Native American name controversy

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The Native American name controversy is an ongoing dispute over the acceptable ways to refer to the indigenous peoples of the Americas and to broad subsets thereof, such as those living in a specific country or sharing certain cultural attributes. Once-common terms like "Indian" remain in use, despite the introduction of terms such as "Native American" during the latter half of the 20th century.

Many English terms have been used or considered for such purposes, such as American Indians (or simply Indians), Native Americans, First Nations, Indigenous Peoples of America, Amerindians, Amerinds, and more. However, none have found universal acceptance. Typical reasons for contesting a name are

  • ambiguity or accepted multiple meanings of the words used, like American or indigenous;
  • prior use for a different set of people, as in the case of Indian;
  • existence of unrelated common meanings, like native;
  • conflict with prior legal definitions, like Aboriginal;
  • sentimental attachment to a previous name;
  • that the term is quaint or pejorative, as for Eskimo;
  • resentment about having a name imposed by outsiders;
  • presumed political implications of the name, as with Native;
  • reluctance of individual groups to be referred to by a collective name;

and several others. Further complications arise when translating names between different languages, since even words that are closely related linguistically may have very different cultural loads in the respective speaker communities. "The People", "First Men" and "Original People" are the most common translations for various Indigenous American tribes.[1]

In some countries, certain broad names have been defined by law, such as First Nations and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Even in those cases, there may be lingering debates on whether certain groups fit the legal definition or not, or whether the name or its definition are adequate.


[edit] Endonyms and exonyms

Where controversy exists over the naming of a group of people, one solution is to use the name preferred by the people in question themselves. However, this principle applies poorly to large multi-ethnic groups, since different sub-groups often have incompatible preferences. Moreover, every natural language has traditionally ignored this principle, exerting its privilege to invent its own ethnic terms for other peoples. English is no exception, and uses terms such as German, Dutch, and Albanian, disregarding the self-appellations and preferences of those subjects (Deutsch, Nederlands, and Shqip). Not surprisingly, English names for the pre-Columbian Americans are largely assigned by tradition, and are not always accepted by the peoples themselves.

[edit] Meanings of basic terms

A major source of confusion and controversy is that many of the words that are or could be used in naming those peoples are inherently ambiguous or inappropriate.

Peter d'Errico of the Legal Studies Department, University of Massachusetts has an insightful and revealing essay that both overarching names, Native American and American Indian, can be useful for perspective on history and culture.[2] d'Errico interviewed Charles Mann, author of 1491, in the course of which Mann pointed out a crucial change with respect to history, of which naming is something of a bellwether: that until the 1970s Indians were effectively seen as lacking agency, in social science terms. Indians do act, for better and for worse, in all the range of human and social behavior, in a sophisticated history. Indians are who they say they are, as well as the analyses of historians and scientists.[3]

[edit] Indian

The term Indian is commonly thought to have been born of the misconception by Christopher Columbus that the Caribbean islands were the islands in Southeast Asia known to Europeans as the Indies, which he had hoped to reach by sailing west across the Atlantic[citation needed]. Even though Columbus' mistake was soon recognized, the name stuck, and for centuries the native people of the Americas were collectively called Indians.[citation needed] Like the word origin, much of the use of the word has to do with connotation more than definition.

2. Of or pertaining to the aborigines, or Indians, of America; as, Indian wars; the Indian tomahawk. [1913 Webster]

2. One of the aboriginal inhabitants of America; — so called originally from the supposed identity of America with India. [1913 Webster][4]

WordNet defines Indian with respect to the Americas as

1: of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages; "Native American religions"; "Indian arrowheads" [syn: {Amerind}, {Amerindic}, {native American}] and n 1: a member of the race of people living in North America when Europeans arrived [syn: {North American Indian}, {American Indian}, {Red Indian}]

3: any of the languages spoken by Amerindians [syn: {Amerind}, {Amerindian language}, {American-Indian language}, {American Indian}][5]

