New Class program

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The New Class modernization program was a project by the New Republic of the fictional universe of Star Wars. Its objective was to create new warships, rather than the traditional line of capital ships such as Carracks, Strike cruisers, Interdictors, Imperial Star Destroyers, and the various Mon Cal cruisers. The newest vessels were done by the time of the Black Fleet Crisis, about 17 years after the historic Battle of Yavin.

There were ten of these new craft, constructed from a total of four modular superstructures. Two different vessels were made from each superstructure.


[edit] New Republic Star Destroyers

[edit] Republic-class Star Destroyer

The Republic-class Star Destroyer is 1,250 meters long, and were operated by 8,168 officers and crewmen, and carried a contingent of 3,200 troopers. They possess forty heavy turbolaser batteries, forty heavy turbolasers, twenty ion cannons, ten tractor beam projectors, and half a wing of starfighters. Their greatest advantage lies in their cost: two Republic-classes can be made in the cost to produce a Imperial-class. The firepower of this warship is also slightly greater than the Imperial-class. However, its armor is slightly less, the shielding is the same, and it has somewhat less firepower than the smaller Defender- and Nebula-classes. This is partly compensated by the additional tractor beams on the Republic Star Destroyers.

The Republic class was widely produced by the New Republic by the time of the Black Fleet Crisis under the New Class program.

Republic-class Star Destroyer
Classification Star Destroyer
Length 1,250 meters
Crew 8,168 crewmen
Onboard Complement
  • 3,200 troopers
  • 36 starfighters (3 squadrons)
  • 40 heavy turbolaser batteries (10D)
  • 40 heavy turbolaser cannons (7D)
  • 20 enhanced ion cannons (4D)
  • 10 class III tractor beam projectors

760D per salvo

Hull Plating ~2200 U
Deflector Shielding 4800 U
Total Defense ~7000 U

[edit] Defender-class Star Destroyer

The Defender class is a Republic Engineering Corporation design that saw limited production until the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. They are 1,040 meters long, sharing an identical superstructure with the Endurance and Nebula vessels. This allowed for increased production, and the ability to swap sections between these three ships. They have a crew of 6,795 officers and crewmen, and can hold 1,600 soldiers. Even then, they have a respectable forty heavy turbolaser batteries, forty heavy turbolaser cannons, twenty ion cannons, eight concussion missile tubes, and five starfighter squadrons (sixty fighters). However, their greatest asset lies in their heavy armor and shielding. Their deflector shielding is twice as strong as those of a far larger Imperial-class. It would take a highly concentrated barrage from several older vessels to break through the defenses of the Defender-class Star Destroyer.

The first Defender-class Star Destroyer was named after Luke Skywalker's mentor. It was named the N.R.S. Obi-Wan.

An image of a Defender-class warship from Starships of the Galaxy
An image of a Defender-class warship from Starships of the Galaxy
Defender-class Star Destroyer
Classification Star Destroyer
Length 1,040 meters
Crew 6,795 crewmen
Onboard Complement
  • 1,600 troopers
  • 60 starfighters (5 squadrons)
  • 40 heavy turbolaser batteries (10D)
  • 40 heavy turbolaser cannons (7D)
  • 20 ion cannons (4D)
  • 8 concussion missile tubes (9D)

832D per salvo

Hull Plating 4800+ U
Deflector Shielding 9600 U
Total Defense 14400+ U

[edit] Nebula-class Star Destroyer

These new Star Destroyers were also 1,040 meters long, "design brothers" of the Endurance and Defender-classes. Despite being structurally smaller than an Imperial-class II Star Destroyer, they were designed to be a match for any of those vessels. Examples are the Yakez (destroyed over N'zoth during the Black Fleet Crisis by two Yevethan thrustships) and the Brilliant (which shaded the Yevethan thrustship Aramadia). They have forty heavy turbolaser batteries, forty heavy turbolaser cannons, twenty ion cannons, eight concussion missile tubes, eight tractor beam projectors, and three starfighter squadrons. They were used in the defense fleets of provincial New Republic governments, involved with the Bothans, Diamala, and Ishori.

During the first few months of the Vuuzhan Vong War, Nebula-classes were produced more at Fondor, Kuat, and other locations. However, the Senate called for all of these Star Destroyers to be equipped hyperwave inertial momentum sustainers, and thirty newly produced Nebula-class Star Destroyers were recalled to Fondor.

