New College of California

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New College of California

Motto Education for a Just, Sacred, and Sustainable World
Established 1971
Type Private College
Endowment none
President Martin Hamilton
Faculty 160
Students 664
Location San Francisco, California, USA
Campus urban

New College of California is a small San Francisco based liberal arts college founded in 1971. The College promotes social justice, ecological sustainability, spirituality, and education as a force for social change. It has campuses or facilities in the Mission District and Civic Center neighborhoods of San Francisco, in Oakland, and in Santa Rosa, California. New College offers bachelor's, master's and professional degrees.


[edit] History

The progressive curriculum at New College interlaces critical thinking, self expression, ecological thinking, activism, social responsibility, spirituality and community involvement into its curriculum. The university’s facilities include three theaters, (including the historic Roxie movie theater) a visual arts studio, a union print shop, video editing laboratory, desktop publishing laboratory, and music laboratory. It is primarily a commuter campus, and has plans to create student housing through the The Green Living Center, which will be a cooperatively run housing facility.

There are approximately 1,000 students enrolled at New College of California. It is an accredited institution, offering BA, MA , MBA, MFAs and teaching and sciences certificates. The ethnically and culturally diverse academic institution is one of the first educational institution in the country to offer a Sustainable MBA. Programs are based on a "cohort model" which provides students with experiential learning in a group setting.

One of the key components to the curriculum is the community involvement through its service and social action learning internships required of students, its free and low-fee community legal and mental health clinics run by students in its Schools of Law and Psychology Programs, its Family Literacy Center operated by its Teacher Credential Program, through publications such as the New College Review as well as public political and cultural events organized by its academic programs, its Center for Education and Social Action (CESA) and the New College Institute for Spirituality and Politics.

New College School of Law, located on Fell Street, near Civic Center is the oldest public interest law school in the country. It was founded in 1973 during the social justice movements of the 1960s as a response to the needs of the legal representation for the poor and underserved populations. Accredited by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California. The School of Law combines litigation with negotiation, mediation, community healing, media savvy, and political action.

The New College of California's Science Institute was established in 1976 in San Francisco. The Institute provides accredited science units to more than 5,000 working adults seeking missing academic credits required to enter health care professions or academic institutions. In 2006, it opened a campus in Whittier, CA, west of downtown Los Angles. Both locations offer an accelerated weekend program of: courses in: General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics and Human Biology.

New College North Bay Campus in the study of Culture Ecology and Sustainable Community was established in 1998 in downtown Santa Rosa, around the agrarian communities of Sonoma County. Students are exposed to ecologically-focused curriculum, with a predominate focus on building leadership skills. BA and MA Programs include: EcoDwelling, Ecological Agriculture, Consciousness, Healing & Ecology, Holistic Nutrition Education, Holistic Nutrition Consulting, Activism and Social Change. The first accredited MBA in the country was born at this campus in 1999 with an emphasis in Sustainable Enterprise. The Green MBA has since relocated to Dominican University.

One of the community programs that sprung out of the campus is The New College of California's SoCo Biodiesel Co-op (SCBC), a community-based organization that promotes produces, and provide vegetable-based fuel. The Co-op was founded in 2002.

In 2005, New College bought the Roxie Cinema, an historic landmark that screens progressive independent films, and holds Media Studies classes. The Roxie also hosts prominent lecturers and community activities, including a Green Movie night through San Francisco Urban Alliance for Sustainability.

In that same year, New College built a broadcasting studio at its Mission district, Valencia Street campus, partnered with listener-owned, Pacifica Network radio station KPFA and is producing shows from that sight. It has also entered into a collaboration with Modern Times, a 35 year-old Mission District, collectively owned and operated, progressive bookstore. Classes and lectures are held at the bookstore on a regular basis.

During the past five years, New College has added the following programs in San Francisco:

  • The Experimental Performance Institute (EPI), and Clown Conservatory (CC) at Circus Center. EPI is one of the only performance studies programs in the country to blend theatrical innovation, queer and experimental work with social activism.
  • A study abroad program, a multi-cultural focused teacher certification (below the postsecondary level), and a weekend BA completion program.
  • In 2007, the progressive educational institution will open The Green Living Center, an intentional community – and learning program. It was also hold a new MBA program in fall 2007.

