Nathan Bridger

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Roy Scheider as Captain Nathan Bridger
Roy Scheider as Captain Nathan Bridger

Captain Nathan Hale Bridger was a character on the television series seaQuest DSV and was played by Roy Scheider. Bridger was, not only the commanding officer of both UEO submarines named seaQuest DSV, he was also the designer of the boat.


[edit] Early career

Bridger in his instructor days
Bridger in his instructor days

Bridger had served in the U.S. Navy for over thirty years; during which time he served with William Noyce and Manilow Crocker. ("To Be or Not to Be") He also trained at the Naval Academy with Scott Keller, however, Keller elected to head for the space program while Bridger remained in the navy. ("Splashdown") Bridger had been a part of the early G.E.L.F. (Genetically Engineered Life Forms) experiments; something that he always regretted. ("Good Soldiers") Upon reaching the rank of captain, Bridger was subjected in an extensive set of brain wave scans designed to impress human personality traits onto a computerized submarine. However, the experiment failed and the Navy elected to develop the Martenson Screen; a hologram designed to counsel the ship's captain in times of crisis. The hologram was modelled after Bridger's long-time friend, Professor Martenson. ("The Sincerest Form of Flattery") Bridger soon set to work on designing a revolutionary new kind of submarine, which he called the "seaQuest", which would measure approxametly 1,000 feet in length and would be the undisputed ruler of the seas. While planning the new type of ship, Bridger also served as an instructor at the Naval Academy.

[edit] Death of a Son and Exile

Bridger working with Darwin on his island
Bridger working with Darwin on his island

In the early wars of the 21st century, Bridger's son Robert attended the naval academy with Benjamin Krieg (who later came to serve aboard the seaQuest), however, Robert was apparently killed in action, although Bridger was never able to confirm his death. ("Higher Power") With his son dead, Bridger retired from the navy and retreated to a deserted island in the Yucatan with his wife Carol, to whom he promised he would never serve the military again after the death of Robert, leaving his work on the seaQuest unfinished, laid out in a drydock. On "Bridger's Island", the captain devoted the majority of his time to science, away from the violence and brute strength of the navy. It was on this island where Bridger found a dolphin caught in a fisherman's net in a lagoon. He rescued the dolphin, nursed it back to health and named it "Darwin." Soon after, he set to work on developing a rudimentary communication system with the dolphin. Shortly thereafter, Carol died, leaving Bridger widowed and alone.

[edit] Back in Action

Bridger in command of the seaQuest
Bridger in command of the seaQuest

By 2017, the seaQuest had been completed and roamed the seas as part of the NORPAC fleet. Following the Livingston Trench incident in which nuclear war could have easily broken out thanks to the trigger-happy captain of the seaQuest; Marilyn Stark, NORPAC was dissolved and a new world peace was instituted under the banner of the new "United Earth Oceans Organization." (UEO) As part of the new peace, NORPAC turned control of the seaQuest over the UEO. William Noyce, now with the rank of admiral, sought Bridger to assume command of the boat, feeling that his isolation from the recent world problems would give him a cool head to command such a powerful ship. Initially, Bridger resisted, citing his promise to his wife never to return to the military, however, once aboard the boat he built and realizing his vision come to fruition, Bridger remembered what the service had meant to him and eventually signed on as captain of the seaQuest.

[edit] Death of a Dream

In 2019, World Power, a global power company's revolutionary underwater power exchange plant, accidentally caused the Earth's crust to split open allowing molten lava to spill into the sea, which raised the ocean's temperature and threatened to melt to polar ice caps. Realizing it would be the only way to avert a global flood, Bridger ordered all hands to abandon ship and dove the seaQuest into the heart of the lava well, while simultaneously detonating her nuclear weapons. The one million megaton explosion was enough to seal the rupture and save the world. ("Higher Power")

[edit] New Ship

With the boat gone, Bridger rallied the UEO to grant him the funds to construct a new seaQuest. With the UEO pleased with the original ship's success, they quickly agreed and the seaQuest DSV 4600 II shoved off from New Cape Quest in 2021 with Bridger back in command. However, the second seaQuest seemed to be as doomed as the first as it disappeared without a trace in 2022, with all hands presumed lost.