The American Heritage Dictionary begins clearly enough that the word is "of or relating to any of the Native American peoples except the Eskimos, Aleuts, and Inuits", then adds a dense paragraph of "usage note", further referring to notes at American Indian, First Nation, and Native American, which, all together, are along the lines of this article.[6] [5]

Merriam-Webster adds to the WordNet definition that this often excepts the Eskimos (often referred to as the Inuit), adds that the word is especially an American Indian of North America and especially the U.S. (but therefore not exclusively), and urges comparison with Native American.[7]

The terms "Indian" and "American Indian" are used by the U.S. government as the standard descriptors. There is a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), for example, rather than a Bureau of Native American Affairs. Similarly, the Smithsonian's new National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC (2004), uses the older term, as does its quarterly full-color publication, American Indian.[8]

In Canada, although all governments are now careful to use the terms First Nations (for "Indians") and aboriginals (First Nations, plus Metis and Inuit), the federal ministerial portfolio in charge of their affairs is the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, and "Indian Reserve" is still a legal land description. Some First Nations also use "Indian Band" in their official names.

The usage "Red Indian", common outside of North America, is considered offensive and somewhat archaic in the United States and Canada.

[edit] American

The meaning of American has two common meanings: while it may refer to the Americas in general (meaning 1), it often refers specifically (therefore not exclusively) to the United States of America and its territories (meaning 2).[4] Further,

A native of America; — originally applied to the aboriginal inhabitants, but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America, and especially to the citizens of the United States. [1913 Webster][4]

WordNet gives the primary meaning as the U.S., the secondary as the language, and the tertiary as the Americas.[5]

Merriam-Webster gives (1) an American Indian of the Americas; (2) an inhabitant of the Americas, native or not; (3) a U.S. citizen; and (4) the language.[7] The American Heritage Dictionary gives three meanings as Merriam-Webster, without "an American Indian".[6]

[edit] Native

The word native has often been applied to ethnic groups to mean "a group who lived in some place before the arrival of other groups"; in this context, specifically, "before the arrival of the Europeans".

However, a more specific meaning of "native" is "born in", and thus the term native American or native of the Americas could be equally applicable to anyone born in the Americas or in United States. The word probably acquired the other (ethno-historical) sense in the early years of European naval exploration and colonial expansion, when the "natives"—the people "born in" the foreign countries—were indeed non-Europeans.

Expressions such as native-born may be used to further qualify that the intended meaning is the common one (i.e., "born in or originating from a given place"), and not the formal, specific designation (i.e., "Native" in the sense of belonging to an identified indigenous group), if the context does not otherwise make this distinction clear.

Furthermore, in the United States the expression Native American has acquired a specific technical and legal meaning, which is discussed in a later section. In principle this narrower sense is indicated by capitalizing the word native. However, one must be aware that this typographical detail is easily lost on readers, and of course ineffective in speech.

The word native is also problematic because of its political implications, since "native" ethnic groups sometimes claim to have more rights—to natural resources, political offices, indemnities, cultural prestige, etc.—than the "non-native" groups who arrived later; the implication being that the "non-natives" are "aliens", "foreigners", "usurpers", etc.—even if their ancestors have lived in the place for many generations.[citation needed] "Many" is relative. Native Americans have lived and travelled their "usual and accustomed grounds" (a common treaty term)[9] since the end of the last glacial period (c. 8,000 B.C.E.—10,000 years ago),[10] along the northern tier of what is now the United States, definitively at least 4,000 years B.P. (before present) in what is now Seattle, for one example.[11] Native Americans have lived elsewhere in the Americas far longer. When the people of the Norte Chico were building at least seven large-scale settlements on the Peruvian coast between 3200 and 2500 B.C.E., there was only one other urban complex on the planet: Sumer, in the Tigris-Euphrates valley.[12]

Such claims (or the possibility thereof) may lead to rejection of the label by the "non-natives". These may argue, e.g., that the "natives" themselves were invaders to even earlier inhabitants; or that they are no longer residing on their "native" land; or that there is insufficient historical evidence of their native status; and so on. The issue boils down to the undecidable question of how long a group should reside in a place before it deserves the label "native". This reaction has actually occurred in the US, for example, against the term Native Americans.[citation needed]


Even though the term indigenous may sound similar to "Indian", the two are quite unrelated. The term comes from Latin indigena, "native", formed from indu "in" and gen- "beget".

