National University of Lesotho

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View to the National University of Lesotho

The National University of Lesotho is situated at Roma (pop.8,000) some 34 kilometers south-east of Maseru, the capital of Lesotho. The Roma valley is broad and is surrounded by a barrier of rugged mountains which provides magnificent scenery. The University enjoys a temperate climate with four distinctive seasons.

The governing body of the University is the Council and academic policy is in the hands of Senate - both Council and Senate being established by the Act. The University holds membership in:

[edit] History

The origins of the National University of Lesotho go back to April 8, 1945, when a Catholic University College was founded at Roma by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy of Southern Africa.

The establishment of this College was a realisation of a decision taken in 1938 by the Synod of Catholic Bishops in South Africa to provide African Catholic students with post-matriculation and religious guidance. The Catholic University College was founded in an isolated valley 34 kilometers from Maseru in a temporary primary school building at Roma Mission.

In 1946 the College moved from the temporary building to the present site. This was made possible by the allocation of some 52 acres (210,000 m²) of land to the College by the Paramount Chief.

In 1950, the Catholic University College was ceded to the Congregation of Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Pius XII College prepared its students for the external degrees of the University of South Africa (UNISA). By September 27 1954, having satisfied itself that Pius XII College was an academically viable Institution, UNISA agreed to enter into a formal agreement - thereby granting an "Associate College" status to the College. This development was of major significance to the Roma intellectual community as it entailed a certain degree of "decentralisation" in certain specific areas on the part of UNISA, e.g. Pius Xil College assumed greater responsibility for tuition and examinations. Indeed, between 1954-60 both the academic and physical growth of the College accelerated. Fathers Beaule, Quirion, and Guilbeault (then Rector), participated actively in the early development of the college.

In the early 60s the College experienced difficulties academically and financially. UNISA unilaterally decided to redefine its relationship with the College and, finally, the main benefactor of the College directed its resources elsewhere.

The denominational character of the College had made it difficult for international organizations, agencies, and foundations to fund such an institution of higher learning. Despite these problems, advice received from Sir John Lockwood and Sir James Cook, both Vice-Chancellors' of British universities at the time, discouraged the College authorities from seeking an affiliation with either the University of London, or for that matter, any other overseas University. As early as 1952, attempts by the college to secure a special relationship with the University of London, through the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas (Commonly referred to as the I-VC) had been 'unsuccessful. In view of the prevailing difficulties, seen as a danger to the development of university education in Basutoland in 1962, the General of the Oblate Congregation requested Fathers Banim, 0. M.I. and A. W. Hall, O.M.I. to visit Roma and assist the College in finding a practical solution to its problems.

The South African Government had declared its intention not to admit African students from outside South Africa into the University of Fort Hare, and the Natal Medical School (Wentworth) after December 31 1953. Although this ban was relaxed for Basutoland students until 1958, the writing was on the wall.

The College, which by 1959 had 171 students, 141 of whom were students from outside Basutoland - mainly from South Africa, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland - was already deeply involved in contributing to the training of future civil servants and teachers for the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland. Clearly, the High Commission Territories (H.C.T) were indebted to Pius XII College for its role in producing a cadre of educated women and men to tackle developmental problems after independence. On the other hand, the- College, which was going through a period of financial difficulties felt that it would be most appreciative if its efforts in providing the prerequisite manpower needs for the H.C.T. could be recognized both in cash and in kind. At the same time, it was apparent that the H.C.T. also wanted to play a more significant role in the decision-making bodies of the College. In a curious way - the Catholic Church, the Basutoland Government, the University authorities and even the other H.C.T. territories sensed the need for a decisive step to be taken in order the re-define the role and the governance of the College.

Negotiations began with the view to establishing an inter-territorial, non- denominational University, principally to serve the H.C.T. Indeed, it has been said that by that time the three High Commission Territories were beginning to see the College as destined to become a "University of the High Commission Territories". Progress was made to enable a deed of cession to be signed on June 13, 1963, the indemnity being met jointly by the Ford Foundation and H.M.'.s Government in the UK. The indemnity was signed between Sir Hugh Stephenson, then newly appointed High Commissioner acting on behalf of the projected new University, and at the time of signing the indemnity the facilities of the College, most of which were attributed to the period when Fr. Romeo Guilbeaut was Rector, had expanded rapidly. Besides the original "temporary" houses and classrooms, residences which could accommodate 100 male and 70 Students, some 20 staff houses/flats, a modem science block, a kitchen and refectory block, administrative buildings, workshops, garage and a power plant were in existence. Also under construction was a new library building whose funding had been secured form the World Council of Churches, and the World University Service. Student numbers had grown from the original five, to 180. On January 1, 1964, Plus XII University College was replaced by the independent, non-denominational University of Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, and Swaziland with its own Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth 2. By virtue of the same Charter, the Oblate Fathers kept a close relation- ship with the U.B.B.S. through serving on the Council and teaching, as well as in the physical presence of Piux XII College House, a residence for the Oblate community.

To be in line with the names chosen after independence in 1966, U.B.B.S. became the University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland.

A historical date in life of U.B.L.S. is April 7, 1967, when the first autonomous degrees and diplomas were conferred. The University continued to grow steadily - physically and academically, being supported by the three governments' subventions and by international organisations. In time, branches of the University were established in Botswana and Swaziland.

U.B.L.S, through much admired as an institution, soon found problems in the areas of growth and administration. Cooperation between the three campuses was not always consistent and equal, as interests and concerns about development and future plans differed between the three campuses. By 1974, ten years after its establishment, the U.B.L.S. was offering five degree courses, eleven diploma and certificate courses and four post- graduate degree courses.

NUL is Established:

The decision to establish the National University of Lesotho on, the Lesotho (Roma) campus site of the former U.B.L.S. was taken on October 20, 1975, by the National Assembly through Act No. 1 3 of 1975. NUL is the proud heir of Pius XII University College and U.B.L.S. It occupies the same site, grounds, and buildings as its predecessors, as well as additional ones.

Over the years new faculties and departments have been established, particularly with the help of the EU. The Dutch for example have been key to establishing the Education faculty at the University.

As is typical with most places in Lesotho, there are particularly strong lines drawn amongst the staff at the university about expatriates. There are a sizable number of lecturers and other academic staff from outside Lesotho, many of whom bring with them considerable talent and academic prowess. There are however a group of nationalists spread throughout the faculties on campus, who have an almost vitriolic reaction to anyone they perceive as taking the job of a local. This really does not help the University, as it encourages the hiring of Basotho graduates who are not capable of producing the quality education required at a nation's only University.

Conversely, critics of the policy of hiring many expatriate staff point out that the expatriate presence during the crisis years of 1970 -1993 gave legitimacy to the Leabua Jonathan and Metsing Lekhanya regimes and severely undermined pressure to restore democracy. Prominent British based South African academics (such as Professor Shula Marks in 1977) held "liberation" conferences there while exiled Zimbabwean (Professor Simbi Mubako) and Ugandan academics worked at NUL justifying their act by claiming that "South Africa must first be settled". NUL awarded honorary doctorates to whoever was in power and was criticized by the exiled BCP and Pan Africanist Congress (who trained BCP guerrillas) as having no moral backbone.

[edit] External links

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