National Collegiate Weather Forecasting Contest

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The National Collegiate Weather Forecasting Contest or NCWFC is a yearly competition between colleges in the US. The competition is run by Penn State. There are over 1000 participants from about 45 institutions. The competition ended in 2006 [1]. A similar competition, WxChallenge, has taken its place.

[edit] Organization

Entrants in the contest must be affiliated with a college or university, but they range in age and knowledge from undergraduates to professors. Each year, 13 cities are picked for forecasting; the current city changes every 2 weeks. Contestants forecast 4 days per week for the following day's high temperature (in Fahrenheit), low temperature, and precipitation (forecasted by category).

The precipitation categories are:

  • 0 -- no precipitation or trace
  • 1 -- trace - 0.05", liquid water equivalent, inclusive
  • 2 -- 0.06-0.24", inclusive
  • 3 -- 0.25-0.49", inclusive
  • 4 -- 0.50-0.99", inclusive
  • 5 -- >=1.00"

One "error" point is given for each degree of error on temperature, and 4 error points are given for each error in precipitation category.

[edit] Winners

[edit] External links