Indigenous in the strict sense means typically found, living, or originating in a specific place. Thus, Italians are indigenous to Italy.

Aboriginal and Aborigine

The English adjective aboriginal and the noun aborigine come from a Latin phrase meaning "from the origin", which was first applied to native peoples of central Italy who were contemporaries of the ancient Romans.

According to this etymology, therefore, it could be used for ethnic groups who "were there since the beginning", i.e. the first to arrive in a region, or those who can be identified the earliest historical or archaeological records. Indeed, it has been occasionally used in this sense in English, at least 19th century, for indigenous populations all over the world, including the Americas.[citation needed]

Aboriginal may imply a more direct or ancient link to the past (especially one that predates recorded history) than indigenous, but there is considerable overlap in meaning between the two terms.

However, this general use has been largely preempted by narrower legal or common usage definitions that it has received in some countries. Throughout most of the English-speaking world, it is commonly understood to refer to the Indigenous Australians. It has also special legal status in Canada (see below).

[edit] Names for United States native peoples

In the United States, Native American and American Indian are commonly used to denote the indigenous peoples in the United States. Both terms are almost exclusively used to describe the natives of the continental United States, usually excluding the indigenous peoples of Hawaiʻi and the Aleut, Inuit, and Yupik peoples of the far north.

The terms Alaska Natives is used for the indigenous peoples in Alaska (including the Inuit, Yupik, and Aleut), and Native Hawaiians is used for those of [[Hawaiʻ]]i.[citation needed]

[edit] Indian and American Indian

In the 1960s and 1970s social scientists moved to change the name "Indian" to "Native American" or, sometimes, "Amerindian".[13] It was not entirely successful, with the new name being as problematic as the old.[13] For one, it can on the literal level mean anyone born in the Western Hemisphere, not just Indians.[13] For another, users of the old term "Indian" had not typically included the people of the far north (Inuit, Aleut, etc.), but the new term implicitly grouped them with their neighbors to the south, thus losing a distinction social scientists had found useful.[13]

Even more problematic is that most Indians themselves did not use the term "Native American". According to a recent survey, most actually prefer Indian or American Indian to Native Americans.[14] Indian researcher Charles C. Mann noted in his 2005 book 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus that "every native person whom I have met (I think without exception) has used 'Indian' rather than 'Native American'."[13][citation needed] Russell Means, an activist in the American Indian Movement, said in 1998, "I abhor the term Native American."[13][citation needed]

The term American Indian is often shortened to Indian when the context allows, e.g. in the name of the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs. The derivative term Injun is considered offensive.

[edit] Native American

The term Native American was introduced in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s by social scientists who hoped it would be more accurate than Indian and free from its negative stereotypes. What it means exactly depends on the context of its use, and who is using it, and is thus often a great source of confusion. It can mean:

  1. All Indians of the Americas
  2. All Indians of the Americas, excluding the Inuit, Aleut, native Hawaiians and some others who arrived later.
  3. Indians indigenous to pre-Columbian America who are presently living in the United States, including Inuits, Aleuts, Hawaiians and native Pacific Islanders (Native American Languages Act of 1990).
  4. All Indians of the Americas, including the U.S. and Canada but not including Mexico or further south
  5. Anyone born in the Americas, including those of European descent for example.

Most American Indians prefer Indian over "Native American" as described in the section "Indian" of this article. The term has also been contested by some non-Native U.S. citizens, both for the perception that the name diminished their own status or rights (anyone born the US could be called a "Native American"), and also as part of the general backlash against "political correctness", for which the term was often cited as an example.


The term Savage is universally considered derogatory and bigoted.

