Navy Field

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NavyFIELD Wallpaper
Developer(s) SD Enternet
Release date(s) February 8, 2006
Genre(s) MMORPG
Naval Simulation
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Platform(s) Windows
Media Download
Input Mouse, Keyboard

Navy Field (more specifically NavyField North America) is a naval combat MMOG set during World War II. The game is developed by SDEnternet, a South Korean company and has been operational in Asia since 2002. It was made available to Western players as a free open beta on November 5th, 2004, and in commercial form from February of 2006.


[edit] Servers

When players start the game they are given the choice to log into one of two official game servers, and one unofficial server. Data saved on one server may not be used on any other server, meaning that most players play only on one server, which they choose when they first create their account.

Arizona Server
Missouri Server
Test Server
The "oldest" server, Arizona is comprised of the old Bismarck and Prince of Wales servers, which were the two oldest beta servers. Before Bismarck and Prince of Wales, the oldest servers were Seattle and Vancouver. As a result, Arizona has many high-level and experienced players.

Made up of the relatively newer Iowa and Yamato servers, both of which came after Bismarck and Prince of Wales. Has a smaller and, in general, newer player base than Arizona, due to its two previous servers having been formed only months prior to the game going retail. However, Missouri does have many experienced players who have transferred to it; this is explained below.

A third server where the developers periodically test new features. It is generally brought online whenever the two main servers are shut down for maintenance, which usually occurs on Wednesday nights (the shutdown times are given on the main site in Pacific Daylight Time). Experience, points, and credits regularly given on the two official servers is multiplied by a factor of ten in the test server. Players are forewarned, however, that the server may be reset at any time, and any data on it along with it. Currently this server is offline with no ETA on its return.

To balance server populations and strengths, Arizona is periodically closed to new players; during these periods, new players can only join the Missouri server. "Player transfers", the transfer of player account data, were previously periodically granted to a limited number of players who wished to play on a different server, however this service has been suspended indefinitely. Several TNF moderators (explained later) are also former Arizona, Bismarck, or Prince of Wales players.

[edit] Gameplay

Gameplay takes place in individual battle rooms located in 25 different 'Areas' on the game's 'Battle Map.' Each room can hold up to 128 players divided into two teams. Players take command of a 'Neutral' nationality ship at the beginning of the game and progress through levels to access larger and more powerful vessels. There are two main types of ships that a player can command in the highest levels of the game; Aircraft Carriers (CV) or Battleships (BB). Battleships may be armed with the largest guns in the game and can hold the most powerful armor, while aircraft carriers have the best striking range along with lethal accuracy depending on the skill of the player. Up to 6 different ships of a single nation can be purchased at a time and can be armed and equipped with multiple variations of naval guns, aircraft, fire control systems, powerplants, and armor. The game uses two forms of currency; "Credits" and "Points" which are used to purchase ships and equipment and promote sailors, respectively.

Battles are played in real time using isometric graphics. Ships rotate and elevate their guns to try and land shells on target, launch torpedoes, and use aircraft to scout and to attack enemy ships and aircraft.

As well, like many MMOS games, players may form clans, known as fleets. Each fleet is unique and has the ability to create up to 5 squadrons of 30 more people within the fleet. Fleets have the unique capability to participate in the Harbor Assault gameplay mode.

[edit] Game Balance

The four nations in the game all have their weak and strong points, explained later. Some ships and weapons in the game are noticeably strong or weak compared to the ships and weapons of other nations at similar levels; this also applies to other important areas, such as support crews, aircraft, and armor. Balance is an ongoing and hotly contested issue among players.

[edit] Game Modes

There are five types of battle in Navy Field:

  1. Normal
  2. Great Battle II
  3. Operation Convoy
  4. Blitzkrieg
  5. Missions

The common theme for all game modes is that the battle is between two teams, each of which has a flagship. Damage done to friendly ships produces an experience penalty to discourage the practice of team killing (which is also now a bannable offense). All games are "hosted"; ships join a hosting zone and join or are assigned to teams. When all ships are ready to play, the game proper commences.

In Normal battles, there are no restrictions on the number of each ship type. Each ship earns experience based only on the damage that it inflicts. Credits and points are awarded primarily based on personal damage inflicted, with a small proportion coming from the team total. Each ship chooses its own side and decides when to become ready to play.

In Great Battle II battles, all ship types are allowed, though a maximum of 10 BBs and 6 CVs may participate. Experience, credits and points are awarded based on both personal and team performance, making team play and in particular escorting and defending friendly ships more significant. Great Battle II games are played to a time limit. The game splits ships between the two sides, attempting to balance them based on ship power (power is determined by weapons, armor, engine and the ship in general), then the room host can move ships between sides. The room host decides when the game starts.

