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Nestopia icon Nestopia icon

Nestopia running Super Mario Bros on Windows XP
Developer: Martin Freij
Latest release: 1.36 / February 26, 2007
OS: Linux, Mac OS X, MS Windows
Use: Emulator
License: GPL
Website: Official Home Page

Nestopia is a portable, open source NES/Famicom emulator written in C++. It's designed to be as accurate as possible and supports a large number of peripherals. The hardware is emulated at cycle-by-cycle granularity, ensuring full support for software that do mid-scanline and other timing trickery. The emulation core has been carefully made to conform to the C++98 standard and any decent compiler should be able to compile it without any hassle. To ease the process of porting the emulator to a platform of choice, the core provides a set of API classes. Originally for Windows only, Nestopia has been ported to the Mac OS X and Linux OSes.


[edit] Features

Features include cycle-exact CPU emulation, wave-accurate video emulation, NSF support, Famicom Disk System support, save states, IPS patching, battery-saved RAM, NES movie files, VS. UniSystem support, several non-standard controllers, and support for over 190 memory mappers.

[edit] Development history

Nestopia was originally developed for Windows by Martin Freij. Richard Bannister and R. Belmont later ported it to Mac OS X and Linux, respectively.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links