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Me in November 2006
Me in November 2006

Hi, I'm Robert McDaniel (Rob to my friends). I'm twenty-three years old, I'm a euphonium performance and music education major at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, and I love pretty much everything about music in general. My non-music interests include: reading Christian apologetics (especially C.S. Lewis), traveling/sightseeing, and linguistics and etymology.

Articles that I have edited extensively so far:

The Left Behind project has begun! Articles edited so far:

More to come!

Some facts about me:

  • I'm a Christian, which means that I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior, though for the purposes of Wikipedia, it means that I believe strongly in the principles of objective truth, moral right and wrong, courtesy, reason, and tolerance... yes that's right, I'm a Christian and I prize reason and tolerance.
  • I'm socially and fiscally conservative and politically moderate, though this does not mean being a blind follower of the Republican Party. I believe strongly in environmentalism, in terms of non-littering, recycling, and clean energy sources.
  • I come from an Air Force family, so traveling and moving around has always been part of my life. Places I have lived include:

Overall, I've lived for eleven years in Europe.

  • I am absolutely fascinated by the historical development of languages and the connections between them, especially in the many influences on the English language. I hope to be able to make some contributions to Wikipedia on this subject soon.
  • I'm an Eagle Scout and believe strongly in the value of the Scouting program.

Some things I would like to do before I die:

  • Get married and have a family.
  • Become an awesome euphonium player.
  • Read, if not speak, every Germanic and Romance language to a fairly good level... say level 2. That leaves German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Icelandic, plus French, Portuguese, and Romanian! Good thing I'm still young!
  • Travel to Australia and New Zealand.
  • Spend at least a night and a day in all 50 states. I think I'm at 27 so far... again, good thing I'm young!
en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
it-2 Questo utente può contribuire con un italiano di livello intermedio.
nl-1 Deze gebruiker bezit elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
fr-0 Cet utilisateur ne comprend le français pas sans grande difficulté.
de-0 Dieser Benutzer hat keine Deutschkenntnisse (oder hat beträchtliche Schwierigkeiten mit der Sprache).
... This user would like to be able to speak more languages.
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euph-3 This user is an advanced euphonium player.
trb-2 This user is an intermediate trombonist.
pno-2 This user is an intermediate pianist.
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