New Jersey District Key Club International

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The logo of Key Club International
The logo of Key Club International

The New Jersey District Key Club International is the New Jersey state governing body Key Club International, a youth sponsored community service organization of Kiwanis International, local Kiwanis clubs and school districts across the state.

Currently, it consists of 22 Divisions.


[edit] Responsibility and Roles of New Jersey District Key Club International Executive Board

[edit] Lieutenant Governor

A Lieutenant Governor represents each of the twenty-two divisions in the New Jersey District Key Club International. He or she serves as a liaison between the clubs in his or her division and the New Jersey District Key Club International Board. The Lieutenant Governor is required to attend the Mid-Winter Training Conference, District and International Convention, all District Board Meetings, Fall Rally, and the Regional Training Conference in his or her division. He or she must publish at least ten newsletters for his or her clubs, file monthly and board reports, hold Officers Training Conferences until all officers are trained, publish a divisional roster, and serve on state committees as needed. He or she must also stay in constant contact with his or her clubs, the executive board, and the Kiwanis Board. He or she is expected to organize divisional service projects, hold President’s Council Meetings, and visit each club in his or her division. The duties are many and the time commitment is large, but the amazing leadership experience obtained is even greater.

[edit] District Webmaster

The District Webmaster is in charge of updating the New Jersey District Key Club International Website, He or she is expected to update it to include all current projects, committee information, registration for district events, and other important facts. The Webmaster is required to attend District Convention, all board meetings, and the Regional Training Conferences. The Webmaster is not elected. After applying at District Convention, he or she is chosen by the District Governor.

[edit] District Editor

The Editor has the tremendous task of publishing the four issues of The Jersey Key, the official publication of the New Jersey District Key Club International. He or she must find a printer, create article logs for each issue, assign and collect articles, and edit and layout the entire paper. In addition, he or she must drop it off at the printer, pick it up, and mail copies all over the state. He or she must create newsletters to publish to the District Board, and be present at the Mid-Winter Conference, District and International Convention, all board meetings, all Regional Training Conferences, and Fall Rally.

[edit] District Treasurer

The Treasurer should have a very good calculator. He or she must work to collect 100% dues from each Key Club in the state. The treasurer is expected to create monthly financial reports, publish ten newsletters to the District Board and three to club treasurers, and handle all invoices and vouchers. He or she is expected to be in constant communication with the board, especially with the Financial Counselor. Attendance at Mid-Winter Conference, District and International Convention, all Board Meetings, Fall Rally, and all Regional Training Conferences is mandatory.

[edit] District Secretary

The Secretary is the great communicator. He or she must produce the District Handbook, minutes for each District and Executive board meeting, publish ten newsletters to the New Jersey District Key Club International Board and three to club secretaries. He or she is also in charge of all District mailings, publishing The Jersey Key Leader, and submitting a District Convention report, including all contest winners, election results, and a report to the International Office. The District Secretary is expected to receive all District communication; all Lieutenant Governor monthly reports, club reports, and other related reports are sent to him or her. Mandatory events include the Mid-Winter Training Conference, District and International Convention, all Board Meetings, Fall Rally, and all Regional Training Conferences.

[edit] District Governor

The Governor is in charge of the entire District. He or she presides over each Board meeting, publishes ten newsletters to the board, arranges training of all Lieutenant Governor-elects, appoints Board members to committees, and is expected to be in constant communication with the District Board, Kiwanis committee, and the International Trustee. He or she is expected to improve K-family relations by attending as many Kiwanis events as possible and must execute other responsibilities as they arise throughout the year. He or she must be present at Mid-Winter Training Conference, District and International Convention, all Board meetings, all Regional Training Conferences, Fall Rally, and International Convention.

[edit] New Jersey District Key Club International District Song

(To the tune of “Battle Hymn of the Republic”) “New Jersey is the District where the Key Clubs are the best, New Jersey is the District we’re the best of all the rest, we’ll take ‘em to the caucuses and when the night is done, you’ll know who’s number one! Glory, glory to New Jersey, glory, glory to New Jersey, glory, glory to New Jersey, you’ll know who’s number one!

[edit] New Jersey District Key Club International Rally Chant

"Hey (name of person, school etc.) how do you feel?"

