
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en This user is a native speaker of English.
SI This user uses the metric system of measurement.


[edit] About Me

My website has more about me, and my thoughts and projects. I'm a bit of a computer and programming nerd; most of that website was written by hand.

I'm a college student, attending Middle Tennessee State University in Tennessee, USA. Born August 10th, I am the fifth of six in my immediate family.

'newagelink' I came up with when I was 13 or so; at the time my favorite video games were the Legend of Zelda series, and I entertained ideas of Link in this day and age; modern Link, 'new age' Link. I saw something on AOL, or maybe it was a dream, I dunno ... but it turned out being The Twilight Princess. So now I'm thinking about changing my account name to something else. (I've had "NewAgeLink"/"newagelink" for three or four years, now.)

My interests, in alphabetical order: acting, animals, anime, art, bands, bible, biking, board games, books, card games, cartoons, catholicism, chemistry, chess, christianity, church, clouds, comics, computers, conservation, creativity, culture, digital images, eating, economics, education, english, environment, environmentalism, food, french, friends, games, german, guitar, health, hiking, honesty, humor, internet, japanese, jokes, jpop, knowledge, language, linguistics, love, lutes, magic, manga, masquers, media, men, money, movies, music, music composition, musical instruments, nature, orchestration, originality, painting, people, philosophy, photography, physics, piano, plays, poetry, politics, pollution, programming, psychology, radio, random things, reading, religion, rollerblading, science, singing, skating, sleep, soccer, society, spanish, spirituality, supernatural, swimming, television, theater, theology, video games, weather, wind, women, world music, writing.

I am a fan of Wikipedia; free information, especially a free encyclopedia, is always good... I try to contribute as often as I can.

[edit] Acting

I've been in several plays throughout my life. In order, as I remember them:

  1. "Pirates of Penzance" - Mr. Sullivan 2000/2001 (8th grade, 13)
  2. "Wizard of Oz" - Wizard of Oz 2000/2001 (8th grade, 13)
  3. "A Comedy of Errors" - Merchant #1 or #3, not sure which. (Fall 2001, 14. 9th grade.)
  4. "Pillow Talk" - Extra/Stagehand (Fall 2002, 15. 10th grade.)
  5. "Brigadoon" - Townsman (Spring 2003, 15. 10th grade)
  6. "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" - Centaur/Evil creature (Fall 2003, 16. 11th grade)
  7. "The Princess Aida" - Priest #3 (Spring 2003, 11th grade. 16)
  8. that play about the funeral - that bum character (Fall 2004, 17. 12th grade)
  9. "Cinderella" - Extra (Spring 2005, 17. 12th grade)
  10. "It's Love, Isn't It?" - Dale (Fall 2006, 2nd year of college. 19) Sidelines news article

Other things I've done. I'd include them with this list, but I can't remember in what order they were:

  1. Radio Show 2005 - Sound Effects Man. A skit we put on at AMSE, Josh could tell you more about it.
  2. Haunted Lab 2004 - Actor/set construction/effects. A haunted house type deal at AMSE, Josh could tell you more.
  3. Haunted Lab 2002? - Set construction / Actor. Another haunted house type deal at AMSE.
  4. Train Robbery, 2003 - I was a sheriff that broke up a heist. Yay Secret City Train thing.
  5. Train Robbery, 2004 - I was set to be an old crotchety rich man who gets killed in this murder mystery, but couldn't do it because I had auditions at MTSU, I think. Jill directed this one, I believe. (Josh directed and produced the rest.)

[edit] Music

I liked how my older sister (by 9 years) played the piano when I was about four, but I never gave it much thought. I saw music videos on TV -- Mylon and Broken Heart -- and thought the guitar was so cool. I asked my mother for guitar lessons, but before she'd let me she told me I'd have to start on piano. I began piano lessons at five, and still play. I later began guitar lessons at 13, summer of eighth grade.

Spent a year as a Music Major, Concentration: Guitar Performance. That didn't work out; see below. I like music better as a hobby than a profession, and thus my radio show.

I have a radio show with WMTS, MTSU's student-run radio nonprofit organization. It's called Instrumentality Project. It began in the Summer of 2006. I'm hosting as much as I can of my show for free download, here. To see the music I like, check out my Album Reviews; to see what I'm listening to, see my User Page.

