New Tribes Mission

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New Tribes Mission
Type Evangelical Missions Agency
Founded 1942
Headquarters Sanford, FL
Key people Oli Jacobsen, Chairman
Area served Worldwide
Revenue $57 million in 2005[1]
Employees 3,300[citation needed]

New Tribes Mission (NTM) is an international, theologically evangelical Christian mission organization based in Sanford, Florida. They have approximately 3,200 missionaries in more than 18 nations, second only to Wycliffe Bible Translators/SIL International. David Hasselgrave, Executive Director of the Evangelical Missiological Society, has said of NTM, "New Tribes Mission is in the vanguard of Christian missions. NTM sends out out trained missionaries; they send them to the most needy peoples and places on earth; and they send them equipped with a missionary strategy that is second to none."[2]

NTM has an auxiliary organization called "Friends in Action", formerly "Friends of NTM".


[edit] Mission

NTM's Purpose Statement reads "Motivated by the love of Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, NTM exists to assist the ministry of the local church through the mobilizing, equipping, and coordinating of missionaries to evangelize unreached people groups, translate the Scriptures, and see indigenous New Testament churches established that truly glorify God." [3]

The organization sends missionaries from local churches around the world to Latin America, West Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Arctic. Countries include Brazil, Bolivia, Cambodia, Greenland, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, Senegal, Mongolia, Thailand, Columbia, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Venezuela, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines. [4]

Their focus is on speakers of languages in which no translation of the Bible exists. [5] When such a group is identified, NTM first attempts to make contact and establish a relationship. Then, missionaries are sent to learn the language and the culture of the native people, while further developing relationships and providing humanitarian aid. The missionaries translate biblical literature into the indigenous language, as well as teach natives how to read and write in their own language (which is prevalently necessary). The professed goal, however, is to establish fully functioning churches that operate independently of missionaries,[citation needed] which "in turn reach out to their own people and to neighboring tribes."[6]

NTM's purpose statement states that their sole goal is to "evangelize people groups who have had no access to the Gospel, translate the Scriptures into their language, and plant a church."[7] Furthermore, NTM is held accountable for their actions by MinistryWatch and by the International Foreign Missions Association, and "adheres to the organization's standards."[8]

[edit] Early History

NTM was founded by Paul Fleming from Los Angeles in 1942.[9] Fleming in the 1930s had worked as a missionary in the British colony Malaya. The organization sent out its first group in November 1942, to Bolivia. Of the ten adults and six children, six were killed the following year. According to Time Magazine, five NTM missionaries were killed by aboriginal Bolivians in 1943.[10]

Initially, NTM was based in a former nightclub in Chicago. In 1943, NTM started publishing its magazine Brown Gold. In 1944/45, NTM moved headquarters to Fouts Springs, California, where it established its "boot camp".

In June 1950, the first plane bought by NTM crashed in Venezuela, killing all 15 people on board. The second plane bought by NTM crashed in November the same year at Mount Moran in Grand Teton National Park (Wyoming), while on its way to bring missionaries abroad, killing all 21 aboard, including spouses, several children, and founder Paul Fleming.[11] In July 1953, 14 NTM members serving as volunteer firefighters died in what became known as the Rattlesnake Fire about 25 miles north of Fouts Springs, California in the Mendocino National Forest.[12]

[edit] Beliefs

The core belief of the New Tribes Mission is "sola scriptura," accompanied by a historical-grammatical hermeneutic in interpreting said scripture. This emphasis on "word by word inspiration" leads to literal belief "in the fall of man, resulting in his complete and universal separation from God and his need of salvation;" those who die unsaved go to "unending punishment" (hence the mandate to evangelize those without access to the gospel). Additionally, NTM is a strongly dispensational organization, ascribing to the "imminent...pretribulation and pre-millennial return" of Jesus Christ.[13]

[edit] Training Program

New Tribes Mission requires all candidates to complete a training program.[14] The training program can take up to four years to complete. In the US, this training culminates in a Bachelor's degree, although it is not accredited.[15] However, major Bible colleges such as Moody Bible Institute and Colombia International University generally tend to recognize credits from NTM.

The first phase of the training consists of basic Bible education.[16] This phase lasts two years. In the US, this training takes place at one of two different Bible schools in Waukesha, WI or Jackson, MI. These schools are collectively called the New Tribes Bible Institute. This portion of the training program is often waived for candidates possessing previous Bible training from accredited Bible colleges.

The second phase of the program involves extensive study in cross-cultural communication, church planting, and linguistic analysis.[17] It also lasts two years, although there is a one-year track for those going into aforementioned "support" roles.[18] Candidates study advanced linguistic techniques, learning how to alphabetize unwritten languages and translate the Bible. Formerly called "Boot Camp", this phase also emphasizes basic living skills necessary for survival in undeveloped areas of the world (e.g., constructing and cooking from clay stoves, building jungle shelters, etc.). In the US, this takes place at the NTM Missionary Training Center in Camdenton, MO.[19]

A Canadian training center exists in Durham, Ontario.[20] Similar training programs, adapted to the cultures in which they operate, exist in many other countries, including Australia,[21] Brazil,[22] Germany,[23] Mexico,[24] and the UK.[25]

[edit] Evangelistic Approach

New Tribes Mission's strategy for church planting starts with language acquisition.[26] NTM believes that individuals should have access to the Bible and its teachings in their native languages, and refuses to teach in English or local trade languages. Several unwritten languages on the verge of extinction have been given new leases on life because of missionary efforts to reduce them to writing and to teach their speakers in literacy.[citation needed]

