Naval Battle of Hyères Islands

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Naval Battle of Hyères Islands
Part of the French Revolutionary War
Date 13 July 1795
Location Hyères Islands, French Mediterranean
Result British-Neapolitan victory
First French Republic Great Britain
Rear Admiral Martin Vice Admiral Hotham
Exact strength not clear 6 ships of the line engaged
uncertain ca 100 men killed

1 ship of the line lost

11 killed 28 wounded
War of the First Coalition
Valmy – Jemappes – 1st Mainz – Neerwinden – Entrames – Toulon – Famars – Fontenay-le-Comte – Cholet – Luçon – Hondshoote – Wattignies – Truillas – Boulou – Tourcoing – Fleurus – Vosges – Tournay – Black Mountain – Lodi – Arcole – Genoa – Hyères – 2nd Mainz – Amberg – Rovereto – Bassano – Montenotte – Dego – Cape St Vincent – Santa Cruz  – Rivoli  – Camperdown
Naval Battles of the French Revolutionary Wars
Ushant - Genoa - Hyères - Camperdown - Nile - Copenhagen - Algeciras

The Naval Battle of Hyères Islands was fought on 13 July 1795 off the Hyères Islands, a group of islands off the French Mediterranean coast, about 25 km east of Toulon. The battle was fought between French warships and British-Neapolitan warships and resulted in a British-Neapolitan victory over the French. The French ship, Alcide was blown up, and only six British ships of the line were actually engaged in the battle.

French Fleet
Rear Admiral Martin commanding
Alcide (74 guns)
Alceste (36 guns)
Justice (40 guns, frigate)
Pulse several other ships of the line and frigates

British-Neapolitan Fleet
Vice Admiral Hotham commanding
British ships
Britannia (100 guns)
Victory (100 guns)
Princess Royal (98 guns)
St. George (98 guns)
Windsor Castle (98 guns)
Blenheim (90 guns)
Gibraltar (80 guns)
Captain (74 guns)
Fortitude (74 gun)
Bombay Castle (74 guns)
Saturn (74 guns)
Cumberland (74 guns)
Terrible (74 guns)
Defence (74 guns)
Egmont (74 guns)
Culloden (74 guns)
Bedford (74 guns)
Courageux (74 guns)
Audacious (74 guns)
Agamemnon (64 guns)
Diadem (64 guns)
Meleager (32 guns, frigate)
Cyclops (28 guns, frigate)
Ariadne (24 guns, frigate)
Comet (14 guns, frigate)
Eclair (20 guns, frigate)
Fleche (20 guns, frigate)
Moselle (18 guns, frigate)
Mutine (12 guns, frigate)
Resolution (cutter)
Neapolitan Ships
Guiscardo (74 guns)
Sammbita (74 guns)

[edit] References

  • Smith, D. The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book. Greenhill Books, 1998.