National-Socialist Party of Canada
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The National-Socialist Party of Canada (NSPC) is a National Socialist, or Neo-Nazi, organization founded by Terry Tremaine in 2006. The stated goals of the NSPC are as follows:
- Restore White Sovereignty in Canada
- Challenge by any and all legal means the Jewish influence on our news and entertainment mass media through developing our own media and utilizing the media of cooperating White organizations.
- Establish local units throughout Canada which can be rapidly transformed into resistance cells as the future need arises.
- Run NSPC candidates in national, provincial, or local elections where it is deemed strategically advantageous.
- The current regime in Canada has failed to act in the interests of the White population of Canada and hence is rapidly losing legitimacy regardless of the party in power. We intend to position NSPC members in as many pivots of power as possible within government, the military, law enforcement, industry, and education to influence policy implementation at all levels. We regard this as developing a "government in waiting." [1]
Though the NSPC has a national outreach, it is unknown how many individuals are actually members of the NSPC. Tremaine is currently the respondent in a human rights complaint by Richard Warman. [2] Should the Human Rights Tribunal rule in Warman’s favour and issue a permanent injunction preventing Mr. Tremaine from posting pro-White information online, it is unknown whether the NSPC could survive.
The NSPC is affiliated with the American based National Socialist Movement.
[edit] External links
- National-Socialist Party of Canada official website
- Canada Attacks; Mr. Tremaine Audio interview conducted by the National Socialist Movement that is sympathetic to Mr. Tremaine.