Nepenthes rowanae

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Nepenthes rowanae
Large Nepenthes rowanae plant. Cape York, Australia.
Large Nepenthes rowanae plant. Cape York, Australia.
Conservation status
Data deficient
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Nepenthaceae
Genus: Nepenthes
Species: N. rowanae
Binomial name
Nepenthes rowanae
F.M.Bailey (1897)

Nepenthes rowanae (after Ellis Rowan, Australian naturalist and illustrator) is a species of pitcher plant endemic to Cape York, Australia. It is closely related to N. mirabilis and was once considered an extreme form of this species.

Between 1881 and 1905, F. M. Bailey described 11 species of Nepenthes from northern Australia,[1] all of which were placed in synonymy with N. mirabilis by B. H. Danser in 1928.[2] The only taxon which Danser considered to possess morphological characters atypical of N. mirabilis was N. rowanae. He wrote:[2]

Of all these I have seen the type or at least authentic specimens, but they are nearly all mere growth forms of N. mirabilis. Only N. rowanae shows a character not yet met with in N. mirabilis, viz. campanulate-infundibuliform upper pitchers. A similar aberration, however, is often met with in several allied species and is certainly insufficient for specific distinction.

However, field observations carried out between 2001 and 2003 "showed that N. rowanae possesses several stable, significant morphological and ecological characteristics that are not exhibited by N. mirabilis", and the taxon was subsequently elevated to a species in 2005.[3]

Differences between N. mirabilis and N. rowanae (Clarke & Kruger, 2005)
Character N. mirabilis N. rowanae
Morphology of leaf blade Acute to rounded Contracted towards the apex, then continuing along the tendril as a narrow, acute, extension
Insertion of tendril to leaf blade Simple Peltate
Pitcher wings Simple, bearing multicellular fringe elements Often flattened at front, forming a T-shape in XS, multicellular fringe elements often present
Leaf blade texture Usually chartaceous Strongly coriaceous
Leaf blade attachment to stem Simple, or rarely decurrent for ⅓ the length of the internode Decurrent for at least ½ the length of the internode, usually more
Gland density in lower portion of pitcher 1600-2500 / cm² Approximately 3600 / cm²
Position of pitcher hip in upper pitchers Mid-way, to lower half Upper quarter
Position of pitcher hip in lower pitchers Lower third to quarter Immediately beneath peristome

According to the ICBN, the correct spelling of this name is Nepenthes rowaniae, as the epithet is based on the personal name Rowan.[4] There is only one correct way to form this epithet (in the genitive: Rec 60C.1.b.) and the resulting correct spelling is mandatory: any usage of the spelling rowanae is to be corrected to rowaniae (Art 60.11).[5] However, the literature tends to use Nepenthes rowanae, instead.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Bailey, F.M. 1897. Contributions to the Flora of Queensland. Queensland Agricultural Journal 1: 231.
  2. ^ a b Danser, B.H. 1928. The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies. Bulletin de Jardin de Botanique, Buitenzorg, Série III, 9(3-4): 249-438.
  3. ^ Clarke, C.M. & R. Kruger 2005. Nepenthes rowanae (Nepenthaceae), a remarkable species from Cape York, Australia. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 34(2): 36-41.
  4. ^ Spelling correction
  5. ^ International Code of Botanical Nomenclature: Chapter VII, Section I, Article 60