Ned Bigby

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Ned Bigby
Ned Bigby

Ned Bigby is the main character on Nickelodeon's sitcom, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. Played by Devon Werkheiser, Ned's central role in the show is to give tips to the viewing audience at home by shattering the fourth wall. Ned has tips on how to handle any situation in school, inside or outside the classroom, such as how to pass a note in class without getting caught, how to find out if the person you like likes you, too, and how to get to class without being late.

Ned is a normal 8th grader at California's James K. Polk Middle School. He's shown as a good guy who's willing to help out in any situation. He is either 13 or 14. Ned isn't super popular, but he does have friends (although his girlfriend, Suzie Crabgrass, is super popular). He knows his way around school (Moze said he was "Ned Bigby-School Survival Genius"), and wants very much to enjoy middle school. His two best friends are Jennifer Mosely, who lives next door to him, and Simon Nelson-Cook. He calls Jennifer "Moze" and Simon "Cookie." He is bullied by Billy Loomer and his followers because he was once caught using the girl's restroom.


[edit] Character History

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Season 1

In the first season, much has been found out about Ned's life. He has a crush on one of the most popular girls at school, Suzie Crabgrass. Suzie probably does not have a crush on Ned. Ned wanted to ask Suzie to a school dance, but Seth Powers asked her-right in front of him, although it was an accident. Ned did eventually get to dance with Suzie a few songs later, though, after her date for the night left her to chase the basketball he had spinning on his right fingertips the entire time after it was knocked out of his hand. The only people who have a known romantic interest in Ned are The Huge Crew, a trio of female bullies named Doris, Mandy, and Sandy. Ned is rather creeped out by this, and doesn't return the favor.

Though Suzie dates Loomer, two instances in season two may indicate that the door is still open for Suzie and Ned to have a relationship, and, that perhaps, Suzie may have feelings for Ned, too. After their kiss, Suzie told Ned she was still dating Loomer, and that, "our love can never be...for now, anyways." The second instance can be found in the "Guide to: Gross Biology Dissection." While Ned and Moze are thrilled about dissecting a frog, Suzie protests. Not surprisingly, Ned joins in on her campaign, just to get her to like him. While passing out fliers in the hall, Ned is approached by Loomer, who takes a flier, crumples it up, and puts it in his mouth. As he walks away, Suzie, sitting at a stand you'd normally see on a roadside, says, "Loomer can't wait to dissect. He's not sweet and sensitive like you," smiling at the end of the statement.

[edit] Season 2

Ned eventually went on his first date in season two's "Guide to: Dares," but it wasn't with Suzie. Ned was dared by Cookie to ask out Missy Meany , a cheerleader and the most popular girl in school, whom, in previous shorts, belittled Ned, and, at one point, even stole his "Survival Guide" idea. Ned didn't hesitate, and prepared himself for rejection, but, to his surprise, Missy not only said yes, but she appeared genuinely excited about their date. She even told Ned what she is going to wear and what he has to wear on the date: "I'm really looking forward to the date. Make sure you wear red shirt and black pants." According to Ned, the date went well. "We laughed at the same jokes, we like the same music," he said. But any potential for his first real relationship was killed when, with Missy standing nearby, he remarked to Moze that he never would've asked Missy out if he hadn't been dared. Upon hearing this, Missy said "What! You asked me because you were dared? You stink Ned Bigby!" and then threw Ned into an inflatable pool filled with water and a swimming nurse shark (Cookie and Loomer had dared each other to jump the shark on a bicycle, possibly a poke at the famous phrase that is used to describe a television show that has lost its creativity; Cookie backed out, while Loomer missed the first ramp, and wheeled right into the back of an ambulance).

In the episode's second short, the "Guide to: Bad Habits," Ned learned how to say "no," since his bad habit was saying "yes" to everything. At the end of the short, Ned (rather excitedly) said "no" to everything, from helping Martin Qwerly help build a new cement sidewalk, to a study date with Suzie. When Moze and Cookie approached him, Moze said, "Congratulations, you've learned how to say 'no.' But you just said 'no' to a date with Suzie Crabgrass." Ned then dropped to his knees, threw up his arms, looked up at the ceiling, and shouted, "NOOOOOOO!"

Ned's personal life has been the subject of rumors in the past. Once, when he said he liked Moze's nickname (Quote:"'Moze' is a cool nickname. I like Moze."), another girl overheard the last part of that statement, and thought he was referring to Moze herself. A rumor then spread that Ned was secretly in love with Moze and wanted to ask her out. He eventually caught Moze off-guard and told her the rumors weren't true. However, they had to kill the rumor by faking a break-up in front of everyone, a break-up that everyone bought.