American Indian'

"American Indian" has become a legal term. It is the phrase used to describe indigenous people of the western hemisphere in United States Federal as well as many state and local laws. Most treaties refer to "American Indians" of a particular tribe. It makes sense to refer to "American Indians" when referencing legal issues. (I.e. The United States signed treaties with more than 800 "American Indian" tribes.)

Alaska Native

In Alaska, the term Alaska Native predominates, because of its legal use in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA) and because it includes the Aleut, Inuit and Yupik peoples, the three groups of native Alaskan peoples.

Eskimos was once used for those groups, but this term is in disfavor because it is perceived by many of them as derogatory. This is further complicated by the fact that the term Inuit is sometimes used to refer to any of the groups, leading non-Inuits (particularly amongst the Yupik peoples) to actually prefer Eskimo, comparatively speaking.[citation needed] Inuit are "a people inhabiting the Arctic (northern Canada or Greenland or Alaska or eastern Siberia); the Algonquians called them Eskimo ('eaters of raw flesh') but they call themselves the Inuit ('the people') [syn: {Esquimau}, {Eskimo}]"[5]

[edit] Amerind

The term Amerind is a blended form of American Indigenous. However, this term also has been controversial, as it might be thought of as a blended form of American Indian. (The latter has also been contracted into Amerindian.)

[edit] Redskin

The name redskin was a derogatory term for Native Americans and one of the color metaphors for race used in North America and Europe throughout history. It is often considered a pejorative. As with any term perceived to be discriminatory, different individuals may hold differing opinions of the term's appropriateness. Its use was not restricted to the United States or North America; it was in use throughout the English-speaking world and, in equivalent transliterations, in Europe throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as a common term of reference for indigenous Americans.[citation needed] For example, the French translation peaux-rouges was used in Arthur Rimbaud's Le Bateau ivre and several of the travelogues of Jean Raspail.

[edit] Names for Canadian native peoples

In Canada, the term Aboriginal peoples in Canada is used for all indigenous peoples established in the country, including the Inuit and Inuvialuit, as well as the Métis.

The term First Nations is used in a more restricted sense, for all the indigenous peoples in Canada except the Inuit, Inuvialuit, and Métis.

[edit] First Nations

In Canada, the term "First Nations" (most often used in the plural) has come into general use for the Indigenous peoples of North America located in what is now Canada, and their descendants, who are neither Inuit nor Métis. The singular commonly used on culturally politicized reserves is the awkward "First Nations person" (when gender-specific, First Nations man or First Nations woman). A more recent trend is for members of various nations to refer to themselves by their tribal/national identity only, e.g. "I'm Haida", "we're Kwantlens", in recognition of the distinctiveness and diversity of First Nations ethnicities.

However, some tribal governments of Canada also use the term First Nations to refer to any indigenous, tribal or nomadic society. In this usage, the Roma, Sinti, Saami, Māori, Hmong, and the Australian Aborigines are also considered "First Nations".

[edit] Canadian Indians

The term Indians was once used to refer to the peoples now called First Nations, but it has fallen largely in disuse. However, it is still relevant in many legal and administrative contexts.

The Canadian Indian Act, which defines the rights of recognized First Nations, does refer to them as Indians. The federal government department in charge of First Nations affairs is the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs headed by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. People officially recognized by the Indian Register under that act are commonly known as "Status Indians", although "Registered Indian" is the official term. Land set aside for the use of First Nations are known as Indian reserves.

The term Indian is also used in the official names of many First Nations governments.

[edit] Aboriginal Peoples in Canada

The term Aboriginal is defined in the Canadian Constitution to include "all Indian, Inuit, and Métis peoples of Canada" (Constitution Act, 1982, Subsection 35(2). The term is understood to include also the Inuvialuit.

The term is also used in the U.S., though much less frequently. It is occasionally used in the UK The term Aborigines is not used in Canada to refer to indigenous American peoples.

The alternative term Indigenous Peoples (or Tribes, or Nations) has been used as equivalent to Aboriginal Peoples.