In Blitzkrieg battles, DDs, FFs, CLs, PSs, and CAs under Level 60 may participate. Experience, credits and points are awarded based on both personal and team performance, but experience is double the normal amount to aid newer players in leveling their sailors. The game is played to a time limit. Hosting is performed as per Normal battles.

Missions are played either solo or in small teams against computer controlled ships. They represent training opportunities or historical scenarios. Rewards for missions are generally very low, although repeated play of them can be used to turn crewmen's recruits into experts (called "Mission Whoring" by many players). There is only one (player) side in missions, and all ships must become ready to play before the game starts.

[edit] Historical Accuracy

Navy Field is an interpretation of WW II naval combat, not a simulation. It contains many abstractions and some speculative ships and weapons.

The visual designs of the ships, guns and planes are very detailed. However, their behaviour can be significantly aberrant from the real vessels. In particular:

  • The scaling of ships is very large compared to gun ranges.
  • The majority of ships in Navy Field can travel at speeds well in excess of their historical maximums.
  • Ships turn "on their axis" rather than turning by the stern; this sometimes allows players to dodge bombs dropped by dive-bombers, since the ship rotates about its centre.
  • Guns fire at a substantially increased rate.
  • Plane preparation time for launching is far shorter.
  • Carriers do not need to turn into the wind in order to launch planes.
  • The accuracy of guns can become unrealistically high, in some cases allowing them to fire with perfect accuracy out to their maximum range, popularly called a "block shot" by players.
  • Damage is greatly abstracted; until 21st September, 2006 the only effect of damage was to slow ships down until they eventually sank; it had no other effect. Now, BBs and BCs which are below 30% of their DP have their "Turret Drive Acceleration" disabled, which forces them to move their turrets at a slow pace.

[edit] Nations

When a new player creates an account, he or she receives four Sailors with balanced ability in all areas, fifty thousand credits and thirty two thousand points to spend on purchasing a neutral ship and more crew. Players may also buy or sell naval guns, torpedo launchers, and other equipment using credits, or trade with other players for ships and crewmen.

Beginners are advised to battle in the "Beginner" area to level their Sailors up. Once a Sailor has reached level 12, he may be assigned to one of four nations:

Selecting a Nation for a Sailor.
Selecting a Nation for a Sailor.

[edit] Royal Navy

Royal Navy

RN - Royal Navy - British Empire

The RN has the most effective armor, the best support crews, a large variety of fast battleships, as well as the hardest hitting guns. However, RN guns lack a fast reload speed (due to the system used to class their gunners), their armor is heavy and expensive, and RN torpedoes are the slowest and have the shortest range. Players gain access to battleships and heavy cruisers at lower levels than the other navies.

[edit] United States Navy

US Navy

USN - United States Navy - USA

The USN is presented as a balanced all-around choice, with good fighter pilots, good CVs, good Flak AA, extremely potent AAW, and powerful light cruisers. United States heavy cruisers are considered to lack range compared to those of other nations, and its early-to-mid game battleships, the Nevada class, Alaska class, and New Mexico class, are generally considered to be weak. However, its mid-to-late game battleships, the (North Carolina class and South Dakota class), are easily the fastest battleships in the game, yet field potent firepower.

[edit] Kriegsmarine


KM - Kriegsmarine - German Reich

Naval guns of the KM typically have the greatest range of all the four navies, yet do the least amount of damage for their size. German ships boast some of the best speeds in the game. Some KM ships lack the displacement required to hold large amounts of armor, yet others can stop 16-inch HE shells. Typically, the KM's gunships have excellent anti-aircraft weaponry and its carriers have powerful fighter aircraft. Most of the ships available for Kriegsmarine are Z Plan projects which were never built or commissioned.

[edit] Imperial Japanese Navy

Imperial Japanese Navy

IJN - Imperial Japanese Navy - Empire of Japan

The IJN is the only nation that can use "Long Lance" oxygen-fueled torpedoes and it has some of the fastest ships in the game, as well as a large assortment of aircraft carriers and a line of ships designed specifically to use torpedoes as their primary weapons. The earlier Japanese Battleships are usually considered hard to use, and their armor is generally considered to be quite weak; hence, the IJN is largely considered a CV and torpedo nation. However, the IJN does have access to the Yamato class battleships, the largest and most powerful battleships ever built in history, wielding 18.1 inch main batteries and powerful anti-aircraft weaponry.

[edit] Ships

Main article: Ships of Navy Field

There are many ships to choose from in Navy Field. The following types of ships are available to players:

Each nation has a large variety of all types of ships. As a player's Bridge Operator levels up, he gains access to more powerful ships, culminating in either a battleship or an aircraft carrier. The sailor system is explained below. Players may also purchase "Premium" CLs and CAs, explained in the main Ships article and the Payment section.

