Nico Perrone

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Nico [Nicola Carlo] Perrone, Bari, Italy, April 27, 1935.

Professor of Contemporary History, and American History (since 1977), director of the Institute of Modern and Contemporary History (1988-90, 1991-94), professor of the European Module in Social and Economic History of European Integration (since 1994), Bari University.

Host professor in Denmark, Roskilde (since 1991) and Copenhagen (2003) Universities, Copenhagen Business School) (1992, 1993), in Switzerland (Lugano, 1998, 2000), and in USA (Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1983). Host professor, University of Padua, Italy (1981, 1999).

Honorary citizen of the State of Nebraska, USA (1986).

Founder member, vice president (1995-96), member of the board (1991-98) of The European Education Programme on Society-Science & Technology - ESST, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (master in Society, Science & Technology in Europe). Member of the Board of Federico Caffè Center at Roskilde University. Workshop on the European Research towards the XXIst Century, EU - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies - IPTS, Seville, Spain (1996).

Contributor to several newspapers, and to the Westdeutscher Rundfunk - WDR (2001), Cologne, Germany.

Co-director of Storia in rete (since 2005), an Italian monthly review. Director of America (1980-84), a series on the USA (Bari, Dedalo).


  • Mattei il nemico italiano. Politica e morte del presidente dell'ENI attraverso i documenti segreti. 1945-1962 [Mattei, the Italian Enemy. Death and Policy of ENI's President through Secret Papers], Milan, Leonardo (Mondadori), 1989
  • Il dissesto programmato. Le partecipazioni statali nel sistema di consenso democristiano [The Planned Bankruptcy. The State Owned Industries in the Christian Democratic Consent System], Bari, Dedalo, 1991
  • European and American Patterns in a Conflictive Development, Roskilde, RUC, 1992
  • De Gasperi e l'America. Un dominio pieno e incontrollato [America and De Gasperi. Under an Uncontrolled and Full Domination], Palermo, Sellerio, 1995
  • Obiettivo Mattei. Petrolio, Stati Uniti e politica dell'ENI [Target Mattei. Oil, United States and ENI Policy], Rome, Gamberetti, 1995
  • Maastricht from Scandinavia, Festschrift for Bruno Amoroso, Roskilde, RUC, 1996
  • Giallo Mattei. I discorsi del fondatore dell'ENI che sfidò gli USA, la NATO e le Sette Sorelle [Mattei's Thriller. The Speaches of the Founder of ENI Who Challenged the USA, NATO, and the Seven Sisters], Rome, Stampa Alternativa - Nuovi Equilibri, 1999
  • Il nazionalismo imperiale degli Stati Uniti [The Imperial Nationalism of the US], in Ditelo a Sparta [Tell It to Sparta], Genova, Graphos, 1999
  • Il truglio. Infami, delatori e pentiti nel Regno di Napoli [The Muddle. Infamous, Delator, and Repentant People in the Kingdom of Naples], Palermo, Sellerio, 2000
  • Il segno della DC. L’Italia dalla sconfitta al G-7 [The DC Sign. Italy from Its Defeat to G-7], Bari, Dedalo, 2002
  • Economia pubblica rimossa. Le partecipazioni statali dalla teoria degli oneri impropri alla privatizzazione [The Public Economy Removed. The Italian State Participations from the Theory of Improper Burdens to the Privatization], Milan, Giuffrè, 2002
  • The International Economy from a Political to an Authoritative Drive, Roskilde, RUC, 2003
  • Perché uccisero Enrico Mattei. Petrolio e guerra fredda nel primo grande delitto italiano [Why They Have Killed Enrico Mattei. Oil and Cold War in the First Great Italian Crime], Rome, l’Unità, 2006
  • La Loggia della Philantropia. Un religioso danese a Napoli prima della rivoluzione. Con la corrispondenza massonica e altri documenti [The Philantropia Lodge. A Danish Priest to Naples before the Revolution. With Masonic Papers and Other Documents], Palermo, Sellerio, 2006


  • Prima pagina, Radio3, RAI (the Italian tv and broadcasting corporation), a week of comments (January 5-11, 1986)

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