Native Canadians

"Native" or "Native Canadian" is an ambiguous term, but it is often used in conversation or informal writing. However, First Nations and Aboriginal Peoples seem to be more widely used.


The Algonquin term for "Original People", Anishinaabe or Anishinabe, is used as a cross tribal term in Algonquian majority areas such as "Anishnabe Health" and "Anishnabe Education and Training Circle".

Canadian French nomenclature

In Canadian French, the terms are première(s) nation(s) for "First Nations" and autochtone instead of "Aboriginal" (used both as a noun and adjective).

The term indien or indienne is used in the legislation, although the preferred term is now amérindien. The term indigène is not used as it is seen as having negative connotations because of its similarity to the French equivalent of "indigent", i.e. "lazy". The old French term sauvage (meaning "wild") is no longer used either, as it is considered racist.

Chinook Jargon nomenclature

The Chinook Jargon, the old trade language of the Pacific Northwest, uses siwash—an adaptation of the French sauvage—to mean Indian/Native American/First Nation, either as adjective or noun. While normally meaning a male native, it is used in certain combinations, e.g. siwash cosho, meaning a seal, but literally "Indian pig" or "Indian pork".

Like sauvage, siwash has come to have negative connotations in many native communities, while it remains in common parlance in others. When used by non-natives it is considered entirely derogatory except in placenames and certain other usages. In the creolized form of Chinook Jargon spoken at the Grand Ronde Agency in Oregon, a distinction is made between siwash and sawash. The accent in the latter is on the second syllable, resembling the French original, and is used in Grand Ronde Jargon with the benign meaning of "anything native/Indian", while siwash is considered defamatory.

The Chinook Jargon term for a native woman is klootchman, an originally Nootkan word which became commonplace in regional English to mean a native woman, or (as in the Jargon), all women and also anything female. Hyas klootchman tyee, "queen", klootchman cosho, "sow"; klootchman tenas or tenas klootchman, girl or little girl. Generally when used by itself in regional English klootchman means a native woman only, and did not acquire a derisive context as has siwash or squaw. The short form klootch, encountered only in English-Chinook hybrid phrasings, is often derisive, however, especially with modifiers (e.g. "blue-eyed klootch"). .

[edit] Names for native peoples in North America

North American Native

There is no accepted special name for all indigenous peoples in North America as a whole, although Native American is sometimes used. The term North American Indian is often used for a member of the more restricted group comprising the First Nations in Canada together with the Native Americans in the United States. This term is usually understood to exclude the Alaskan Natives and the Inuit and Métis of Canada, and the indigenous peoples of Mexico.

[edit] Names for native peoples in Latin America

Indigenous Peoples and Indians

In Latin America, the preferred expression is Indigenous Peoples (pueblos indígenas in Spanish, povos indígenas in Portuguese). However, Indians (indios, índios) is often used too, even by indigenous peoples themselves, since this expression is not seen as derogatory.

In Mexico, Brazil, and several other countries, these names are normally applied only to the ethnic groups that have maintained their identity and, to a some extent, their original way of life. In those countries there is also a large segment of the population with mixed native and European ancestry, who are largely integrated in mainstream society, and no longer identify themselves with their ancestral native groups. There are also Ladinos who do not have significant European ancestry, but have adopted the culture of the White and Mestizo population. These people were originally called mestizos in Mexico, caboclos in Brazil; however, those terms have largely fallen in disuse as they that segment has came to predominate among the population.


The Spanish aborigen, cognate of English Aborigene, is also used in Spanish America, particularly in Chile and Argentina. The corresponding Portuguese term, aborígenas, is almost never used in Brazil.

Pre-Columbian and Pre-Cabraline Peoples

The term "Pre-Columbian Peoples" (Sp. pueblos precolombinos, Pt. povos pré-colombianhos) is used to refer to the ethnic groups that existed before the arrival of the Europeans, but not for their modern descendants. The term, of course, refers to Columbus, who landed in Hispaniola in 1492.

