Nathan Spencer

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Nathan Spencer is a character in the popular BBC drama Casualty. He is played by Ben Price.

Nathan was installed as the new hospital manager in 2005, and from the word go his dictatorial manner and screwed-up personality proved vehemently unpopular with his staff. His background was in banking so he cared only about meeting hospital targets and balancing the books. It was therefore to be expected that he would frequently clash with former consultant Harry Harper, even threatening to remove Harry from the post because he consistently refused to make any sort of compromise with patient care.

He has constantly been stalking Selena Donovan, and for a time, was going out with her. It was implied that he had feelings for male staff members, namely Guppy Sandhu. He was recently jabbed with a needle that was in a bin bag, and it was discovered that the needle could possibly have been used by an HIV-positive patient. Nathan ordered a search of all clinical waste to find the needle responsible and, perhaps understandably on this occasion, became more uptight than usual, with receptionist Alice Chantrey bearing the brunt of his anger. However after being persuaded to take an HIV-test, Nathan is relieved to have been given the all-clear. After starting a relationship with Selena Donovan, Nathan has proposed marriage to her.

Nathan is a jobsworth and a stickler for the rules. He took great pleasure in installing a large plasma TV screen in the middle of the department to enforce the "four-hour rule", a government directive in which all A&E patients must be seen, treated, and admitted/discharged within four hours. Of course, the rules don't apply to Nathan - if his own mother needed the services of the Emergency Department (which on one occasion she does), he'd use his position to get her sent right to the top of the queue.

In another vindictive attempt to get rid of Harry, Nathan "persuaded" Alice to make a complaint of sexual harassment against her, which resulted in Harry's suspension. But Alice cracked under the strain of Nathan's coercion and the matter was dropped. With Harry recently elected as Holby's new MP (on a "Save Holby ED" mandate), Nathan installed wildcard Australian Theo "Stitch" Lambert as the new consultant. In his working relationship with Nathan, Stitch is proving to be the yes-man that Harry wasn't!