Person responds: "I feel good, oh I feel so good, ughhhhh!!!!"

[edit] Potential New Jersey District Key Club International Caucus Questions/ Key Club Trivia Questions

For Candidates in the New Jersey District Key Club International

Fact-Based Questions:

  • 1. Why, where, and under what circumstances was the first Key Club begun?

A. Kiwanis in Sacramento, California wanted to provide vocational guidance to high school students in May 1925.

A. “Caring…our way of life”

A. “I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school, and community, to serve my nation and God, and to combat all forces, which tend to undermine these institutions.”

  • 4. What are the colors of Key Club International, and what do they symbolize?

A. Blue-Unwavering character, Gold-Service, and White-Purity

A. It is the first full week of November.

  • 6. How does one start a new club?

A. Obtain a charter kit from Key Club International, find a sponsoring Kiwanis club, gain approval of school administration, find a faculty advisor, solicit members, and send paperwork to Key Club International.

  • 7. How many divisions are there in New Jersey District Key Club International?

A. 22 divisions

  • 8. Who is the District Administrator, and what is the highest position that he has held in Kiwanis?

A. Key of Honor Recipient Mr. Barrie Werfel, New Jersey District Governor

  • 9. What organizations make up the K-family?

A. Kiwanis, Circle-K, Key Club, Builder’s Club, K-Kids, and Aktion Club

  • 10. How is the Key Club hierarchy structured?

A. International President, International Vice-President, 11 International Trustees, District Governors, District Secretaries, District Treasurers, District Editors, Lieutenant Governors, Club Presidents, Club Vice-Presidents, Club Secretaries, Club Treasurers, Club Editors, and General Members.

  • 11. Who is the International Vice-President this year and what district is he/she from?

A. Stephanie Abrahams, Jamaica

  • 12. What is Fall Rally?

A. It is a gathering at Great Adventure to motivate the District’s members. It is the highest percentage gathering in all of Key Club International.

  • 13. Which individuals currently sit on the New Jersey District Executive Board and in what capacity?

A. Stephanie Morrison - Governor, John "Johnagle" Monagle - Secretary, Ashley Keenan - Treasurer, and Florence "Flo" Ling - Editor, May be asked to name all 22 Lieutenant Governors.

  • 14. What is the official publication of the New Jersey District called?

A. The Jersey Key

  • 15. What is the 2005-2006 New Jersey District Project?

A. Alex’s Lemonade Stand

  • 16. Sing the New Jersey District Key Club International Song

A. (To the tune of “Battle Hymn of the Republic”) “New Jersey is the District where the Key Clubs are the best, New Jersey is the District we’re the best of all the rest, we’ll take ‘em to the caucuses and when the night is done, you’ll know who’s number one! Glory, glory to New Jersey, glory, glory to New Jersey, glory, glory to New Jersey, you’ll know who’s number one!

  • 17. What is Key Club International’s Major Emphasis Project this year?

A. “Children…Their Future our Focus”, initiative: Child Safety

  • 18. Where is the 2006 International Convention?

A. Boston, Massachusetts

  • 19. What does KEY stand for?

A. Kiwanis Educates Youth

  • 20. What is advocacy?

A. Speaking on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.

  • 21. Where is the New Jersey District Convention going to be held?

A. The Valley Forge Convention Center in King-of-Prussia, Pennsylvania

  • 22. What is the curfew at New Jersey District events?

A. 1:00 AM

  • 23. What is the deadline for dues, and how many paid members must a club have?

A. December 1; 15 members

  • 24. Who are the current District Governors of the New Jersey districts of Kiwanis and Circle-K?

A. Kiwanis- Mrs. Jean Hagen and Circle-K: Ms. Kaitlin McCann

  • 25. What are the 4 core values of Key Club?