Ned likes to take charge when he doesn't like something. When he, Moze and Cookie aspired to sit at the cool table in the lunchroom, he created his own cool table, complete with cool lights, a band, and cool furniture. It even had a bouncer. However, his table became too cool, simply because everyone was invited to sit there. When he and Moze's ancient history teacher, Mr. Wright, got a little out of hand in how he picked talent for his talent show, allowing only the classics to perform, Ned set up a rival talent show that wasn't boring and instead was a big success, even with Mr. Wright, who decided to relax his "only-the-classics-are-allowed-in-my-show" stance, and let Ned, Moze, and Cookie pick some of the talent for his next talent show (within reason).

The only thing Ned never wanted to do was run for 7th grade class president. He was nominated by The Huge Crew without knowing in advance, and quickly sought every way to get out of it because he saw the election as nothing but a popularity contest because, as he said, "Suzie and Doug," the most popular guy or girl in school, "always wins." But when he found out that Moze's woodshop teacher, Mr. Chopsaw, scored an upset win in the 1978 7th grade class presidential election, he decided to go ahead and run. He got tons of votes, but he, Suzie, and Doug all lost by one vote-to the weasel that runs around the school.

In the season finale, "Guide to: Double Dating & The Last Day" Ned finally goes on a date with Suzie, and decides to double date with Moze. Surprisingly, Suzie tells Moze (both of whom are best friends at this point) that she decides that she wants Ned to kiss her (Suzie). Moze spits out her tea which is a sign of jealousy and that Moze has feelings for Ned. Moze quickly runs to tell Ned, but learns that Ned has a bad case of diarrhea due to some spicy food he ate earlier at the dance. After taking an emergency medicine from the school nurse (who came to the school in her night robes), Ned is fine. He runs off to find and kiss Suzie, but accidentally kisses Moze, who is wearing the same outfit and has the same hair style as Suzie. Interestingly, their psychic lunch lady had recently told Ned that he would kiss his true love at a dance soon. In "The Last Day", Moze and Ned decide that the kiss meant something and try to figure out a way to tell Suzie without losing a best friend and a potential girlfriend. In the end, however, Suzie tells them that she already knew because Moze's date told her. She understands that it was just an accident and assures Ned that she'll call him and see Moze later. When Moze and Ned sit down on the bus, though, they kiss again to prove that it meant nothing. However, it obviously did mean something and still does. Moze and Ned probably like each other, as Nickelodeon Magazine has verified this. In an earlier episode he remarked about how Moze was "a beautiful girl- I-I-I mean, beautiful smile for the camera.". In the new semester episode, Ned reveals that he and Moze kissed at his birthday party. Then, Moze replies that it was his fifth and her mom made her do it.

[edit] Season 3

There has been one love episode in Season 3. In the short "School Play", Ned tries to prevent another teen (Corbin Bleu) from stealing Suzie because of the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet. In the end, Ned has to kiss Cookie when he injures Suzie and the teen who plays Romeo in the play. In "New Grade", Suzie, is mad because Ned keeps beating up people as the new class bully (These are all accidents). Ned becomes captain of his Dodgeball team and beats Loomer's team. He also skips reading assignments. In the guide to "Principals", Ned tries to find good candidates to take Principal Pal's job. He finds none until he finds Mr. Wright who he convinces to try out for Principal.Later because of Krubbs' rude remarks, he says yes.

In the episode "Popularity" Ned and Suzie begin a relationship after Missy (who has developed a crush on Ned) tries to sabotage them getting together in hopes that Ned will turn his attention to her by making Ned wear body jewelery and writing "You Stink" on his forehead and face. The plan backfires when Suzie walks up to Ned and Missy wearing the same body jewelery and with the words "You Stink 2" when Missy storms off Suzie asks Ned out. (In which, Ned finally completes his dream of becoming Suzie's boyfriend.) Ned had some problems with Suzie when she moved into his locker, but Ned and Suzie sorted out their problems.

