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WikiProject Physics This article is within the scope of WikiProject Physics, which collaborates on articles related to physics.
B This article has been rated as B-Class on the assessment scale.
High This article is on a subject of High importance within physics.

This article has been rated but has no comments. If appropriate, please review the article and leave comments here to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the article and what work it will need.


[edit] Pressure or Density

The core does not have a pressure of 1014 g/cm3, this is in the wrong units. The density of the core is this value. I'm not sure what the pressure is, hence why I haven't changed anything.

[edit] So what is a neutrino exactly...?

This article seems to be very well written, but for someone who is not too knowlegable in science (like me), it doesn't describe what it is or what it does very well. To the previously uninformed, it seems like a while lot of scientific gibberish. What do neutrinos actually do? 03:08, 15 November 2005 (UTC)

They don't do anything. They're produced by weak interactions (like beta decay) and then they fly away through the universe, passing right through matter like it's not even there. You should picture them as being like an electron without any charge and almost no mass. -- Xerxes
To previous user: It's not gibberish. It is complicated and there is no easy way to de the subject justice if someone doesn't have a basic understanding of particle physics. If you need to know something beyond the fact that they are small and neutrally charged, you will have to research other articles to build a foundation of understanding.--Dr.Worm 05:55, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
As wikipedia is aimed at readers with an average level of knowledge (i.e. lacking advanced knowledge of particle physics it might be useful to include a simplified description of a neutrino. Similar to the school level description of other particles e.g. "protons are made of 2 up quarks and one down quark." the most obvious questions to answe would be: what are neutrinos made of and what their physical properties are. Perhaps if a very simple description was given in the introduction with the more detailed description later in the article. 22:32, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
As described in the article, "Neutrinos are certain elementary particles. Traveling close to the speed of light, lacking electric charge, and passing through ordinary matter almost undisturbed, their detection is extremely challenging. They were long thought to be massless, but are now known to have a very small but non-zero mass." This seems to be a pretty simple description, and gives the reader no more or less understanding of the subject than "protons are made of 2 up quarks and one down quark.". Honestly I don't think an average reader really knows what an "up" or "down" quark is either. --7 December, 2007 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 01:05, 8 January 2007 (UTC).

[edit] Many edits described here

I'm making several individual edits, and I'll describe them here as I make them. Here goes...

  • Artificial neutrino beams are all in the energy range where the cross section increases linearly with energy. (The parabolic dependence holds near reactor/solar energies.) Further, the rate increase usually takes second billing to physics and detector issues when choosing an experiment's energy. (Consider the off-axis neutrino beams: the monoenergetic flux is chosen despite the much lower event rate.) However, the energy dependence of the cross section is worth mentioning. As I continue my edits, I'll try to find a place for it. Also, I'm not really satisfied with my "high intensity man-made neutrino beams" phrasing.
  • The number of light neutrinos as measured by LEP is sensitive to any neutrinos which are kinematically available to the Z decay. Thus, "light" here means <46 GeV, or half the Z mass. The definition of "light" given previously (<1 MeV) is relevant for the astrophysical and cosmological constraints in the PDG reference. These constraints are unrelated to the LEP measurements.
  • I made uniform the choice of "flavor" versus "flavour". Either way is fine by me, as long as it's consistent.
  • Question -- What is meant by: "However, conclusive proof that there are only three kinds of neutrinos remains an elusive goal of particle physics."? I don't think anyone seriously thinks that three is the final number and that all it just needs is just some "conclusive proof". Sterile neutrinos, high-mass partners (such as those needed in the see-saw mechanism), etc., are all up for grabs. I'll delete this line soon if no one objects.
  • "tauon" --> "tau" for consistency and modernity.
  • removed some text that was redundant with the flavor oscillation section.
  • "beamed" --> "magnetically focussed". Sounds less magical.

Arbe 00:29, 1 October 2005 (UTC)

Large changes to the detector section

  • Retitled it "neutrino detection"
  • Retooled the handling of what's sensitive to which neutrinos. The previous wording implied that the detectors themselves were intrinsically sensitive to this or that neutrino flavor. Flavor sensitivity is a kinematic threshold issue rather than a detector design issue.
  • Generalized the Cherenkov detector stuff.
  • Various rewordings.
  • Added text on veto regions.

Arbe 22:05, 1 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Mistake in Neutrino Oscillation Discussion

I'm not quite confident enough to change this. However, as I understand the phenomena, and in contrary to the article, Neutrinos do start out in a well defined flavor eigenstate, however, the flavor is not an eigenstate of the prophgation Hamiltonian and thus as the particle moves through space, it picks up a probability of oscillations. I'm almost sure that the article's description that "[Neutrinos] acquire a particular flavor only after an interaction with another particle has taken place. Before this interaction occurs, the neutrino is considered to be in a superposition of the 3 individual (e, mu and tau) flavor eigenstates." is incorrect because it began in a flavor eigenstate and only later became a superposition of the three flavor eigenstates. If somebody else is more sure of this and can write this comprehensibly, I would appreciate it. Lyuokdea 10:21 July 25, 2005 (US Central)

I think this is correct. I will write it, eventually, if nobody else does. -- SCZenz 16:52, 25 July 2005 (UTC)
I went back through the literature and made the revision. Thanks for the confirmation. Lyuokdea 19:28 July 25, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Dry cleaning fluid

The text described a detector containg "dry cleaning fluid" (DCF) which is invisibly linked to "carbon tetrachloride". Is that the right compound? (I thought that DCF was ethylene N-chloride for some N.)
Jorge Stolfi 17:45, 20 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Years ago, when I wrote a paper on this, I claimed it was C2Cl4. However, I would need to track down the reference that told me that. Moreover, it's possible that several different compounds have been used over the years.

[edit] Old comments

This probably needs a refactoring. Also new chapters as "history", and also a theoretical description of the neutrino interactions in the Standard Model for the more advanced users that consult the wikipedia.

Its very nice that there is already an entry for neutrinos. Hopefully I'll be able to give a hand too. -- JBC

It says: 'In collapsing supernovae, the densities at the core become high enough (10^14 gram/cm3) that the produced neutrinos can be detected.' The last part doesn't make much sense. Perhaps it should say instead 'that matter-neutrino interactions become significant'? (IIRC, the neutrino flow from the core even has a mechanical effect, helping to push the matter outwards).Jorge Stolfi 02:41, 16 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Perhaps neutrino detector should be a separate page. It should include a complete list of them (it is not that big!) Also, does the section cover all neutrino detectors, or just the ones designed for extraterrestrial neutrinos? Aren't there detectors for artificial neutrinos, e.g. from accelerators and/or nuclear reactors? (IIRC, there is an anecdote about such a detector being the first "neutrino communication device")Jorge Stolfi 06:51, 16 Mar 2004 (UTC)

[edit] first detector

I added some information about the first detector (1953). It was actually an anti-neutrino detector. Does that matter? JWSchmidt 05:56, 21 Mar 2004 (UTC) Sure! Jorge Stolfi 18:41, 23 Mar 2004 (UTC)

  • Nu pun intended? Wodan 21:56, Aug 27, 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Mass

The discussion about the meaning of "neutrino mass" is probably incomprehensible to Wikipedia readers who are not versed in quantum mechanics. It is necessary for a discussion at this level? Should it be moved to the mass page? Could it be replaced by something more comprehensible to "mere mortals"? Jorge Stolfi 18:41, 23 Mar 2004 (UTC)

I agree that the information on neutrino mass is "incomprehensible" to folks like me (biologist). I simply copied what is on the Standard model page. I think there has to be something about neurino mass on this page, maybe how it relates to the experimental techniques that are used to detect neutrinos.
There is also the question of what information should be in Wikipedia and what information should be in a physics textbook at Wikibooks. JWSchmidt 19:07, 23 Mar 2004 (UTC)

It's not only incomprehsible. It's also wrong....

The upper limits for the mass of the neutrinos are shown in the table. Mass is really a coupling between a left handed fermion and a right handed fermion. For example, the mass of an electron is really a coupling between a left handed electron and a right handed electron, which is the antiparticle of a left handed positron.

(In the case of neutrinos, there are large mixings in their mass coupling, so it's not accurate to talk about neutrino masses in the flavor basis or to suggest a left handed electron neutrino and a right handed electron neutrino have the same mass as this table seems to suggest.)

I've never heard anyone suggest this

Agreed, the two paragraphs above are non-sense.
They may be incomprehensible, and weird even to those who do understand them, but they are true. -- SCZenz 18:38, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
I know the usual theories on the origin of mass, but I insist: if the statement (in the second paragraph) is not wrong, it is clumsy and misleading. Neutrino masses can be, and are, expressed in flavour "basis" (and vice versa), which is what makes flavour oscillations possible. I don't see how a large mixing angle would make this inaccurate. I would appreciate if you explained.

can someone explain what's the effect of neutrino's having mass. Is this capeable of slowing down the voyager?, or does it mean that our sun is getting lighter? would it it mean that our universe would collapse, or perhaps something else. Because i dont understand what's the fuzz, tell me what's the happenning, what about a neutrino having mas ?? Please in a not to scientic language i'm just a normal wiki reader kid.

All the things you suggest are wrong, except that the Sun does lose mass. However, it primarily loses mass due to the solar wind. The small amount of mass lost due to neutrinos would be the same regardless of whether the neutrinos have mass themselves.
Here are some implications of massive neutrinos: The universe is filled with unseen neutrinos, so knowing that neutrinos have mass means we know a bit more about dark matter. Since neutrinos are hot dark matter, they have some implications for galaxy formation and models of the young universe. Neutrino mass solves the solar neutrino problem, which was that the number of neutrinos observed coming out of the Sun was less than the amount predicted by theories of stellar fusion. The missing neutrinos have oscillated into other flavours. It adds seven new parameters to the Standard Model of particle physics: three mixing angles and one CP-violating phase in the MNS matrix, and three masses. Measuring these new parameters is a major challenge for 21st Century physics. -- Xerxes 16:21, 5 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] The origins of the Universe

It has been suggested that neutrinos may have been the main type of matter created during the Big Bang, and that the visible matter now present in the universe may have been created through radioactive neutron decay.

Roadrunner 18:45, 27 Apr 2004 (UTC)

That is completely untrue. Have you not heard of Normus Dmitri's newly composed theory?

[edit] Number of neutrinos generated from a nuclear power plant

The article says that a nuclear power plant may generate as many as 50000 neutrinos per second. Surely, this is wrong by a longshot? When I read about the first neutrino detector, it said that they carried out the experiment close to a nuclear reactor, since they could get as many as 1012 neutrinos per second and square centimeter. --Dolda2000 03:55, 8 Dec 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Redirects

Why do electron neutrino, muon neutrino and tau neutrino redirect to this article? Shouldn't they have their own articles? The problem is that we have a template (Template:Leptons) in this article which contains links to those articles (which redirect to neutrino), and links to the corresponding antiparticles, which, as you might expect, redirect to antineutrino. --Fibonacci 00:03, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)

The reason there aren't different articles is that, as far as we can tell experimentally, all three types act the same except for being associated with a different lepton. Because of this, I am thinking of replacing the terribly redundant Template:Leptons with Template:Elementary, which I have expanded to include electrons, muons, tauons, and neutrinos anyway. -- SCZenz 18:59, 14 July 2005 (UTC)
In fact, I have done so. -- SCZenz 19:28, 14 July 2005 (UTC)

[edit] On Petameters

Firstly, althought the petameter may be "SI", nobody uses such silly units. In the context of astronomy, the use of non-SI units such as the AU, the ly, and the parsec are completely standard. Even if one did want to denote this distance in meters, one would never use the SI prefix instead of just the scientific notation. Secondly, the particular use here of light year is not a scientific measurement; it's merely a colorful rough size estimate, as when one says a rhinoceros weighs as much as a car, or that an asteroid is the size of Manhattan. In this case petameters should go, light years should stay. IMHO, that is. -- Xerxes 17:39, 2005 May 8 (UTC)

Wikipedia articles aren't written just for astronomers. The interdisciplinary nature of SI is just as important as its international nature. Gene Nygaard 19:53, 8 May 2005 (UTC)
They aren't just written for scientists either. Many more people know what a light-year is than a petameter. Nickptar 02:06, 9 May 2005 (UTC)
I agree with Xerxes314. The peta- prefix simply isn't commonly used or understood -- not among astronomers, and not among physicists, either. I'm going to get rid of the petameters again.--Bcrowell 01:16, 9 May 2005 (UTC)
Thickness of lead is not measured in light years, either, by anybody. Back to petameters. If only one unit, it needs to be the SI unit. Gene Nygaard 02:17, 9 May 2005 (UTC)
Nobody ever uses such a thickness of lead anyway except in this particular example. Many more people understand LY than Pm. I don't mind the Pm being there (or the 1016 m), but the light-year measure should be first. Nickptar 13:52, 9 May 2005 (UTC)
Good idea, Nickptar, I like your solution! --Bcrowell 22:46, 9 May 2005 (UTC)

[edit] On units

Nice article! Shouldn't the mass of the neutrinos have the units 1eV/c^2 instead of 1eV? According to E=mc^2, it seems that this should be the case, when we solve for m.

Technically, yes. But since everybody knows c=1, putting in the extra text seems pointless. -- Xerxes 2005 July 8 14:47 (UTC)
Just to amplify on that, it is normal for physicists to use energy units to specify masses of particles, and in fact, it would be considered weird to use grams. Another way of thinking about it is that when we say "the mass of the electron is 511 keV," we really mean "the mc^2 of the electron is..." --Bcrowell 8 July 2005 15:52 (UTC)

[edit] "hypothetical"

I see that an anon has been repeatedly inserting language in the article that claims neutrinos are only hypothetical. Awfully silly, IMO, since they're no more or less hypothetical than electrons, at this point. If the anon wants to try to make a reasoned case here on the talk page, that's great. Otherwise I'll be happy to help out with reverting the changes, so everyone can avoid breaking the 3RR.--Bcrowell 23:31, 16 July 2005 (UTC)

Looks like we're in for a bit of work, then. On the off chance the anti-neutrino (heh) party would like to discuss this, it seems we have the expertise here to explain the theoretical and experimental reasons we know neutrinos exist in some detail. -- SCZenz 00:38, 17 July 2005 (UTC)
Hey, lookee there, I got a communication from SCZenz via signals supposedly transmitted using hypothetical particles called electrons! --Bcrowell 02:22, 17 July 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Huh?

How can there be 2.984±0.008 types of neutrinos? That range doesn't include 3. Yes, I followed the link and the figure is in the linked paper, but it still seems strange. Ken Arromdee 02:20, 22 August 2005 (UTC)

The number of neutrinos is a free parameter in the shape they're fitting on the Z boson mass plot. Since the plus-minus range is one standard deviation, about a third of the time the measured number will fall further from the true value than that number (simply due to statistical fluctuations). The result means either there are almost certainly actually three neutrinos, or the assumption that a the Standard Model (with an arbitrary number of free neutrinos) describes the Z shape is wrong. If it was the number 2.5±0.008, it would be pretty clear it's the latter, but as it is it's pretty clear it's the former. -- SCZenz 06:54, 22 August 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Red Shift

If one accepts the Hubble interpretation of red-shift wouldn't the same thing happen to neutrinos?

There ought to be a LOT of cold neutrinos floating around!

What limits, if any, can be set on neutrino velocity?

Cave Draco 01:59, 8 December 2005 (UTC)

Neutrinos freeze out of the Big Bang much earlier than photons do, since they are more weakly interacting than photons. Thus, they begin with much higher temperature; however, they also have longer to cool. Today the background is around 1.9K. See Hyperphysics on the Cosmic Neutrino Background. -- Xerxes 15:22, 8 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Detectors

We still need a separate article about neutrino detectors and neutrino observatories. MvR 18:18, 24 December 2005 (UTC)

[neutrino observatory]s should have a list of all of the major labs.--Dr.Worm 06:09, 25 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] oscillations and mass

Neutrino oscillation shows that something is wrong with the standard model. However, it isn't right to take the stance that neutrinos have mass. Not until someone measures it, at least. In this case, its not so hard to describe both what physicists expect and what physicists have(or haven't) measured. The phenomena of mass is most simply an inertial effect. Physicists strongly expect neutrino mass, but have definitely never measured any inertial phenomena. Heh, have you ever tried pushing a neutrino? Anyways, it is easy and important to present the difference between theory and experiment here. Doing otherwise misinforms our readers about our state of knowledge. --Intangir 14:08, 3 January 2006 (UTC)

I'm afraid that your edits actually propagate misunderstanding of how physics is done. There are very very few measurements that are theory-independent. Overemphasizing the dependence of one particular measurement on its theoretical underpinnings makes no more sense than railing against evolution for being "just a theory". If there are other serious models of neutrino oscillation that do not imply neutrino mass, they should be mentioned in the article. Otherwise, these weasel-words serve only to distract from what is a major discovery in particle physics. -- Xerxes 17:38, 3 January 2006 (UTC)
It doesn't distract from the discovery of neutrino oscillations, it only emphasizes it. Why should we emphasize that neutrinos were 'found to have mass' when the true discovery that has been made is these oscillations. As I see it, any distraction from the real discovery here is actually caused by the lack of weasel-words.
I agree that all measurements are theory dependent to some degree. However, a direct measurement of the inertia mass of a particle is as theory-independant as it gets. Yes, 'theory-dependance' is a vague concept. So is the 'observability' of something. However, I think most would agree that inertia is definitely an observable. Heck, together with force, inertia is virtually a phenomenological definition! This is one of those cases when it is clear that there is a very high degree of theory-dependance to the claim. These physicists have discovered a phenomena consistant with the existance of positive neutrino mass. They deserve their proper kudos for this discovery. However, claiming that they have actually discovered neutrinos have mass is simply wrong. The latter statement can only mean that they have actually made some measurement of their mass, since mass(inertia) is clearly an observable! There simply isn't any such measurement to this discovery, so what exactly do you think I am 'railing against'?
I'll agree with you on a further point- Yes, this is how physics is done. Physicists regularly make hugely theory-dependant leaps. It's called induction, and its a great heuristic. None of this is motivated by a 'misunderstanding' of how physics is done. This is just run-of-the-mill scientific anti-realism. Your evolution analogy is silly and a little offensive. --Intangir 18:51, 3 January 2006 (UTC)
A simple calculation shows that the inertial mass of the neutrino has no prospect of ever being measurable using any imaginable future tech. But the more important point is that there is no observation that is ever theory-independent. If you think about it, the observation of the oscillations themselves is based on a vast theoretical framework used to generate and analyze a huge body of complicated experimental data. This is hardly different from the further analysis that leads to neutrino masses.
Specifying a bit more carefully the theoretical framework of neutrino mass calculations might be a good idea. If there were alternative frameworks (There aren't, that I know of.), it would definitely be a good idea. However, just inserting a "probably" in one particular conclusion of one particular measurement on the grounds that the measurement is somehow not direct enough, is (IMO) not good science. -- Xerxes 19:31, 3 January 2006 (UTC)
Could you show me this calculation? It seems that we have placed upper limits on neutrino masses via a couple different kinds of experiments, including those with fairly direct kinematics. If neutrino oscillations are the only observable consequence of neutrino mass, then I would have to agree that neutrino mass is rather unobservable(due to it needing to be incredibly tiny). However, this only aids my position. Why should we assert an unobservable which is only confirmed in one small way?
As for whether or not my phrasing is 'good science', the article for neutrino oscillations references this e-print. On page 4 it says, "In 1957, however, Bruno Pontecorvo realized that the existence of neutrino masses implies the possibility of neutrino oscillations." I assert that who ever wrote this is a good scientist who uses the same kind of weasely-words in precisely the same manner in regards to the same subject. While it is neat that neutrino mass is a plausible explanation, we shouldn't assert that it really is the explanation. The mainstream opinion about the nature of the evidence seems to me to be that neutrino mass is "probably" the correct explanation. Sweet. However, they certainly seem to accept the possibility that it might not be. This seems to be our state of knowledge. It would definitely be nice to describe any possible alternative frameworks, but it is absurd to suggest that not doing so is somehow some kind of "good science" excuse to misrepresent the mainstream opinion. --Intangir 20:31, 3 January 2006 (UTC)
I was talking to a retired physicist from CERN yesterday who was of the opinion that mass alone could not fully explain neutrino oscillations. He had a theory that CKM mixing could explain it. I'm afraid that I am far too dumb of a student to relay the converstaion here, but I hope you will all accept that there are opposing viewpoints out there. Although, I feel that if Intangir is insistant on presenting an alternate hypothesis, he should seek out articles to support his point.
The guy you were talking to "had a theory that CKM mixing could explain" neutrino oscillation? Neutrino oscillation isn't an observed phenomenon that requires a theoretical explanation. Rather, it's a theoretical model designed to explain certain observed phenomena (like the solar neutrino problem). But the theoretical model has been from the very start more or less identical to the CKM mixing of quarks, so this "theory" that you've heard is the standard neutrino oscillation theory, and has been since the beginning. -lethe talk + 15:31, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
I have a much smaller complaint. The article implies that MINOS has detected neutrino mass, but I didn't think they even were at the data analysis point yet? If I'm wrong, please tell me! But if no one knows if they have presented any findings yet, then I feel the statement should be removed or toned down.--Dr.Worm 06:25, 25 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Handedness

Could someone be more explicit about the neutrino handedness? I.e., if a neutrino is emitted from an interaction towards an observer, does it appear to rotate clockwise or anticlockwise?

As the article says, the neutrino is left-handed. This means that if you use your left hand's thumb to indicate the direction of motion, the other fingers (when curled) will indicate the direction of rotation. Therefore, the answer to your particular question is "clockwise". Yevgeny Kats 04:17, 6 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Redlinks

I'm gonna do a minor de-linking soon to get rid of some of the redlinks. It doesn't look like anyone will be making articles on those anytime soon. Freddie 02:43, 20 February 2006 (UTC)

I agree that excessive red links are bad, and visually unappealing, but I think you should leave some that you feel should have an accompanying article. In other words, keep links to pages that you think are essential to Wikipedia, even if they have not been made yet. This serves a dual purpose because it cleans up the page and it indicates to users which pages are wanted, and that it will not be a waste to invest time into them. I think these things bear in mind the overall coverage and quality. Syphondu 01:29, 31 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Merge with sterile neutrino

This is clearly a bad idea. Sterile neutrinos are obviously beyond-the-Standard Model physics and not the same as ordinary neutrinos. It makes no more sense to include them here than to include sneutrinos in this article. What's needed here is simply the addition of more material on sterile neutrino models. -- Xerxes 01:07, 1 March 2006 (UTC)

I agree; sterile neutrino should have its own article. I think the user who added the merge tags was just noting that there was very little material in sterile neutrino. I have removed the merge tags, and marked sterile neutrino for imprrovement. I think there could be a mention of the idea in the main neutrino article as well. -- SCZenz 01:15, 1 March 2006 (UTC)
It's not obvious to me that neutrino article should be limited to talking solely about Standard Model physics: so long as it's made obvious enough that sterile neutrinos aren't in the Standard Model, I wouldn't see a problem with its inclusion here. It just seems unnecessary to have an article on a kind of neutrino which is only a few paragraphs long, considering we don't have seperate articles for electron/muon/tau neutrinos. --Mayrel 22:26, 3 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] chirality versus helicity. 2 possible spin states

so, helicity isn't a good quantum number if neutrinos are massive. Even if they aren't (they are), helicity is still not what is meant, it's chirality that is meant, only we can afford to be sloppy in the massless case, since they coincide. This is a very common confusion, and it would be awesome if wikipedia could be the place where this confusion is laid to rest.

Also, what's this stuff about the particle of fixed helicity realizing only one of it's two possible spin states? "(i.e., only one of the two possible spin states is realized)" I think I know what is meant, but I'm not sure how to make it correct (it's certainly not correct as it stands). I guess it's meant to be a one-sentence explanation of helicity, but it's a bad one. -lethe talk + 10:15, 5 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Faster than the speed of light?

In the neutrino detection section it mentions "charged particles moving through a medium faster than the speed of light". Is this really correct? I thought light always moves faster than anything else in a medium.

The speed of light in a medium can be slowed than the speed of light in a vacuum. Although photons are still individually moving at the speed of light, they are being absorbed/emitted/reflected/etc. by the medium so that the wave propogates as a slower speed. This causes effects like cherenkov radiation. See Speed of light#Interaction with transparent materials. -- SCZenz 19:54, 20 March 2006 (UTC)

A half-answer, :-)

Neutrinos are not charged particles so Cherenkov radiation is irrelevant. What matter density is neccesary before neutrinos travel at light speed in the corresponding medium? How much is red shift due to electromagnetic interaction? Cave Draco 01:36, 5 October 2006 (UTC)

The neutrinos aren't detected via cherenkov radiation. Rather a reaction like
\nu+p\to e^++n
happens, and then the positron (e+) is detected via cherenkov radiation. Does the article not explain this well? -- SCZenz 01:40, 5 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] More confirmation that neutrinos have mass Can someone incorporate this new information into the article? I'm not sure how to do it myself. - Cold Water 21:07, 31 March 2006 (UTC)

As I read it, there is no new information that can be added from that article. It does not explain what was found with the MINOS experiment, it only gives an intro to the MINOS detector and the solar neutrino problem.

To my knowledge, they just opened the data on the neer and far detectors two months ago and they have not finished with the analysis. Although I hope that MINOS helps to prove that neutrinos have mass, I don't think that any results have been published yet.--Dr.Worm 06:57, 2 May 2006 (UTC)

This is incorrect; MINOS has already published results. See, for example, First Observations of Separated Atmospheric Muon Neutrino and Muon Anti-Neutrino Events in the MINOS Detector:
An extended maximum likelihood analysis of the observed L/E distributions excludes the null hypothesis of no neutrino oscillations at the 98% confidence level.
-- Xerxes 15:26, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
Thank you!----Dr.Worm 19:02, 16 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Neutrino Mass vs Gravity Question

I'm sure I missed something somewhere but, how is it that neutrinos are virtually unaffected by gravitational fields--even though they have mass?

Their mass is extremely small. -lethe talk + 07:17, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
To clarify, they are affected by gravitation as much as any other particle. However, because their mass is so small, their (relativistic) kinetic energy in most cases will be larger than their mass by a fair amount, so they will travel at nearly the speed of light. As a result, their trajectories through space will be little affected by gravitation. -- SCZenz 07:42, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
It doesn't say in the article that they're virtually unaffected by gravity. They're affected just as much as any other particle: their trajectories must be geodesics of curved spacetime. -- Xerxes 17:05, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

What evidence do we have that the Principle of Equivalence applies to neutrinos? Granting neutrino inertial mass, no problem... Gravitational mass? Show me.--Cave Draco 00:02, 23 June 2006 (UTC)

There is no evidence other than parsimony. Neutrino masses are far far too small to measure their gravitational effect, except in the great bulk of the cosmic neutrino background. Even there, you can only see hints of their presence in the rate and density of galaxy formation. Still, why would one kind of particle out of the many kinds not obey the Equivalence Principle? It doesn't make much sense. -- Xerxes 19:12, 23 June 2006 (UTC)

I wasn't actually suggesting that only neutrinos are immune to the Equivalence Principle, perhaps all leptons are immune... However, this talk section is about neutrinos and, as the only uncharged lepton, an example of neutrinos showing gravitational effects would be interesting.--Cave Draco 15:00, 24 June 2006 (UTC)

