Category talk:Naval historians

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[edit] PockBot (run by IP: - Category articles summary as of 19:14:38, Sun Jan 7, 2007

List of all pages in category Naval historians retrieved by PockBot.

PockBot is an authorised bot.

Article Class / Status
Raymond Aker not yet classified
Robert G. Albion not yet classified
Montagu Burrows Stub
Raoul Castex Stub
William Bell Clark not yet classified
Philip Howard Colomb not yet classified
James Fenimore Cooper not yet classified
Julian Corbett not yet classified
Albert Gleaves not yet classified
Andrew Gordon (naval historian) Stub
John Hattendorf not yet classified
Peter Huchthausen not yet classified
R. J. B. Knight Stub
Dudley Wright Knox not yet classified
Andrew Lambert Stub
Charles A. Lockwood not yet classified
Alfred Thayer Mahan Start
Arthur marder not yet classified
Tyrone G. Martin not yet classified
Samuel Eliot Morison not yet classified
Henry Newbolt not yet classified
Hugo O'Donnell, Duke of Tetuan not yet classified
George H. Preble not yet classified
Anthony Preston (naval historian) not yet classified
Werner Rahn not yet classified
Clark G. Reynolds not yet classified
Nicholas Rodger Stub
William Ledyard Rodgers not yet classified
Theodore Roosevelt FA
Stephen roskill not yet classified
Johan Carel Marinus Warnsinck not yet classified
Wolfgang Wegener (naval historian) Stub
Colin White (historian) Stub

Edit by PockBot (on behalf of PocklingtonDan)