Ned is starting to realize that he has a crush on Moze. There has been a time in the episode 'Girls' that Ned indicates that he would recognize his perfect girl if she is "glowing" and he could hear the voices of the singing angels every time he sees that certain girl. This theory, however, drove Ned nuts because every time he sees Moze, he would see the "symptoms" too. Only, these "symptoms" were really Gordy, turning on his spotlight, and the choir, practicing out all over the school because Gordy hadn't fixed their classroom's lights yet. Finally, though, when Ned saw Moze again, he found the "symptoms", as usual. He then thought that the choir and Gordy were there again, and therefore said "Gordy, cut it out," but to his surprise, Gordy responded that he wasn't doing anything, and that he had in fact finally fixed the choir's lights.

Also in the short "Woodshop", Ned thinks Moze likes him after the woodshop teacher tells them that Moze and him make a good couple and that Moze talks about him alot. Moze was working on a secret project and won't tell Ned about it. When the woodshop teacher and Moze are talking about her project Ned over hears Moze say "I like him." but doesn't know that she is referring to the project(which is a chair.) Now Ned was werided out and later in the day he hears them talking again and hears Moze say "I want him to love me." and the woodshop teacher says "He'll love you." then Moze says(something along that) but they are really talking about the judge. So Ned goes and tell Gordy that Moze likes him and Gordy thinks it was about time they go out. Gordy(whom also loves the phsycic lunchlady) goes and talks to Moze(thinking she likes Ned) and now Gordy tells Ned that she does like him and he is gonna tell him at 3:00. Then Gordy tells him to ask her out because they are gonna go out one time or another and to give her flowers. Ned is all nervous and he gives the flowers to Moze quickly and says something along the line of "This is really hard to say so here it goes.." but then Moze stops him and shows him her chair and he thinks its for him. then she tells him its for a contest so Ned feels pretty stupid. Then Moze asks what were the flowers for and he says to cheer her up. Then the judge walks up and says Moze's chair is great but when he sits in it, it breaks. Then Moze thinks Ned was the reason her chair broke(really it was Cookie) and he denies it and says to believe him. Then Moze says something like "Oh, so you just got me flowers to tell me you like me." The Ned says "On second thought, I broke your chair, sorry" Then Moze chases Ned down the hallway and it end with Gordy saying "Ah, Young love" And you can hear Moze beating up Ned.

In the episode Positives & Negatives and Parties, Moze (Lindsey Shaw) finds out Faymen's kisses lack spark -- and she tries to plant one on Ned (Devon Werkheiser) during "Spin the Bottle." Party-goer Ned tries to shake his date, Missy (Carlie Casey), when Suzie (Christian Serratos) arrives.

