Napoleon Cybulski

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Napoleon Cybulski
Napoleon Cybulski

Napoleon Cybulski (September 13, 1854 - April 26, 1919) - Polish physiologist, discoverer of adrenaline, one of pioneers of endocrinology, and electroencephalography.

[edit] External links

  • Wołczański J (1996). "[Professor Wladyslaw Szymonowicz (1869-1939). Scientific biography]". Folia Med Cracov 37 (3-4): 41-9. PMID 9312534. 
  • Pawlik W, Konturek S, Bilski R (2006). "Napoleon Cybulski - Polish pioneer in developing of the device for measuring blood flow velocity". J Physiol Pharmacol 57 Suppl 1: 107-18. PMID 16766802. 
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