National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

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The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) was founded in the United States in 1921.

Its mission is to protect the benefits of the Civil Service Retirees, concentrating on legislation and the day to day political activity that preserve and enhance the retireement benefits.

The first retirement associations in Panama affiliated to NARFE were Chapter 0024 (1953) and Chapter 0038 (1950). The members were on Disability Relief, a quasi retirement developed by the authorities of the Canal Zone government (U.S.A.).

Civil Service Retirement was established in 1959 for the non-United States citizens working in the U.S. government agency in the Canal Zone, opening the door to full membership after retirement. By 1997 five chapters were charted and the NARFE, Panama Federation of Chapters was established to oversee them. The five chapters are the following:

Civil Service Retirement Assn., Chapter 0024, chartered 12-31-1953.
San Vicente-De-Paul, Chapter 0038, chartered 1950; closed 1961; reopened 1993.
Pacific Retirement Assn., Chapter 1233, chartered 5-23-1972.
Colon Chapter 1762, chartered 12-22-1980.
Pacific Federal Retirees Assn., Chapter 2296, chartered 3-21-1995.
Since then, two other chapters was chartered:
Panama Retirement Assn., Chapter 2325, chartered 4-27-1999.
Colon,Panama Chapter 2331, chartered 5-8-2001, closed 2006.
Membership is open to all U.S. government Civil Service Retirees living in Panama.