Talk:National Reading Panel

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AS I understand it, the "Reading First" iniative has been called into question as a politically-motivated attempt to reward certian companies who were loyal to Bush supporters. The NRP seems to have been, in some small part, a tool for that process, although not all members of the panel agreed on their final report, Yatwin especially.

Of course, the National Reading Panel Report was carried out under President Bill Clinton. Interesting, that Clinton was trying to provide a tool for Bush supporters (interesting conspiracy). Only one member did not agree to the report, and her story has changed repeatedly over the years as to why that is; transcripts of the National Reading Panel meetings show how surprised the other 13 panelists were. Yatvin (not Yatwin) was the only one who failed to provide findings to the report (primarily because the research failed to support her beliefs and she was unwilling to back down on those beliefs).