Nerus (Stargate)

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Stargate character

Nerus in Beachhead
Race Goa'uld
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Maury Chaykin
First episode "Beachhead"

In the science fiction television show Stargate SG-1, Nerus was a minor Goa'uld based on the Nereus of mythology. He is closely associated with the character Ba'al. He was played by the actor Maury Chaykin.


[edit] Background

Nerus was a minor Goa'uld who had served Ba'al for many centuries. An inventor, Nerus claimed to be responsible for inventing many Goa'uld technologies, including the Goa'uld holographic projector. However, he prided himself with figuring out how to dial all the Stargates in the Milky Way simultaneously, as he claimed he did for Ba'al during the Replicator invasion of the Milky Way.

He was known for his "many appetites", and was regarded as little more than a gluttonous pig by Vala Mal Doran.

However, some time before he eventually contacted the SGC, Nerus was intercepted by the Ori, or more likely a Prior, who successfully convinced him that they were the closest thing to pure godliness. They subsequently instructed him to travel to Earth and supply them with disinformation to trick SG-1 into actually helping them establish their first Supergate. [1]

[edit] Contact with the SGC

Nerus feasting at the SGC.
Nerus feasting at the SGC.

Claiming to have information about the Ori and their intentions to establish a beachhead from which to launch their invasion, Nerus was brought to the SGC. Eager to meet SG-1, he was disappointed when he found out that Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter were no longer with the unit. He revealed that it was he who spread the virus the SGC sent to disable Ba'al's Stargate to the entire network.

It was the Ori's intention to create a working Supergate to allow their fleet to enter the Milky Way. However, as even the Ori were unable to project the energy required through the Stargate, they were forced to rely on outside help. Knowing both the Free Jaffa Nation and the SGC would react, they convinced Nerus to relay information regarding the invasion to SG-1, who subsequently sent the Prometheus to the planet.

Playing right into the Ori's hands, SG-1 and several Ha'taks fired on the force field and detonated a Mark IX nuclear warhead inside the shield. Their combined effords provided enough energy to allow the shield to completely envelop the planet, which subsequently crushed the planet into a micro black hole. If Vala Mal Doran hadn't inserted a Goa'uld Tel'tak in place of the last link of the gate, causing a power surge that prevented the completion of the device, the Ori's plan would have been successful.

After Nerus' treachery was discovered, he hoped that the Tau'ri would kill him after they discovered his plan, thus allowing him to Ascend. Instead, General Landry locked him in Area 51, with the threat that if he did not help Stargate Command fight the Ori, he would not be allowed to eat. [1]

Eventually, when Ba'al began stealing Stargates in an elaborate plan to rebuild his former empire, Nerus confirmed General Landry's suspicions regarding the mysterious thefts. In exchange for Ba'al's supposed location, Nerus was later released. It was only after he had returned to Ba'al's ship that he became aware of the tracking device implanted in his stomach.

As Landry had not only been tracking Nerus, but had also implanted a computer virus into one of his devices, Ba'al's Ha'tak eventually lost power. After annoying Ba'al with circumlocutions, Nerus was presumably shot by Ba'al and killed. [2]

Spoilers end here.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b "Beachhead" (Stargate SG-1)
  2. ^ "Off the Grid" (Stargate SG-1)

[edit] Notes

  • Nerus pronounces "jaffa" as "yaffa," which is consistent with a Greco-Roman background. Latin, in particular, has no "j" sound, substituting it with the consonantal "y".
  • Nerus is a reference to Chaykin's role as Nero Wolfe, who shares several traits with Nerus. Rita Zekas' column (February 19, 2006) in the Toronto Star quotes Chaykin on the subject: "I've been playing a character called Nerus on a few episodes of Stargate SG-1. ... The creator of the show is a big fan of Nero Wolfe. Nerus is a gourmand from a different planet."

[edit] External links

Recurring characters on Stargate SG-1 Edit
Tau'ri Malcolm Barrett | Jacob Carter | Chekov | Adrian Conrad | Major Davis | Paul Emerson | Louis Ferretti | Janet Fraiser
Walter Harriman | Charles Kawalsky | Robert Kinsey | Carolyn Lam | Catherine Langford | Bill Lee | Harry Maybourne
Rodney McKay | Lionel Pendergast | Robert Rothman | Frank Simmons | Pete Shanahan | Siler | Richard Woolsey
Other Humans Cassandra | Kasuf | Linea | Ma'chello | Martin Lloyd | Sha're | Shifu | Skaara
Goa'uld Amonet | Anubis | Apophis | Ba'al | Cronus | Hathor | Heru-ur
Nerus | Nirrti | Osiris | Ra | Sokar | Tanith | Yu | Zipacna
Jaffa Bra'tac | Gerak | Ishta | Rya'c
Other Adria | Chaka | Fifth | Harlan | Merlin | Oma Desala | Reese | Replicator Carter | Thor
Lists by race All | Tau'ri | Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Jaffa, Langaran, Lucian Alliance
Ori, Replicator, Tok'ra, Tollan, System Lord
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