Natural birth control

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Natural birth control
B.C. type natural birth control
First use Ancient (abstinence, withdrawal, herbal) to modern (FA, heat-based, LAM)
Failure rates (per year)
Perfect use Various%
Typical use Various%
Reversibility Yes
User reminders See individual methods
Clinic review None
Benefits No side effects (possible exception of herbal)
STD protection No
Weight gain No

Natural birth control refers to methods of birth control that are natural in that they do not rely on chemicals or devices.


[edit] Methods

Inasmuch as pregnancy does not occur without sexual intercourse (barring rare circumstances), sexual abstinence may also be considered a form of natural birth control.

[edit] Sexual behavior

Sexual activities which have no or a low risk of conception may be described by some as natural birth control methods. These activities may include:

Natural birth control excludes all barrier, hormonal, chemical, and surgical birth control methods, including condoms, the pill, the IUD, spermicides, and sterilization. Natural birth control generally does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Naturally occurring substances are chemicals. However, some distinguish them from synthetic substances. Promoters of naturally occurring substances as possible contraceptives (such as lemon juice,[1] wild yam,[2] Queen Anne's Lace (wild carrot),[3] or neem[4]), may refer to them as natural birth control.

[edit] "Natural Family Planning"

Proponents of the Catholic concept of natural family planning define 'natural' somewhat differently, approving only of total or periodic abstinence as methods of family planning. NFP prohibits all orgasmic acts other than those achieved through unprotected intercourse with one's spouse, in accordance with Catholic religious beliefs. Periodic abstinence involves avoiding sexual intercourse during high fertility times,. Fertile times may be identified by methods of fertility awareness or approximated by statistical methods such as the Rhythm method. Extending the natural period of breastfeeding infertility through particular breastfeeding practices (LAM) is also permitted.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Lemon - a History. Lemons and AIDS. (March 2004). Retrieved on 2006-08-05.
  2. ^ Wild Yam - An Herbal Contraceptive. (2004). Retrieved on 2006-08-05.
  3. ^ Chaudhury R. "The quest for a herbal contraceptive.". Natl Med J India 6 (5): 199-201. PMID 8241931.  See Daucus carota.
  4. ^ Mukherjee S, Garg S, Talwar G (1999). "Early post implantation contraceptive effects of a purified fraction of neem (Azadirachta indica) seeds, given orally in rats: possible mechanisms involved.". J Ethnopharmacol 67 (3): 287-96. PMID 10617063. 
    Sharma S, SaiRam M, Ilavazhagan G, Devendra K, Shivaji S, Selvamurthy W (1996). "Mechanism of action of NIM-76: a novel vaginal contraceptive from neem oil.". Contraception 54 (6): 373-8. PMID 8968666. 

Birth control edit
Sterilization: Tubal ligation, Vasectomy, Essure
Post-intercourse: Abortion: Surgical, Medical
Emergency contraception
Intra-uterine: IUD, IUS (progestogen)
Anti-estrogen: Ormeloxifene (a.k.a. Centchroman)
Hormonal: Combined: COCP ('the Pill'), Patch, Nuvaring
Progestogen only: POP mini-pill, Depo Provera, Norplant, Implanon
Barrier: Male condom,Female condom, Diaphragm, Shield, Cap, Sponge, Spermicide
Behavioral: Coitus interruptus, Rhythm Method, Lactational, Fertility awareness
Avoiding vaginal intercourse: Anal sex, Oral sex, Outercourse, Masturbation, Abstinence