In Brazil, Pre-Columbian is often replaced by "Pre-Cabraline" (Pt. pré-cabralinhos), after Cabral who first landed in Brazil in 1500.

[edit] Names for natives of both Americas

For the natives of the Americas as a whole, the phrase indigenous peoples of the Americas can be considered self-defined by the accepted meanings of "indigenous peoples" and "Americas", and seems to be the current preferred term in some anthropological and linguistic circles.

Still, its precise meaning can be disputed. For example, it is debatable whether it includes the indigenous people of Hawaii and other US territories outside the Americas. While those peoples have no known historical, cultural, or genetic connection with the indigenous peoples of the Americas, from a political and legal viewpoint they should arguably be considered "indigenous peoples" of their respective countries.

Other names that have been used or proposed for the indigenous peoples of both continents include:


As discussed above (# Indian and American Indian), this term has much precedence in the United States, but is considered offensive by some. But, older generations of Native Americans call themselves that.

American Indian

Given the ambiguity of Indian, it was often necessary to use American Indian in order to distinguish those peoples from the natives of the East Indies, or the West Indies. However, as noted above, American itself is ambiguous.

Red Indian

In Britain and some other English-speaking countries outside the Americas, the term Red Indian is still used to differentiate the American natives from the "East Indians". However, in North America the term is now considered an offensive racial slur, and is rarely if ever used.[citation needed]


In the French-speaking world, the term Amérindien was coined for the same purpose. The term was imported into English as Amerindian, sometimes abbreviated Amerind. This term gained some popularity among linguists, anthropologists, and other social scientists. The term is officially used by The World Almanac.

However, in scientific circles the term Amerind is often restricted to a subset of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, mostly from South and Central America, Mexico and the Southern United States. The peoples in this group share many genetic and cultural features that set them apart from the Na-Dene peoples, which comprise the majority of the U.S. and southern Canada indigenous peoples, and from the Eskimo peoples in Alaska and the Canadian Arctic: (Inuit, Yupik, and Aleut). Many anthropologists believe that these Amerind peoples are the descendants of the first immigrant wave from Siberia (15,000–10,000 years ago).[citation needed]

Native American or American Native

At face value, Native American and American Native could be taken to mean indigenous peoples of the Americas. This meaning is used in this article; however, some restrict its meaning to refer specifically for peoples in the United States, as discussed above, (# Meanings of basic terms). This term is also regarded as offensive by some, as discussed above, (# Indian and American Indian).

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ ([1974] 1993) The World of the American Indian. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society, [citation needed]. ISBN 0-87044-972-9 (reg. ed.), ISBN 0-87044-973-7 (deluxe ed.). Retrieved on not recorded. 
    Series: Story of man library
    1st ed. 1974, ISBN 0-87044-151-5; rev. ed. 1993; 1997 edition not found, 06 August 2006
  2. ^ d'Errico (2005-07-11)
  3. ^ d'Errico (2005-12-20)
  4. ^ a b c Dyck (2002)
  5. ^ a b c d Miller WordNet (2003)
  6. ^ a b American Heritage Dictionary (2000)
  7. ^ a b Merriam-Webster (2004)
  8. ^ American Indian Magazine. Retrieved on 06 August 2006.
  9. ^ "Treaty of Point Elliott, 1855". Governors Office of Indian Affairs, State of Washington. Retrieved on 2006-07-21.
  10. ^ Talbert (2006-05-01)
  11. ^ (1) Map with village 33, referencing Dailey footnotes 2, 9, and 10. (1.1) Dailey (2006-06-14)
    (2) See also Seattle before the city.
    (3) See also Mann (2005)
  12. ^ Mann (2005), p. 177
  13. ^ a b c d e f Charles Mann (2005). 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. Appendix A: "Loaded Words"
  14. ^ Brunner (2006)
    Includes sources (including quotes: Russell Means at "I am an American Indian, Not a Native American!", and Christina Berry at "What's in a Name? Indians and Political Correctness"; both are also referenced on this page).

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Further reading

[The above are also listed bibliographic references.]