[edit] Campuses

San Francisco County New College’s main campus is housed in several buildings in the heart of the Mission District in San Francisco, CA. The offices at 777 Valencia, and companion building across the street, is home to its Humanities-based programs, Media Studies, EPI, a KPFA broadcasting station, and administration offices.

The Law School, a four-story Spanish-style landmark building designed in 1932 was designed by the architectural firm of Willis Polk. It is within walking distance to City Hall, government offices, and The State Bar of California. New College shares this building with Bay Area Legal Aid, the largest legal services provider in San Francisco and the San Francisco Science Institute.

The Green Living Center that will house approximately 50 students, is located in the historic Casa Loma Hotel, on Fell and Fillmore streets, in Hayes Valley, on the edge of the Fillmore Jazz District. The building is a state-registered historic hotel with 45 guestrooms on three floors, an unoccupied commercial ground floor, a partial basement, a flat sunny rooftop, and panoramic views of the city.

Alameda County There is also a Weekend BA Completion Program housed at 4550 San Pablo Avenue, in Emeryville, CA in the East Bay, across the Bay Bridge from San Francisco. Sonoma County.

The North Bay Campus in Culture Ecology and Sustainable Community is housed at 99 6th Street Santa Rosa, CA, in the turn-of-the-century, brick and mortar, Sperry flour factory, occupying 9,000 square feet of space. The historic building is used primarily educational programs as well as hosting a variety of films, lectures, musical events and classes for the general public. A number of local community groups hold their meetings and events at the Campus.

Los Angeles The Science Institute classes are held at the Southern California University of Health Sciences, 16200 E. Amber Valley Drive in Whittier, California, within 12 miles of downtown Los Angeles.

[edit] Statistics

  • 1000 students
  • 150 Faculty (including full time and adjunct)
  • Faculty to Student Ratios: Undergraduate: 1:12-17 Graduate: 1:10-18

[edit] Notable Alumni

  • Carla Wilson
  • Darrick Smith
  • Frank Williams
  • John Lorrence

[edit] Notable Faculty

  • Judy Grahn, PhD, is an internationally known poet, co-founder of lesbian feminism, and early contributor to literature of women's spirituality. She is Co-Director of the Women's Spirituality MA program and Program Director of the MFA in Creative Inquiry. Dr. Grahn is Editor of our online academic journal Metaformia: A Journal of Menstruation and Culture.
  • Richard Heinberg is an internationally-known journalist, author, and Peak Oil expert. Mr Heinberg has written seven books include: "The Party's Over," "Powerdown," "The Oil Depletion Protocol," "A New Covenant with Nature," "Cloning the Buddha," "Celebrate the Solstice," and "Memories and Visions of Paradise." He is one of the core faculty at the New College North Bay Campus and teaches courses on Energy and Society, and Culture, Ecology and Sustainable Community.
  • Dr. Linda James Myers, Ph.D., known for her work in the development of a theory of optimal psychology and book, "Understanding an Afrocentric World View: Introduction to an Optimal Psychology". Has won several prestigious awards,one being the Bethune/Woodson Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Development of Promotion of Black Studies from the National Council of Black Studies in 1994.Dr. Myers is the Dean of the New College School of Pyschology, and on the New College Executive Council.
  • Stephen J. Ducat, professor of psychology and author of "The Wimp Factor: Gender Gaps, Holy Wars, and the Politics of Anxious Masculinity."

[edit] Clubs, and Student Organizations

  • The New College Clarion: An independent student run publication created to monitor, reflect and engage the college and its community.
  • Green It Up Project: A campus-wide initiative founded by a New College alumnae, to purchase more sustainable materials and bring more awareness to the environmental impact of human activity on the planet.

[edit] Business, Community and Spiritual Leaders who have presented at New College:

  • Peter Barnes, Co-founder, Working Assets
  • Kevin Danaher, Founder, Global Exchange and The Green Festivals
  • Matthew Fox, Director of the Institute of Creation Spirituality
  • Randy Hayes, Board President, Rainforest Action Network
  • Michael Lerner, Author of "The Politics of Meaning: Restoring Hope and Possibility in an Age of Cynicism" and Editor of Tikkun Magazine
  • Joanna Macy Buddhist Scholar and Activist
  • Paul Ray, Ph.D., Author, Cultural Creatives

[edit] Public Records

[edit] External links