A. Leadership, Inclusiveness, Caring, and Character Building

Thought-Based Questions:

  • 1. Why is Key Club important to you?
  • 2. Who is the most important member of Key Club and why?
  • 3. Of what importance is Kiwanis to Key Club?
  • 4. Why should anyone join Key Club?
  • 5. What do you feel will be the most important aspect of your job if elected?
  • 6. What sets you apart from the other candidates?
  • 7. What benefits have you gained from Key Club and what do you expect to gain as Lieutenant Governor/ District Executive Board officer?
  • 8. What is most important to you as a person?
  • 9. Do you feel a leader should bow to public opinion?
  • 10. What is your vision for the future of you division?
  • 11. What past experiences have prepared you to be a Lieutenant Governor/ District Executive Board officer?
  • 12. What is one thing you want to change about yourself and why?
  • 13. What do you feel are the most important qualities of a leader and how will you utilize these qualities during your term?
  • 14. Relate Key Club to a pair of bifocals.
  • 15. If you could be one animal, what would it be? Relate the animal to Key Club.
  • 16. If you could set only one goal for the upcoming service year, what would it be?
  • 17. How did you first start your Key Club career?
  • 18. If Key Club were a part of your 'pie' of life, how much of the pie would it be?
  • 19. Name your most meaningful Key Club project.
  • 20. What made you want to run for this position?
  • 21. If Key Club were a member in your family, who would it be and why?

[edit] Fall Rally for New Jersey District Key Club International

Typically held in October of each year this is the premiere event of the Fall to kick off the new school year. Members of New Jersey District of Key Club International gather in the stadium of Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey to show their school spirit. For many years this event was called the Leadership Training Conference (L.T.C.) until changed under the leadership of Governor Leo Wise's administration in 1993.

[edit] District Convention for New Jersey District Key Club International

Each year the New Jersey District Key Club International present their annual convention typically during the month of March or April. This is the highlight of the year for many New Jersey Key Club members.

The 2006 year will mark the 60th Annual New Jersey District Key Club International Convention with the theme "Celebrating the Stars of Service"

The convention has been held at Valley Forge Convention Center, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania for the past number of years. Past New Jersey District alumni will tell of past conventions which were held at Tamiment Resorts in Bushkill Falls, Pennsylvania, Hershey Lodge and Mount Airy Lodge.

Awards are given for the year of service and elections are held for the executive board officers and support for International officer candidates.

[edit] Scholarships Available to members of New Jersey District Key Club International

  • The New Jersey Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship $2000
  • New Jersey District Scholarship (2) $1000(Each)
  • The New Jersey District Scholarship (1) $500
  • The George McCrossan Memorial Scholarship $1500
  • The Dr. Andrew Batsis Scholarship $1000
  • The John Johnson Memorial Scholarship $1000

(This is only given to NJ District Board Members. It is $500 from the Jackson Kiwanis and a matching sum from the New Jersey District of Key Club.)

  • Robert J. Mascenik Memorial Scholarship $1000

( This is $500. from the New Jersey District Foundation Fund and $500 from the New Jersey District of Key Club)

  • The Dominico Gatti Memorial Scholarship $1000
  • The Fred Biggs Memorial Scholarship $1000

(This is $500 from the Kiwanis Club of Livingston and $500 from the New Jersey District of Key Club)

  • The Dr. Gene Napoliello Leadership Scholarship $500

(Donated by the Napoliello Foundation)

  • The New Jersey District of Kiwanis International Foundation Leadership Scholarship is one matching scholarships worth $1000

(Winners of these scholarships will be announced at the New Jersey District Convention but will not actually be awarded until International Convention. Applicants apply for these scholarships by filling out the New Jersey District Scholarship Application, NOT the Key Club International Scholarship Application.)

  • The New Jersey District Service Based Scholarship $1000

(This scholarship is based completely on the applicant’s service record.)

[edit] International Officers from New Jersey District Key Club International

[edit] International President

The New Jersey District Key Club International has had three members of the district service in the highest position of Key Club International as Key Club President.

[edit] International Vice President

The New Jersey District Key Club International has had two members of the district service in the second highest position of Key Club International as Key Club Vice President, including Immediate Past Vice President Sunny Suh.

[edit] International Trustee

The New Jersey District Key Club International has had numerous members of the district serve in the position of Key Club International Trustee.

[edit] Key of Honor Recipients from New Jersey District Key Club International

The New Jersey District Key Club International has had two recipients of the highest honor Key Club International can bestow upon an individual for their dedication and commitment to Key Club youth.

[edit] External links