[edit] Sailors

Main article: Sailors in Navy Field

Sailors are the crews of players' ships, and perform specific tasks when in battle. Each sailor represents a group of enlisted men and officers who are specialized in a specific role. As sailors gain experience through battle, they increase in level and become more effective at their roles, and gain opportunities to further specialize their roles as they increase in level. Sailors perform many roles, from bridge operating, to gunnery, to repair, to flying aircraft. In order to specialize in roles and to gain additional crew, players must spend points in order to upgrade their sailors. +12 is the best possible stat you can get in any category with the exception of potential which has 15 as its maximum stat. There are exceptions to this though; players may purchase "Elite Sailor" items, explained in the main Sailors article, which begin with base stats above what is possible to roll in special skill areas, and "mod crews", crews given to game moderators which may have stats that are also above what is possible to roll.

[edit] Weapons

Main article: Weapons of Navy Field

In order to win battles, ships must use weapons in order to damage and sink the ships of the opposing team. There are two general categories that weapons fall into, ship-mounted and aircraft. These weapons may be used to attack two different targets, ships or aircraft.

Ship-mounted weapons consist of turrets, and torpedo launchers. Turrets fire shells at their targets; these targets may be enemy ships or enemy airplanes, and there are several different types of guns and many types of ammunition used for these purposes. Torpedo launchers fire torpedoes at enemy ships, and target them below the waterline; their large warhead (compared to shells) make them very useful for destroying enemy ships, though they also have drawbacks of their own.

There are four general categories of aircraft:

  • Scouts
  • Fighters
  • Torpedo Bombers
  • Dive Bombers

Scouts are used to spot fire for friendly ships, as well as to find the positions and location of the enemy. Fighters are used to attack enemy airplanes. Torpedo Bombers and Dive Bombers are used to attack enemy ships using torpedoes and bombs, respectively.

[edit] Armor & Defense

[edit] Armor

Ships can be armored. Armor reduces the damage that the ship will take, but also reduces its speed due to the extra weight.

  • Deck Armor: This armour protects against long range and high angle fire, and dive bombing aircraft.
  • Belt Armor: Belt armor protects against direct shots from close range which hit the side of the ship.
  • Bulge Armor: Bulge armour protects against torpedoes, both ship launched and from torpedo bomber aircraft. Unlike other armour, bulge is ablative; it will stop a certain amount of torpedo damage completely, but then will not protect from any further torpedo damage.
  • Bulkhead Armor: Ameliorates the reduction in speed that occurs when a ship is badly damaged, as well as strengthens your overall defense power. It should also be noted that bulkhead does not protect against crew death, contrary to popular belief.

[edit] Soft Defense

Soft Defense is another feature that helps to reduce the visible damage done to a ship, which in effect increases the overall durability of the ship. Soft Defense is calculated based on the number and level of all sailors on the ship, particularly support crews. When a ship takes damage, a percentage of the damage is translated into "burning damage" instead of immediately subtracting from the ship's visible durability; this gives the support crews the chance to repair the damage while the ship is burning. The higher the Soft Defense value, the more damage is translated into burning damage, the less immediate damage is done to the ship. The highest current possible value of SD is 900; at this level, only 10% of the damage done to a ship is translated into immediate damage, and the remaining 90% is converted to burning damage.

[edit] Payment

There are three types of game subscriptions that players can purchase:

  1. Free: No cost, but upon reaching level 30, player receives a penalty to the amount of experience, credit and point gain per battle. SD EnterNet claim that this penalty is a 40% reduction; some players claim that the amount received is 40% of the normal amount, i.e. a 60% reduction. Still others contend that the penalty is closer to 80 or 90%, leaving a free account player earning 10 to 20% of the amount of experience that a basic subscriber earns.
  2. Basic Subscription: Costs $7.99 USD for 30 days. This removes the reward penalty above level 30, allowing full gain of rewards.
  3. Premium Subscription: Costs $11.99 USD for 30 days. This removes the reward penalty above level 30, and adds a 1000 bonus to experience, credits and points for each battle in which the players stays for 5 minutes. There is a time counter showing how much time is left to "premium" reward. Due to a technical detail in the feature, the true waiting time is actually 4 minutes and 30 seconds rather than 5 minutes.

All players, regardless of subscription type, also have the ability to purchase "Premium" ships, which are vessels that are designed to be the best ship in its class for its nation. For example, a Premium CL ($2.99 USD) can mount guns normally used on a CA while Premium CA's ($4.99 USD) often carry battleship guns. Recently, new Premium BBs ($6.99 USD) were released for purchase. They may also purchase "Elite Sailors", sailors with an unusually high growth value in a specific skill and sub-par values in all other skills. Also available for purchase are naval mines.