In actuality, the ship had been forcibly abducted from Earth by the KrayTaks from the planet Hyperion, who used Bridger's friendship with Scott Keller to lure the boat into their clutches. While on Hyperion, the seaQuest was apparently destroyed and Bridger's away team completely cut off. With no choice, Bridger chose to sacrifice himself and his crew to destroy the Hyperion mothership and lead the rebels to victory. ("Splashdown")

[edit] Return to Earth

By September 2032, the seaQuest and the majority of its surviving crew completed their return journey to Earth, sent ten years earlier by the Hyperion rebels. Upon returning to Earth, Bridger discovered that he had a grandson named Michael, proving that Robert had faked his death. With new responsibilities to uphold and with the rising climate of conflict in the world in the ten years since their disappearance, Bridger decided that his place was no longer aboard the seaQuest and relinquished command to Captain Oliver Hudson and retired, however, he intended to continue his scientific relationship with the UEO and seaQuest. ("Brave New World")

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Lucas Wolenczak

Bridger and Lucas
Bridger and Lucas

When he first arrived on the seaQuest, Bridger was not overly impressed with Lucas' brash and cocky attitude, however, he soon discovered that he was a brilliant person and soon developed a deep relationship with him. With his own son out of his life, Bridger came to look at Lucas as somewhat of an adopted son, and conversely, Lucas, having been all but abandoned by his own father, came to look at Bridger in the same regard. When the captain ultimately decided to retire, Lucas was deeply saddened, but Bridger reassured him that they would remain in contact. Months later, when a viral outbreak inadvertently caused by a seaQuest mission twelve years earlier threatened an ecosystem, Bridger encountered the seaQuest again and was shocked to find that Lucas had enlisted in the navy; something he never believed he would do. Putting even more strain on their relationship, Bridger believed that taking no action would result in the natural breakdown of the pathogen. Lucas disagreed, causing a rift to form between the two. However, Lucas' solution was not as effective as intended and threatened the lives of the seaQuest crew. Fortunately, the two were able to put aside their disagreements and work together to find a cure. With the crisis averted, Bridger resumed his search for his son, claiming that he wished he and Lucas could meet one day. ("Equilibrium")

Bridger and Dr. Westphalen
Bridger and Dr. Westphalen

[edit] Kristin Westphalen

Before joining the seaQuest, Westphalen had attempted to contact Nathan, however, he proved to be incommunicado. Signing aboard as captain, Bridger was able to provide backing for Westphalen's science contingent aboard the ship against the military officers who were annoyed at the prospect of their formerly military vessel turning into more of a science ship. Working together on many scientific experiments, the two quickly developed a deep-seated bond, which eventually blossomed into romance. As Bridger, Westphalen and Lucas had been all separated from the real families, the trio came to care for one another as somewhat of a surrogate family; each drawing strength from the other. However, when Kristin did not sign aboard the seaQuest II, their relationship seemingly ended.

[edit] Manilow Crocker

Having served together in the past, Bridger and Crocker had a natural friendship aboard the seaQuest. Crocker was always backing the captain's decisions and giving him moral support in times of need. Upon the conclusion of the tour of duty, Bridger thanked Crocker for delaying his retirement to come aboard the seaQuest, however, Crocker claimed it was worth it to serve once again with Nathan.

[edit] Wendy Smith

Having dated her mother years earlier, Bridger found he had similar feelings for Wendy as well when she signed aboard as the chief medical officer of the new ship. At first, Wendy was nervous about the prospect of a shipboard relationship with the captain and considered transferring off the seaQuest, however, Bridger was able to convince her to stay. Unfortunately, Wendy was killed during the "Hyperion Incident."

[edit] Darwin

As part of the lure to get Bridger to sign on as captain of the seaQuest, Admiral Noyce arranged for Darwin to be taken aboard as well, where, via the hydropressure system, he had access to the entire ship. Bridger and Darwin had a very deep friendship, with the dolphin calling Bridger family, and vice-versa. A very intelligent creature, Darwin saved Bridger from bacterial infection by diving at him, knocking him away from an infectious sample container. The dolphin was also able to rescue Bridger from a forcefield set up by biochemist Dr. Rubin Zellar. When Bridger finally decided to retire, he allowed Darwin to remain aboard seaQuest, but missed him, nevertheless.