Neve Daniel

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Neve Daniel (Hebrew: נווה דניאל‎) is an Israeli settlement located in western Gush Etzion in Judea/the West Bank. Located south of Jerusalem and just west of Bethlehem, it sits atop one of the highest points in the area - close to 1,000 meters above sea level, and has a view of much of the Mediterranean coastal plain to the west, as well as the mountains of Jordan. It was named after the famous Nebi Daniel Convoy.

Its population is diverse; in addition to native Israelis, it is home to olim from the former Soviet Union, France, and a large number of American Jews and other Anglos. The town's population has ballooned from 800 residents in 2001 to nearly 1,300 in 2006, and a new neighborhood, known as "Dunam 900," is being erected to accommodate the growth.

Neve Daniel features a full size supermarket, pizza shop, library, community center, post office, a number of synagogues, a mikvah and several shops. The town is a middle class suburb located ten minutes from Jerusalem, where many of its residents work, and is situated just off of the Tunnels highway.

Gush Etzion Regional Council
Kibbutzim: Kfar Etzion | Migdal Oz | Rosh Tzurim
Communal settlements: Alon Shvut | Bat Ayin | Gvaot | Elazar | Har Gilo | Carmei Tzur | Kedar | Kfar Eldad | Ma'ale Amos | Metzad | Neve Daniel | Nokdim (El David) | Tekoa
Outposts: Ibei Hanachal | Ma'ale Rehav'am | Pnei Kedem

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