Nameless Zone

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The Nameless Zone is a fictional area in Sonic the Comic, and the original home of Miles "Tails" Prower.

A mystical pocket dimension that exists close to Mobius' reality, the Nameless Zone is inhabited by a large kingdom of foxes ruled over by the Enchanter Kings. Across the Dimensional Bridge, which lies over a great void, lies the Land Beyond, a hellish realm of monsters and Goblin hordes.

Tails left the Nameless Zone for Mobius to seek his fortune. He wrote back many letters (it's unknown how he did this), talking about his adventures, but saying he was the hero and Sonic was his sidekick. The Nameless Zone's inhabitants believed this, and Tails has repeatedly found himself magically transported back home when the foxes are in serious trouble and require the help of a great hero. Apart from Knuckles, nobody on Mobius knows this happens to Tails.

Shirob, the third Enchanter King, was long ago transformed into the evil goblin warlord Trogg after an encounter with the powerful demon known as the Dark One. He tried to invade the Nameless Zone but, mostly through luck, was beaten in combat by Tails. He clashed with Tails twice afterwards, and the second time saw the Dark One destroyed and Trogg returned to his original self. Since then, the goblin hordes have come under the command of King Roubal. Seeing himself as a modernizer, Roubal has brought many reforms to the goblin way of life. He also made a deal with the Enchanter Kings: if they pledge allegiance to the Land Beyond every year, there will be everlasting peace and prosperity for both realms, and if they don't there, will be a bloody war that the foxes will certainly lose. While this is presented as a mutually beneficial alliance, it has effectively made Roubal the ruler of the Nameless Zone and the Kings are his puppet monarchs.

Tails' two main allies in the Nameless Zone are Errol and Morain Blackthorne, brother and sister and both renowned warriors. Morain is well known for her hair-trigger temper, especially if she thinks somebody is doubting her skills because she's a girl.