Nebula-class Star Destroyer
Classification Star Destroyer
Length 1,040 meters
Crew ~8,168 crewmen
Onboard Complement
  • ~3,200 troopers
  • 36 starfighters (3 squadrons)
  • 40 heavy turbolaser batteries (10D)
  • 40 heavy turbolaser cannons (7D)
  • 20 ion cannons (4D)
  • 8 class III tractor beam projectors
  • 8 concussion missile tubes (9D)

832D per salvo

Hull Plating ~2200 U
Deflector Shielding 4800 U
Total Defense ~7000 U

[edit] Endurance-class Fleet Carrier

These heavy carriers were 1,040 meters long. Notable vessels of the class are the Endurance (destroyed by an SSD attack and all fighters on board lost), Intrepid (flagship of General A'baht, New Republic Fifth Fleet during the Black Fleet Crisis), Ballarat (destroyed over N'zoth), and the Venture. They are lightly armed for their size, with 12 turbolasers, 8 enhanced ion cannons, 20 anti-starfighter laser cannons, and four Class III tractor beam projectors. However, their primary asset is that they carry a tremendous 2 wings (12 squadrons) of E-wing, X-wing, and K-wing starfighters.

A descrepency between Cracken's Threat Dossier (where the below statistics were obtained) and the Black Fleet Crisis series by Michael Kube-MacDowell is that the Endurance class also supposedly are armed with AA quad laser cannons.

During the time of the Black Fleet Crisis, Endurance-class fleet carriers led taskforces of 21 (including themselves)other New Class-commissioned warships.

Endurance-class Fleet Carrier
Classification Carrier
Length 1,040 meters
Crew 6,871 crewmen (2,265 minimal)
Onboard Complement
  • 1,600 troopers
  • 144 starfighters (2 wings: 12 squadrons)

132D per salvo

Hull Plating Unknown
Deflector Shielding Unknown
Total Defense Unknown

[edit] Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser

These heavy cruisers are 700 meters long and are the core of any small New Republic naval force.

Notable ships of the class are the Indomitable (engaged in battle during BFC over ICL-905, victorious in objective), Resolve, Gallant, Illustrious, Liberty, Phalanx, Stalwart, Mandjur (heavily damaged over N'zoth), and Vigilant. They also carry five fighter squadrons: typically a K-wing squadron, an X-wing squadron, and three E-wing squadrons. Standard procedure when entering a battle zone is to have a screen of three dozen fighters in front of the cruiser to intercept enemy turbocannon fire. However, it is peculiar, as X-wings and E-wings have strong offensive capabilities, and are uselessly wasted as fighter screens.

The Majestic-class was specifically designed to take out enemy Imperial Star Destroyers on one-against-one confrontations. To many, this would be heavily lopsided: a 700-meter ships against a 1600-meter ship, and the Star Destroyer would have probably nearly double the armor and shielding, and possessed a third again as much weaponry as the heavy cruiser. However, the Majestic cruisers are unique in that they have a complex system of fire control systems that allow the guns to engage an enemy at long range. This means that heavy cruisers can attack most enemy ships at high range, while the enemy has to travel under fire to the Majestic's medium range in order to fire their own guns.

Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser
Classification Cruiser
Length 700 meters
Crew 4,182 crewmen (1,350 minimal)
Onboard Complement
  • 640 troopers
  • 60 starfighters (5 squadrons)

342D per salvo

Hull Plating Unknown
Deflector Shielding Unknown
Total Defense ~4900 U

[edit] Defender-class Assault Carrier

These carriers are 700 meters long. Notable ships of the class are Repulse and Shield.

Defender-class Assault Carrier
Classification Carrier
Length 700 meters
Crew 4,070 crewmen (1,350 minimal)
Onboard Complement
  • 700 troopers
  • 36 starfighters (3 squadrons)

40D per salvo

Hull Plating Unknown
Deflector Shielding Unknown
Total Defense Unknown

[edit] Hajen-class Fleet Tender

These vessels are 350 meters long and have a crew of six. An example is the Ahazi, which was destroyed over Bessimir by a hyperdrive error.

[edit] Sacheen-class Light Escort

These ships are structural twins to the Hajen-class, and examples are the Trenchant, Kettemoor, and the Stendaff. Capable of transporting a single squadron of starfighters, and heavily armoured and equipped, these frigates were capable of holding their own against cruisers, and even some of the smaller Star Destroyers. They were equipped with a fast 0.9-class hyperdrive. They were used for patrol duties, or during battles as screen for the cruisers, carriers and Star Destroyers.

[edit] Warrior-class Gunship

These gunships are 190 meters long, and are the fastest vessels in the New Class program. They are normally grouped as light escorts with the Majestic-class cruisers. Examples are the Marauder and the Vanguard (destroyed over ILC-905 during the Black Fleet Crisis by Yevethan thrustships). They are armed with turbolaser batteries and CM-9 concussion missile launchers. They are considered powerful enough to threaten heavy cruisers like the Majestic-class, and if used right, their complement of 4 concussion missiles can even severely damage Star Destroyers.

[edit] Agave-class Picket Ship

These vessels are structural twins to the Warrior-class gunships and examples are the Pran, Kauri, Folna (scouted ILC-905 during the Black Fleet Crisis), and Nagwa. They are light ships not suited for even moderate fighting that are used for recon. They act as forward scouts for small New Republic naval units.