[edit] Relationships

  • Cookie - Cookie and Ned are best friends who do many things together, particularly in Life Science, in which the two are always paired to care for the baby. The friendship is put on the line a fair few times, occasionally resulting in a fight, although the two make amends later in the episode.
  • Vice Principal Crubbs - Ned's results from a career test suggested a teaching or counseling job, as well as a job as vice principal. Crubbs was teaching his own 'Careers in Education' class and tried to get Ned to come. Ned, wanting a more exciting career, avoided the class, although he always wound up in the class after a series of misadventures (i.e. getting beat up by the professional wrestler in the 'Careers in Professional Wrestling Class' and geting thrown in Crubbs's class).
  • Suzie Crabgrass - Ned had a crush on Suzie for much of seasons 1 and 2, although she showed no interest in him, going out with Billy Loomer and Seth Powers over him. Later in the third season, Ned and Suzie begin dating, leading to several relationship-related situations (i.e. Ned thinks Suzie is cheating on him). Perhaps the largest of these issues, Suzie informed Ned in "Moving" that she was moving out of the state. After moving, Suzie and Ned begin to talk on the phone on a particular schedule during the day. This causes problems between the two, as Ned accidentally says no to meeting up with her when she is going to be back in state for a day, and sometimes accidentally hanging up on her. Many more accidents occur, causing Suzie to think that Ned is breaking up with her. This conflict is resolved when Ned calls at the end of the day. But, Suzie says that if he ever hangs up on her again, she will dump him. Ned is about to respond when the battery dies on the cell phone he is using, and she last says to herself, "That's it, we're through!" It is unknown that this was a real breaking up.
  • Billy Loomer - The typical school bully, Loomer and his cronies see Ned as an easy target, particularly after Ned was caught running out of the girl's restroom. Ned and Loomer have, however, worked together on a few occasions throughout the series, most notably in 'New Grade', when Ned, trying to be tougher, was seen as a bully and wanted to change back to his 'sweet and sensitive' self.
  • Mr. Gibson - Ned decided to take Music Instruction for his music class, choosing the guitar with dreams of being a rock star. Mr. Gibson "confined" him to playing scales as apposed to teaching him how to "rock". Frustrated, Ned quits Music Instruction and joins Music Appreciation briefly, until Mr. Gibson reveals himself to be a rocker himself, insisting that in order to rock, Ned had to learn the basics first. Ned rejoins his class and continues playing the guitar, although his skill with the instrument is never brought up again.
  • Gordy - Ned goes to Gordy for advice, usually involving his relationship with Suzie. Gordy gives Ned what he thinks is good advice, usually coupled with some hair-brained plan of action that makes the situation worse. Gordy has also shown to care for Ned, once putting his desire to capture the weasel behind Ned's needs.
  • Missy Meanie - Ned had a very brief relationship with Missie after being dared by Cookie to ask her out in 'Dares'. Ned did so, and enjoyed dating Missy until she found out he asked her out on a dare and broke up with him. Later, Missy gave Ned a makeover to "make him popular" and "impress" Suzie while actually making him look like a freak, giving him several piercings and painting the words 'You Stink' on his forehead. Suzie, who liked Ned, realized what Missy was doing and took on Ned's look to try and impress him, writing 'You Stink 2' on her forehead. Missy has had feelings for Ned ever since he picked up her pencil for her in one of their classes. Missy seems to be very interested in Ned as the mere mention of him gets her excited and if it involves him, she'll usually go along with it.
  • Moze - Moze is Ned's best friend and the two have known each other since pre-k. She often gives Ned advice, occasionally providing a tip for the Guide, although Ned usually ignores this and carries out with his own plan, eventually seeing she was right. A relationship between the two is often implied, and they have actually kissed Four times (once at Ned's fifth birthday party, accidentally at the school dance in 'Double Dating', and again at the back of the bus in 'The Last Day' episode). They also kissed in the episode parties when Moze wanted to kiss Ned to see if it had spark. They were also mistakenly named the class couple after Ned and Cookie came up with a plan to keep Jock Goldman away from Moze in 'Yearbooks'. There are many hints of a relationship between the two. Ned has, indeed, thought he liked Moze, particularly in the episode 'Girls', although his crush on and later relationship with Suzie Crabgrass usually overpowers any feelings for Moze.
  • Mr. Sweeney - Ned has stated that Mr. Sweeney is his least favorite teacher, and Mr. Sweeney isn't too fond of Ned, either. Ned typically daydreams in his class and goofs off instead of focusing on the lesson (i.e. making a snowman out of styrofoam balls and toothpicks instead of a molecule). Sweeney, however, has helped Ned pass his class in a few instances (giving him the 'Golden Notebook' to study from and becoming his science tutor).

[edit] Trivia

  • Ned has only kissed Moze (three), but has been kissed by Missy (twice), The Huge Crew, and Suzie.
  • A running gag in the series is Ned finding himself in the girls bathroom. Because of this, he is targeted by Loomer, his followers Crony and Buzz and his friends. Ned has been caught in the girl's room at least 5 times throughout the course of the series.
  • As a result of an encounter with one of Cookie's study devices (the Crammaster), Ned occasionally sees the imaginary figures of Abraham Lincoln and Benedict Arnold, who engage him in moral debates, acting as his conscience.
  • Ned formed the "Mathamagicians", a math study group with Albert and the Oboe Twins.
  • Ned dressed as a vampire in the Halloween special. He tried to learn how to turn into a bat and fly, with limited success, although this occurred in a dream.
  • In Guide to: Notebooks, one of Ned's doodles is of the Crimson Chin, a comic book superhero in The Fairly Oddparents.
  • Ned spends every Friday night with his best friend and neighbor Jennifer Mosely eating pizza, playing video games, and watching movies.
  • Ned held the largest Permanent Records record until it was shredded in Guide to: School Records.
  • Whenever seeing something shocking or that he doesn't like, Ned tends to point his finger and exclaim "oooooohhhhhh". This has become somewhat of a trademark to fans who watch the show.
  • In the short "Nicknames", he goes through a series of nicknames, including 'Wedge-Picker', 'Spazz', and 'Big Bee'.
  • Ned's mother is either divorced, single, or widowed because Ned never mentioned his father in the show.
  • When Ned gets hit or hurt, he usually continues what he is doing then a split second later, will rub the place he was hurt and say, "Owwwwww!"
  • In one episode, Ned is about to tell Moze he likes her because he thinks she likes him but when he finds out she doesn't, he chickens out.
  • Ned is almost always wearing Converse All-Stars.

[edit] External links