[edit] Education

I graduated from high school in Spring 2005. I spent a year (Fall 2005 - Spring 2006) as a Music Major, Concentration: Guitar Performance, at Middle Tennessee State University.

During Fall 2005, I lived in Corlew Hall, a horrible freshman dorm (drugs rampant, as well as immature residents.) I was elected Vice-President of our Area Government, but I was appalled at the conditions there. I established the website for Corlew's Area Government -- it was never used -- and very quickly moved to Felder Hall for Spring 2006. After my arrival, MTSU raised the GPA required for Honors courses from a 3.0 to a 3.25. (4 * .25) + (3 * .75) = 3.25; to be eligible for MTSU's Honors program one would need 25% As and 75% Bs. My GPA at the end of Spring 2006 was a 3.788; my goal is to have 80% As and 20% Bs, a 3.800.

The music major wasn't working for me. As nice as entertaining crowds is, I want to do more with my life. Now I am pursuing a Major in Physics, Concentration: Medical Physics. After discovering that only three additional courses are required for teacher licensure (Geology and Biology), I will likely continue along that path as well.

I'm interested in getting minors in both German and Spanish, and I'm wondering about Japanese and Computer Science as well.

[edit] Grades

  1. Fall 2005 grades
  2. Spring 2006 grades
  3. Summer 2006 grades
  4. Fall 2006 grades

[edit] Courses Taken

[edit] 2005 Fall: August 29 - December 17

The following constitutes 17 credit hours.

  1. (Honors) Algebra/Trigonometry - Dr. Jan Zijlstra
  2. (Honors) General Psychology - Dr. Teresa L. Davis
  3. Guitar Chamber Ensembles Dr. Yelverton / Salome Sandoval / Josh Tannehill
  4. Music History I - Professor David B. Pruett
  5. Theory and Aural Skills I - Mr. Bills
  6. Recital Attendance - Dr. Riordan
  7. Class Piano IV - Dr. Lynn Rice-See
  8. Private Instruction Guitar - Salome Sandoval

[edit] 2006 Spring: January 17 - May 6

The following constitutes 16 credit hours.

  1. (Honors) Experience of Literature - Dr. Alfred Lutz
  2. (Honors) Exploring the Universe - Dr. Eric Klumpe
  3. Guitar Chamber Ensembles - Salome Sandoval
  4. Music History IV - Dr. Felicia Miyakawa
  5. Observing the Universe - Jana Ruth Ford
  6. Private Instruction Guitar - Roger Hudson
  7. Recital Attendance - Dr. Riordan
  8. Theory and Aural Skills II - Dr. Michael Linton

[edit] 2006 Summer: June 5 - August 12

The following constitutes 7 credit hours.

  1. Calculus I - Dr. James W. Lea June 5th - August 12th
  2. Survey of United States History I - Dr. Kenneth Scherzer July 10th - August 12th

[edit] 2006 Fall: August 28 - December 16

Sixteen credit hours, approximately $2383:

  1. (Honors) General Chemistry I - Dr MacDougall
  2. (Honors) Calculus II - Dr Hart
  3. Calculus-Based Physics I - Dr Montemayor
  4. University Physics Laboratory I - Dr Weller
  5. Elementary German I - Frau Sinclair
  6. Private Instruction Guitar^ - Roger Hudson

^half an hour, since I changed my major to Physics I wasn't allowed the full hour.)

[edit] 2007 Spring: January 16 - May 5

Courses I'm taking, fifteen credit hours:

  1. Calculus-Based Physics II (3)
  2. University Physics II Laboratory (1)
  3. Calculus III (4)
  4. (Honors) General Chemistry II (4)
  5. (Honors) Psychology of Social Behavior (3)

(Sorted by order of difficulty and importance to me.)

I wanted to take Elementary German II, but Chemistry and Math occupy the only two timeslots it is offered. I then signed up for (Honors) Intermediate Spanish II, but rather than take a course for fun I decided to take a course relevant to my path of graduating from the Honors college, (Honors) Health Psychology. I dropped Theories of Persuasive Communication for (Honors) Psychology of Social Behavior when I noticed it was available.