Navy Blue and Gold

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[edit] History

  • Written in 1923 by CDR Roy DeS. Horn, USN (Ret) and music composed by J.W. Crosley[1].

[edit] Lyrics

Original First Verse:
Now college men from sea to sea
May sing of colors true,
But who has better right then we
To hoist a symbol hue?
For sailor men in battle fair
Since fighting days of old,
Have proved a sailor's right to wear
The Navy Blue and Gold.

Revised First Verse:
Now colleges from sea to sea
May sing of colors true,
But who has better right then we
To hoist a symbol hue?
For sailors brave in battle fair
Since fighting days of old,
Have proved a sailor's right to wear
The Navy Blue and Gold.

Second Verse:
So hoist our colors, hoist them high,
And vow allegiance true,
So long as sunset gilds the sky
Above the ocean blue,
Unlowered shall those colors be
Whatever fate they meet,
So glorious in victory,
Triumphant in defeat.

Third Verse: Four years together by the Bay
Where Severn joins the tide,
Then by the Service called away,
We've scattered far and wide;
But still when two or three shall meet,
And old tales be retold,
From low to highest in the Fleet
Will pledge the Blue and Gold.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links