Another item available for purchase is the "Ship Tree Reset", or "BO Reset" as it is sometimes referred. One reset costs $20.00 USD, and when used on a Bridge Operator of a nation, resets that Bridge Operator's ship tree line back to the first ship of the nation, but not affecting its level. This allows the player to move a Bridge Operator up the ship tree again, and allows them to pick a different line of ships than their Bridge Operator had previously (for example, if the Bridge Operator was of the US nationality and was able to command a Somers-class DD, the player may now select the Gearing-class DD instead).

Players may also purchase guaranteed veteran conversions for their crewmen, at $1.00 USD for 10 guaranteed conversions; a similar item is the "Expert Sailor", which automatically convert a set number of recruit sailors into experts. Similarly, "Premium" sailor improvements (called "Boosts" by players) are available ($2.49 for one) that will improve a sailor's ability in all areas by 20%. It is not uncommon to find players that have spent upwards of $150 on their crews through "Veteran" and "Premium" improvement alone.

[edit] SD EnterNet

NavyField is designed and developed by SDEnternet, a small South Korean company that specialises in making online games. The game engine for Navy Field is available as for licensing to other developers.

[edit] Upcoming Features

[edit] Harbor Assault

A new game mode, Harbor Assault, is currently in open beta for all players to test. The goal of Harbor Assault, which has been under development for well over a year, is to "capture" one of the four national harbors (the Neutral harbor, Busan, cannot be attacked). Harbors may only be captured by fleets. Once a fleet holds a harbor, all fleet members receive discounts on ships purchased in that harbor, and a "tax" is levied on all purchases by non-fleet members in the harbor; non-fleet members are not charged any extra credits, rather, a certain percentage of the purchase is generated and given to the fleet. The percentage discount and tax are set at the same value, and is dependent on how many credits the fleet invests in the harbor's productivity.

Furthermore, fleet members who have Bridge Operators of the same nationality as the harbor are able to "rent" Unique Ships from the harbor. Currently, the only Unique Ships available are upgraded versions of high-level battleships of the various nations, and are vastly more powerful than the original ships, possessing far more range and damage. However, Unique Ships may only be used three times in battle, and the rental cost is not returned afterwards. To rent a Unique Ship, a player must be part of the fleet that occupies a harbor, and must have a Bridge Operator of the same nationality at level 40.

To participate in Harbor Assault, a player must be part of a fleet whose commander has a Chief of Naval Operations, a level 80 Radioman. However, alliances may be formed between fleets, though currently that feature is still under development.

[edit] Premium Battleships and Mines

In a recent patch, new battleships, Premium Battleships (or PBB for short), and naval mines were released for purchase. Each new battleship requires a bridge operator and gunners with a minimum level of at least 61 in order to command, and each nation has one PBB. The USN has access to the Sevastopol, the RN gets the Dunkerque, the IJN receives the B-65 Project, and the KM has the Andrea Doria. Each PBB will cost $6.99 USD.

Also, naval mines are available for purchase. Previously, mines were functional only in the Harbor Assault game mode, and the patch allows players to buy 500 mines for $1 USD, or 1000 mines for $2 USD. Mines will require a level 12 sailor minimum and a ship that can mount torpedo launchers. Mines may only be used on ships of the FF/DD/CL class. When used, mines will become invisible, then activate 10 seconds after dropped. Mines will always be visible to all players on the same team as the mine layer, but can only be spotted by FFs and DDs of players of the enemy team.

[edit] Team Navy Field

Team Navy Field, or TeamNF, or TNF, is the group of game administrators and moderators TeamNF can be split into two different groups.

[edit] Game Masters

Game masters are the employees of SDEnternet, and any employee who works at SDE who makes an appearance in the game or the NavyField forums is always labeled a game master. Only 3 known game masters are directly involved with NavyField America:

  • TeamNF mk1, whose real name is Yuno. Yuno is the director of NavyField America and in control of all operations within this version of the game as well as in charge of all TeamNF members.
  • TeamNF mk2, whose real name is Randy. Randy is a SDE employee based in the US/Seattle, Wa. He maintains both game servers and performs technical support roles.
  • "NFGM", whose real name is Gil. Gil is a dedicated technical support worker and also dedicated to account recovery and bans.

[edit] Game Moderators

Game moderators are unpaid volunteers, players of the game who are chosen based on merit. Moderators are located all over the world; including the USA, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. They are dedicated to providing basic technical support to the players, general help and guidance as well as working as consultants for the game masters. Advanced technical support, including modifications to accounts, has to be performed by the Game Masters.

The game moderators are organized with a Head Moderator in charge of overall moderating, a Server Head and Server Commander on each server, and several Veteran, Expert, and Recruit Moderators on each server, along with Monitors, which assist the moderators in providing support for players. The current list of moderators is at right.

Team NavyField Moderators in a battle room.
Team NavyField Moderators in a battle room.
Head Moderator
Server Head
Server Commander
Veteran Moderators
Expert Moderators
Rookie Moderators

[edit] External links

[edit] Official Sites

[edit] Third Party Sites

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