Neue Rechte

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Neue Rechte (English: New Right) is a German political movement, founded as opposition to the New Left generation of the 1960s. Ideologically, they are linked to the French Nouvelle Droite and the ideologues of the Weimar Conservative Revolution, which included such people as Carl Schmitt, Ernst Jünger, Oswald Spengler and Ernst von Salomon.

[edit] References

  • Minkenberg, Michael (2000). "The Renewal of the Radical Right: Between Modernity and Anti-modernity". Government and Opposition 35 (2): 170-188. DOI:10.1111/1477-7053.00022. 
  • Minkenberg, Michael, Die Neue Radikale Rechte im Vergleich: USA, Frankreich, Deutschland., Opladen: Westdt. Verl. 1998, 411 S., ISBN 3-531-13227-X
  • Woods, Roger (2005). "Affirmative Past Versus Cultural Pessimism: The New Right Since German Unification". German Life and Letters 58 (1): 93-107. DOI:10.1111/j.0016-8777.2005.00306.x. 
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