Nesbit Willoughby

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Nesbit Josiah Willoughby
Nesbit Josiah Willoughby

Sir Nesbit Josiah Willoughby (1777-1849) was an officer in the British Royal Navy who was knighted in 1827, and was made a rear-admiral in 1847. He is related to Hugh Willoughby, a naval officer from an earlier generation who also figures in British naval history.

Willoughby entered the British navy in 1790 and was present at the battle of Copenhagen. In 1800, however, he was dismissed from the service by the sentence of a courtmartial for his insolent conduct towards a superior officer, a previous offence of this kind having been punished less severely. In 1803, on the renewal of war, as a volunteer he joined an English squadron bound for the West Indies, and was soon admitted again to the navy; his courage and promptness at Cape Francais were responsible for saving 900 lives, and he distinguished himself on other occasions, being soon restored to his former rank in the service.

After further services in the West Indies, during which the displayed marked gallantry on several occasions, Willoughby was tried by court-martial at Cape Town in 1808 on charges of cruelty; he seems to have taken a great delight in inflicting punishment, but he was acquitted with the advice to be more moderate in future in his language.

While commanding the frigate Nereide in 1810, he was responsible for the heroic defence made by his ship against a much stronger French force at Port Louis, Mauritius, when 222 out of his crew of 281 men were disabled before he surrendered. Undeterred by the severe wounds which he had received, and seeing no prospect of active service with the British fleet, Willoughby offered his services in 1812 to the Russian government. While serving with the Russian army he was captured by the French. He eventually escaped from France to England. Having seen a little more service in the navy he died unmarried in London on the 19th of May 1849.

[edit] See also

Battle of Grand Port

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.