the ontological paradox

The solution to the paradox is that it is built upon assumed tangent timelines in which the item was created before the loop began.

Even though the events that make up the loop only actually occur once, time flows like electricy along the path of least resistance. Where a logic loop in time would be possible, the continuation of events will be based on the loop that is consistent. One example where information can be lost is a temporal black hole, the consistent loop contains information that has a history but one that never occurs.

Anyone with a time machine can travel back in time and with themselves as witness read someones mind.

Consistent logic and Temporal Hole

A time traveler is asked to guess what is written on a piece of paper - so they travel back in time and take thier past self with them when they guess and get it right seemingly on the first try. Also, only with this understanding it is possible.

In order to reach the correct answer, at some point you must have guessed wrong, but knowing this was the wrong answer when it was your past self’s turn to travel back in time to guess with thier past self as witness they would have guessed something different and eventuality would cause them to get the right answer the first time, because chronologically there was no second time.

If you knew that you would guess right the wrong answer couldn't be given. There can be no example of the loop ending with a wrong answer being fed out each time, because a wrong answer would lead to the loop changing and only a consistent loop can end.

The number of course would be 42.

In most instances of the ontological paradox, an item is taken into the past by the owner to give it to the person they received it from, and the resulting loop would age the item each time the loop took place. The item of course would not age. The reason the item does not age with each loop is because it was created at some point, and that relative to the loop time continues and the events that make up the loop only occur once.

Nicholascobalt 08:41, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

Also, is it a paradox if someone is told that they would die of a heart attack, and during exercise meant to prevent the heart attack they have a heart attack and die? For this to happen time travel isn't required, it could be an educated guess from a doctor or a guess from a stranger with no basis and would be, though ironic, not a paradox.

Nicholascobalt 09:09, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

I believe in Spinoza's God - well almost, read on.

Substance exists and cannot be dependent on anything else for its existence. No two substances can share the same nature or attribute. Proof: Two distinct substances can be differentiated either by some difference in their natures or by the some difference in one of their alterable states of being. If they have different natures, then the original proposition is granted and the proof is complete. If, however, they are distinguished only by their states of being, then, considering the substances in themselves, there is no difference between the substances and they are identical. "That is, there cannot be several such substances but only one." [2] A substance can only be caused by something similar to itself (something that shares its attribute). Substance cannot be caused. Proof: Something can only be caused by something which is similar to itself, in other words something that shares its attribute. But according to premise 2, no two substances can share an attribute. Therefore substance cannot be caused. Substance is infinite. Proof: If substance were not infinite, it would be finite and limited by something. But to be limited by something is to be dependent on it. However, substance cannot be dependent on anything else (premise 1), therefore substance is infinite.

Conclusion: There can be two infinite substances, without either being dependent on each other, because there is unlimited space that they could occupy. Proof: If there was not infinite space that a substance could occupy then it would be limited by space and this would act as a restraint making the substance dependent upon space. However substance cannot be dependent upon anything else (premise 1) therefore space is infinite.

This is only really siginificant because there can be two infinite substances an infinite distance away from each other, or even together and never restrain each other, unless of course they react in some way that leads to a third substance that wouldn't react with whatever substance was in surplus or instead of a third substance perhaps nothing.

There is a posibility that there was no surplus of a substance and exact equal ammounts, but it's just as likely that there was more of one than the other, though it may be hard to imagine anything infinite being more or less than anything else you could describe as infinite, compare them to numbers, every number has infinite numbers smaller than itself, and by comparing two of these numbers you can find a difference, the same could be said to compair two things infinite in size.

Nicholascobalt 23:23, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

I would like to suggest that as something accelerated to "the speed of light" it would become Electromagnetic radiation and that this is simply another phase of matter and effectively the speed that magnetic and electric components of matter oscilate. And that the actual speed that this occurs varies for differing substances and affects the amplitude and wavelength of the resulting radiation. Nicholascobalt 23:50, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

Today I designed a transmission where the gears from one torque are accessable in a linear fasion and would shift between gears faster - automatically as needed - and end the need of accuators or a clutch, but I'm going to have my neighbor Kieth Visser look at it before I post anything up here.

Nicholascobalt 11:01, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

Today I made a realisation that most of the world seems to be unaware of! There is no god - fools.

A temporal black hole is the opposite of a physical place hole but very similar (and in some instances the same thing) though a temporal black hole only takes a single point in time, it can move through space at unchecked speeds, while a physical black hole takes only one point in space and travels unchecked through time. The formation of a temporal black hole is quite different than a physical black in that it forms backwards and unforms as it travels forwards through time, or it exists and everything that it includes exists in one form or another before and up until it ends but afterwards information from the relative past would be lost. The formation of a temporal black hole is usually caused by a time travel paradox where information is gained and from a definitive source, but the information of How it was gained is lost. Going back in time to help yourself find something you lost before it is too late to retrieve it, which is only possible if you would still then travel back in time, so giving yourself instructions to go back in time to find that something causes a consistent loop - the only events that actually happen aren't caused by events that "happen" but did happen at some place with no when, or behind the event horizon of the temporal black hole.

Nicholascobalt 11:34, 13 March 2007 (UTC)