NALU at Fulham Correctional Centre

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Australian Prisons
Nalu Challenge Community
Location: Sale, Victoria
Status: Operational
Classification: Minimum Security
Capacity: 60
Opened: 2004
Managed by: GEO Group Australia

Nalu at Fullham Correctional Centre is a minimum security correctional facility located outside the main walls of Fulham Correctional Centre in Sale, Victoria. It is a state-funded facility that is run by GEO Group Australia, which runs Fulham as well.

It is set up as a special unit for first time young offenders aged 18-25 who are at minimum security rating. The facility is made up of small cottages which house four prisoners each. They are given weekly allowances for grocery shopping and have to prepare their own meals. There are basketball courts, games facilities, and a gym. A second pre-release program at Nalu caters for all eligible inmates (regardless of age) at Fulham who are nearing release

The prisoners take part in a 9-week Challenge program, where they learn to deal with their offences in an active way. The program includes camping, trust exercises and a cognitive skills program.

It has a 98% non re-offending rate (as of June 2006) and prisoners in this facility are at higher chance of acceptance into parole programs.[citation needed]

[edit] External links

Prisons in Victoria
Acheron Boys Home | Allambie Reception Centre | Ashendene Boys Home | Beechworth Correctional Centre | Dame Phyllis Frost Centre | Fulham Correctional Centre | J Ward | Hillside Boys Home | HM Prison Ararat | HM Prison Barwon | HM Prison Beechworth | HM Prison Bendigo | HM Melbourne Assessment Prison | HM Prison Dhurringile| HM Prison Fairlea | HM Prison Geelong | HM Prison Langi Kal Kal| HM Prison Loddon | HM Prison Morwell River | HM Prison Pentridge | HM Prison Sale | HM Prison Tarrengower | HM Prison Won Wron | Illoura Children’s Home | Ivanhoe Hostel | Melbourne Custody Centre | Mirallee Reception Centre | Old Castlemaine Gaol | Malmsbury Youth Training Centre | Marngoneet Correctional Centre | Old Melbourne Gaol | Metropolitan Remand Centre | Pirra Girls’ Home | Port Phillip Prison | Turana Youth Training Centre | Winlaton Youth Training Centre

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List of Australian prisons