There is strong evidence that electron beams obey the ordinary law of gravitation, so it would have to be just some kinds of leptons. -- Xerxes 19:00, 24 June 2006 (UTC)

SN 1987A is probably the only experimental evidence on neutrinos and gravity. The neutrinos emitted by a supernova 168,000 light years away arrived a mere 3 hours before the photons. This restricts how differently neutrinos could react to gravity. Intangir 17:28, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

I think it should be noted that the African American superhero Captain Marvel (of the Avengers) can transform into Neutrinos... Maybe a section on Neutrinos in pop (although comics are hardly peopular) culture is called for.

hu:User:SzDóri/Neutrínódetektorok listája

[edit] Some concerns

The remark below about accelerator beams and the cross-section increasing linearly with energy is not quite right. The cross-section over a few hundred MeV (above the "resonances") has two relevant parts, the quasi-elastic, and the deep-inelastic, which grows linearly. The two are approximately equal in the 1GeV range. The quasi-elastic cross-section for neutrinos is close to 10^{-38} cm^2 at 1 GeV, and the deep-inelastic is 0.67 x 10^{-38} cm^2/GeV (multiply by the energy to get the number.) MiniBOONE's sample is 39% QE. The peak of the accepted nu_mu spectrum in MINOS is roughly 3.5 GeV so the QE contribution is still significant. The reason this is more than a pedantic aside is that detecting quasi-elastic charged current events is experimentally clean -- one sees nothing followed by an outgoing muon. It is also important because the quasi-elastic cross-section is not well measured and provides an important source of systematic errors in predicting the flux of neutrinos. You care about that because one wants to make a prediction of the unoscillated beam and get that right before claiming you've measured anything about the oscillation parameters. One gets around this with two-detector experiments, along the beam at two different distances, and measuring a change. The systematics of the absolute prediction then largely cancel, but still we like to get it right just for that warm and fuzzy feeling.

Old accelerator beams (like the one I designed and built) had energies anywhere from 20-400 GeV where indeed quasi-elastic contributions were small, and in fact were a background to delicate measurements of the properties of the cross-section. However, we have pretty much tapped out the physics to do with those, and none are extant.

And as long as one wants to be fussy the invisible width of the Z, which "counts" the number of light neutrino species, is a little off, and tends to point at the neutral current G_F being a little different from the charged-current G_F. But the electroweak fitting community has more things to worry about, like how come there's no Higgs yet... —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) 20:27, 5 August 2006.

[edit] "Despite their massive nature"?

This sentence doesn't make any sense: "Despite their massive nature, it is still possible that the neutrino and antineutrino are in fact the same particle, a hypothesis first proposed by the Italian physicist Ettore Majorana." Also it doesn't seem to have much to do with the section, "Flavor oscillations". (Noting the possibility that the neutrino and antineutrino are the same makes sense, although possibly in a different section; but "their massive nature" has nothing to do with it.) Is this a mistranslation from Italian or something? Chronodm 10:27, 8 August 2006 (UTC)

"Massive" there means "has mass". The neutrinos having mass is a big part of flavour oscillation - it's impossible to have flavour oscillation without neutrinos having mass. (See Neutrino oscillation) Mike Peel 10:31, 8 August 2006 (UTC)
Okay, but what does that have to do with whether the neutrino and the antineutrino are the same particle? "Despite" implies that if neutrinos were massless, the neutrino and antineutrino would be the same particle. I'm confused. --Chronodm 10:41, 9 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Flavor and mass do not commute

How can we describe the mass of any neutrino flavor since they are not mass eigenstates? --Michael C. Price talk 23:39, 21 August 2006 (UTC)

For the moment I have described, in the neutrino table, the flavor mass as an "average mass". If anyone has any better suggestions (e.g. "weighted average of the mass eigenstates") please discuss/update accordingly. --Michael C. Price talk 18:13, 19 September 2006 (UTC)

