Nested intervals

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In mathematics, a sequence of nested intervals is understood as a collection of sets of real numbers


such that each set In is an interval of the real line, for n = 1, 2, 3, ... , and that further

In + 1 is a subset of In

for all n. In words, the intervals diminish, with the left-hand end moving only towards the right, and the right-hand end only to the left.

The main question to be posed is the nature of the intersection of all the In. Without any further information, all that can be said is that the intersection J of all the In, i.e. the set of all points common to the intervals, is either the empty set, a point, or some interval.

The possibility of an empty intersection can be illustrated by the intersection when In is the open interval

(0, 2n)

Here the intersection is empty, because no number x is both > 0 and less than every fraction 2n.

The situation is different for closed intervals. The nested intervals theorem states that if each In is a closed interval, say

In = [an, bn]


an < bn

then under the assumption of nesting, the intersection of the In is not empty. It may be a singleton set {c}, or another closed interval [a, b]. More explicitly, the requirement of nesting means that

anan + 1


bnan + 1.

The sequences of endpoints respectively form an increasing sequence of real numbers bounded above, and a decreasing sequence bounded below. They therefore tend to respective limits a and b. It can be shown, as this suggests, that either a < b and the intersection is the interval [a, b]]; or that a = b and the intersection consists of the singleton {c}, where c is their common value.

[edit] Higher dimensions

In two dimensions there is a similar result: nested closed disks in the plane must have a common intersection (a disk or single point). This result was shown by Hermann Weyl to classify the singular behaviour of certain differential equations.

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