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Arthur "Bugs" Baer (1886May 17, 1969) was an American journalist and humorist. Baer was prominent in the New York City journalism and entertainment scene for many years and worked as a sports journalist and cartoonist. Called by the New York Times "one of the the country's best known humorists," the "craggy-faced" writer wrote the humor column "One Word Led to Another" for the King Features Syndicate (the Hearst papers).[1]

Known as a source of quips that were often repeated by others, Milton Berle is known as one of the people to have "tapped his wit...admitting that when he needed fresh humor, he would invite Mr. Baer to spend an hur or two with him at Toot Shor's."[2]

[edit] Biography

Baer was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the seventh of 14 children born to immigrants from Alsace-Lorraine. He left school at age 14 to work, attended art school, and designed lace on a wage of $12 a week.[3] One article from 1918 lists Baer as a notable graduate of the Field Artillery Officers' Training School in Camp Zachary Taylor[4]; Baer also contributed to the 1919 book F.A.C.O.T.S. - The Story of the Field Artillery Central Officers Training School.[5]

A 1921 article shows that Baer played on the New York Newspaper Golf Club team in an intercity New York-Boston journalists' golf match.[6]

Baer began his career in journalism as an artist with the Philadelphia Public Ledger and later worked for other papers before working as a sports journalist for the Washington Times, where he drew cartoons of a "baseball-bodied insect" named "Bugs."[7] Baer was thereafter known as "Bugs," insisting upon being referred to by this nickname.[8]

One of his famous jokes involved Ping Brodie, a Yankees player who was caught attempting to steal second base. Baer quipped that his head was full of larceny, but his feet were honest."[9] –a joke that amused William Randolph Hearst so much that he hired Baer to work for the New York American.[10]

Baer died at age 83 at New York Hospital on May 17, 1969.[11] He was survived by a son, Arthur Baer, Jr., and a daughter, Atra Cavataro, as well as seven grandchildren.[12]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ "Bugs Baer Dead: Ex-Columnist, 83." The New York Times. 18 May 1969.
  2. ^ "Bugs Baer Dead: Ex-Columnist, 83." The New York Times. 18 May 1969.
  3. ^ "Bugs Baer Dead: Ex-Columnist, 83." The New York Times. 18 May 1969.
  4. ^ "At World's Largest Artillery School; How They Get Students Ready for the Front at Big Training Institution Near Louisville, Kentucky." Sept. 29, 1918. The New York Times
  5. ^ F.A.C.O.T.S. - The Story of the Field Artillery Central Officers Training School. Knickerbocker Press: 1919.[1]
  6. ^ "Picks Newspaper Golfers.; Captain Poinsette Announces LineUp for New York-Boston Tilt." The New York Times. 10 June 1921.
  7. ^ "Bugs Baer Dead: Ex-Columnist, 83." The New York Times. 18 May 1969.
  8. ^ "Bugs Baer Dead: Ex-Columnist, 83." The New York Times. 18 May 1969.
  9. ^ "Bugs Baer Dead: Ex-Columnist, 83." The New York Times. 18 May 1969.
  10. ^ "Bugs Baer Dead: Ex-Columnist, 83." The New York Times. 18 May 1969.
  11. ^ "Bugs Baer Dead: Ex-Columnist, 83." The New York Times. 18 May 1969.
  12. ^ "Bugs Baer Dead: Ex-Columnist, 83." The New York Times. 18 May 1969.

Baer Bugs Baer Bugs Baer Bugs ja:バグズ・ベア