After becoming proficient in the local languages, NTM missionaries initiate in-depth Bible studies with interested parties. Rather than distributing tracts or showing the "Jesus" film (popular methods among many organizations), NTM focuses on teaching through the scriptures chronologically. They begin with the Genesis account and follow the storyline of the Bible through to the story of Jesus and the teachings of the New Testament.[27] This approach is necessary because most of the cultures in which they work have no exposure to any biblical teaching whatsoever, and therefore require solid grounding on the foundational principles of the Old Testament before they can be introduced to the New Testament gospel.[28]

This chronological curriculum consists of fifty lessons and is called "Building on Firm Foundations." It was written by Trevor McIlwain and Nancy Everson, originally published in 1965.[29]

Paul Humphreys of GoodSeed says: "There is a lot of talk today in 'church' circles about how little people know about the Bible... Biblical illiteracy is not a new trend. It has been around a long time. The underlying cause is explained by the Apostle Paul (Romans 1:18-32)... It seems almost impossible to have an accurate concept of God apart from the knowledge of certain foundational biblical stories.

The biblically illiterate need to begin with an understanding of who God is, and where they are in relationship to their Creator-Owner--truths set forth in the pages of the Old Testament. They need to know these things before we can expect an accurate response to what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross." (GoodSeed Gleanings, No. 6, Sept. 2000)[30]

[edit] Recognition

New Tribes Mission listed by Ministry Watch to the Shining Lights ‘Top 30’ Exemplary Ministries., in response to requests for a list of Christian ministries that are among the best to which donors can give with confidence, has released a “Top 30” list of ministries as the latest Shining Light profile. New Tribes Mission is one of those Top 30 Shining Lights. [31]

[edit] Criticism and Controversy

[edit] General Methods

Ecological groups such as allege that New Tribes Mission does not care about the welfare of the peoples they convert to their religion and that their aims and methods include not only religious conversion, but also to force them into settlements, camps or reservations, completely change their way of life, and integrate them into market economy by introducing money, US-American consumer goods and cash crops.[32] Other NGOs allege that New Tribes Mission and other missionary organisations destroy indigenous cultures.[33]

Survival International and other critics have accused the New Tribes Mission of using criminal tactics in their zeal to convert indigenous populations, including armed manhunts, kidnappings, selling them into forced labour, imprisonment in Mission camps, and even genocide.[34]

In Paraguay in 1979 and 1986, the New Tribes Mission was accused of assisting in the forcible contact of nomadic Ayoreo Indians, whose unsuccessful attempts to remain in the forest led to several deaths. Others died soon after being brought out of the forest.[35] New Tribes Mission was also accused of assisting in policies of the dictator Alfredo Stroessner against the indigenous population.[36]

Paul Gifford accuses NTM of engaging in industrial espionage[37] and representing US foreign policy interests in countries where they are active.[38] Because of their methods in Latin America, NTM has been investigated by the all-party Parliamentary Human Rights Committee in Britain.[39] A letter of protest signed by Bishop Trevor Huddleston, Lord Avebury, Chairman of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group, Rabbi Richard Rosen and Survival International President, Robin Hanbury-Tenison, called on the Mission to halt its controversial activities and respect tribal religion and culture.[40]

[edit] Political Controversy in Venezuela

In October 2005, the BBC reported that Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez had announced his intention to expel the New Tribes Mission from Venezuela. He accused the New Tribes Mission of imperialism, of collaborating with the US CIA, of violating Venezuela's national sovereignty, and of violating the country's laws by making unauthorised flights into and out of the country. He also attacked the group for building lavish camps in which to live next to poverty-stricken villages. [41][42]

Responding to the allegations, NTM said, "Any kind of air travel we do, we always do within the guidelines of what the government allows. We always file reports." With respect to "luxury" living, they "live in homes that make it possible for them to continue the work that they do. The homes that they live in are very simple." [43]

On November 3rd, 2005, nearly 3,000 Venezuelan tribal people marched in Puerto Ayacucho protesting against the expulsion of NTM.[44]

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Jean Dye Dyson: God Planted Five Seeds. (Harper and Row 1966), ASIN: B0007E244E.
  • Norman Lewis: The Missionaries. God against the Indians (London, Secker and Warburg 1988; McGraw-Hill Companies 1989; Penguin 1990), ISBN 0-07-037613-1 / ISBN 0-09-959960-0 / ISBN 0-14-013175-2. A very critical account of NTM activities.
  • Paul Gifford: Christianity and Politics in Doe's Liberia (Cambridge University Press 1993/2002), ISBN 0-521-42029-6 / ISBN 0-521-52010-X.
  • Richard Pettifer, Julian Bradley: Missionaries (BBC Publications 1991), ISBN 0-563-20702-7.

[edit] Notes

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  10. ^,9171,889816,00.html
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  27. ^ Trevor McIlwain. Building on Firm Foundations. Vol. 1. Sanford: New Tribes Mission, 1987. 8.
  28. ^
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  34. ^ Lewis pp. 127 and 177
  35. ^,,,
  36. ^
  37. ^ Gifford p. 202
  38. ^ Gifford p. 205
  39. ^ Gifford, p. 114
  40. ^ Lewis 1988, p. 221
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