Natural fear

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Natural Fear is a Greek, death - thrash metal band formed in 1990 in Edessa. The band was a pioneer of this metal style within its region among with some other bands as Stigma (Thessaloniki), Acid Death (Athens), etc.

[edit] History

The band formed by B.G. (Papazisis Bob, real name), Temachiades Peter and Stanisis Chris, aka Micro. The first line-up had B.G. as guitar player and vocalist, Peter as bass player and Micro as drumer. During that time, they took place in various metal festivals and local gigs before they released their first demo. The demo "Souless Traitoration" recorded in "N Studios" in Thessaloniki in August 1992. Eugene Tsarides, aka Ghenas, the guitar player of Stigma became a session member of the band only for that demo. Also, Dimitris from Funeral Revolt helped the band at the vocals. The demo had very good revious wordwide and sold many copies. At that time two new members joined the band, Christos Tresintsis aka Crick as a vocalist and Teodore Nikiforou aka Glompos as a second guitar player. The band played in some festivals and finally after one year (1994) they split-up for personal reasons. B.G. and Glompos, joined Condemned, a band who played Death-Doom metal and Peter with Micro formed a new Death metal band called Sephiroth.

[edit] Members

B.G. - Guitars and Vocals

Tresintsis Christos - Vocals

Temachiades Peter - Bass

Stanisis Christos - Drums

Nikiforou Theodore - Guitars and Synths.