I think that it's fine to refer to "the mass of the electron neutrino" even though it is not a mass eigenstate. It has a well defined mass in the sense that this mass provides a cutoff to the energy of the electron produced in beta decay. I think that a footnote with a bit of discussion of this distinction is the best solution. We can't explain much in the table itself without making the table really ugly. What do you think? --Strait 18:29, 19 September 2006 (UTC)
The problem with the statement "It has a well defined mass in the sense that this mass provides a cutoff to the energy of the electron produced in beta decay." is that energy cutoff would be the same with muon decay or (presumably) tau decay, as with electron (beta) decay. Using "flavor mass" = "energy cutoff" in this sense is meaningless since it is the same for all flavors. However I agree with your footnote solution -- so please go ahead with it. --Michael C. Price talk 21:40, 19 September 2006 (UTC)
I don't agree that the cutoff would be the same for all flavors. Or rather, let me clarify what I mean by "cutoff", since that's a sloppy way to talk about it. For beta decay, I mean that the difference in the maximum electron energy in reality and the maximum electron energy assuming zero neutrino mass. This difference should not be the same for beta decay (3H → 3He e νe) and π → μ νμ, and it should be again different for D → τ ντ. --Strait 22:17, 19 September 2006 (UTC)
Non-sloppy use of language also requires that we don't talk about flavor masses, any more than we would talk about any two non-commuting observables simultaneously. Since you reverted the "average mass" phrase I assume you have something better to replace it with? --Michael C. Price talk 00:56, 20 September 2006 (UTC)
I disagree that it is sloppy to talk about the mass of a flavor eigenstate if it is clarified what is meant by the mass. I simply don't think that "average mass" is a good clarification, because someone might think either (a) that this means that if you measure the masses of various electron neutrinos, you'll find a gaussian distribution around the given value or (b) that this means that electron neutrinos from different reactions have different mass expection values, rather than (c) that this means that every electron neutrino's mass has the same expectation value and that the possible measured values are the masses of ν1,2,3. Since I think we have both agreed to using a footnote on the word "mass", I think that's what we should do. I will do that now. --Strait 01:32, 20 September 2006 (UTC)
Looks good. Do we need to include the possibility of four mass eigenstates? The sterile neutrino page says they may Dirac mix (=mass mix?) with the other neutrinos. Is that right? --Michael C. Price talk 09:00, 20 September 2006 (UTC)
My personal bias is to assume that sterile neutrinos do not exist at least until MiniBooNE publishes (reporting whether they confirm LSND). This has been "any day now" for several months. --Strait 12:59, 20 September 2006 (UTC)
I have no view on the sterile neutrino's existence, but if it existed could it mass mix with the others or not?--Michael C. Price talk 13:31, 20 September 2006 (UTC)
They could. --Strait 13:39, 20 September 2006 (UTC)
If the mixing angles are small (which I don't know—are they?), then the electron neutrino is mostly ν1 and claiming the former has the mass of the latter is reasonably accurate. -- SCZenz 21:44, 19 September 2006 (UTC)
Two out of three mixing angles are rather large. See Neutrino oscillation and [1] ( figure on page 12 ). --Itinerant1 22:01, 19 September 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, this doesn't make much sense (as it is). The PDG review linked above divides the mass eigenstates into "the solar pair" and the "isolated neutrino." It seems reasonable just to talk about the "average mass" or m1, m2 and m3. –Joke 01:11, 20 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Detection

The article states the neutrinos can be detected via Cherenkov radiation. However, the wiki artcile states that Cherenkov radiation works with charged particles, and the neutrino carries no charge. Perhaps some addition of how neutrinos can be detected this way should be added to this article. Harley peters 01:27, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

Neutrino detectors like the one at SNO use a large amount of heavy water surrounded by photomultiplier detectors. As the neutrino's go through, a very very very small amount will interact with the electrons, protons, and neutrons via the electroweak mechanisms. the scattering causes the acceleration of these charged particles causing the Cherenkov radiation. The heavy water is used to create sensitivity to one flavor of the neutrino, the electron neutrino. Also the addition of chlorine will also provide another source of for detection of neutrinos. Althouh the underlying physics and calculations are a little daunting, the basic principle is pretty simple if you keep it in terms of scattering and ionization. you can look at the SNO webpage for some more info. i point to SNO because it was the first neutrino detector that was able to differentiate the electron neutrino flavor with the others. (and it was also the first research topic i had when i started grad school =) --Blckavnger 22:54, 15 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Contradiction in flavor paragraph?

Isn't there a contradiction in this paragraph:

The possibility of sterile neutrinos — neutrinos which do not participate in the weak interaction but which could be created through flavor oscillation (see below) — is unaffected by these Z-boson-based measurements, and the existence of such particles is in fact supported by experimental data from LSND. The correspondence between the six quarks in the Standard Model and the six leptons, among them the three neutrinos, provides additional evidence that there should be exactly three types.

The first sentence says there's evidence for a forth type of neutrino, the second sentence talks about "additional evidence" that there are only three. AxelBoldt 00:02, 29 December 2006 (UTC)

I agree that is a bit confusing. I had to read it twice before I got it. What is meant, I think, is the three leptons and their three antileptons correspond to the three neutrinos and their three antineutrinos. Does someone want to add this clarification? --Ctta0s 18:27, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Typo?

"The energy of supernova neutrinos ranges from few to several 10 of MeV." What is that "10 of" doing in there? Typo? In fact, that whole sentence doesn't read right to me. Could anyone with the physical know-how be bothered to correct it? Thanks. --Ctta0s 18:34, 9 March 2007 (UTC)