NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium

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As the voice of NASA in the state of Idaho, the Idaho Space Grant Consortium[1] (ISGC) provides and supports numerous unique and exciting opportunities for the general public, K-12 students, educators, undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and industry in areas related to NASA’s initiatives.

The ISGC focuses its efforts in four main areas:

  • Research
  • Higher Education
  • K-12 Education
  • Public Outreach

The ISGC was established in 1991, and is one of fifty-two Space Grant Consortia established by NASA under the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program. Based at the University of Idaho, it is the only Space Grant that is a collaborative effort between the Colleges of Engineering and Education. Idaho membership is comprised of universities, colleges, science centers, museums, non-profit and other organizations located throughout the state.

ISGC Vision, Mission, and Goals


  • To be the voice of NASA in the state of Idaho.


  • The mission of the ISGC is to use a strong and active constituent base to provide easily accessible, highly flexible programs that focus on current and ongoing NASA initiatives that will benefit researchers; K-graduate school students, teachers, and faculty in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) and education; industry; the general public; the state of Idaho and ultimately, NASA. Programs will support research enhancement, workforce development, course enhancement, precollege outreach, and public service. In addition, the ISGC will provide leadership in STEM in Idaho, and be the point of contact for researchers, teachers, and industry for NASA programs, materials, etc.


  • To achieve NASA’s mission – “To inspire the next generation of explorers as only NASA can” as well as the vision and mission of the ISGC, the goals of the NASA ISGC are to:
    • maintain an active state-wide network of universities, colleges, industries, governmental agencies and informal education organizations with interests and capabilities in science, technology, engineering and math related fields;
    • build strong partnerships with NASA field centers;
    • encourage cooperative programs among educational institutions, industry, all levels of government and other space grant consortia;
    • encourage interdisciplinary training, research, and public service programs related to the NASA Mission Directorates;
    • develop a strong workforce by recruiting and training professionals, especially underrepresented individuals, for careers in STEM;
    • promote strong science, technology, engineering, mathematics and education from kindergarten through university levels, using formal and informal science programs


The ISGC is a network of organizations that work together to provide Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education and opportunities to citizens thoughout the state of Idaho.

Current Affiliates include: