Najam Sethi

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Najam Sethi is a well-known Pakistani journalist, editor, and newsmedia personality. He is the Editor-in-Chief of The Friday Times and The Daily Times.

An aggressively independent journalist, Mr Sethi and his publications are often in trouble with Pakistani governments. He was imprisoned allegedly under orders by then-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a case that evoked international outcry and eventually pressured Sharif's government to release him.

He is the editor-in-chief of The Friday Times, a Lahore based political weekly, as well as the Daily Times. Although he was initially supportive of General Musharraf due to their shared liberal views, this support has waned recently and many believe that Sethi now backs the People's Party. Whatever party he supports though, Sethi has been a tireless supporter of secularism and liberalism in Pakistan against the forces of autocracy and fundamentalism. His wife, Jugnu Mohsin, edits the fashion fortnightly Good Times and is the Managing Editor and Publisher of The Friday Times. She campaigned for Sethi's release while he was in prison in 1999. Together, Najam and Jugnu have a son, Ali, currently a senior at Harvard University, and a daughter, Mira, who will be a freshman at Wellesley College later this year.

Najam Sethi was educated at Clare College, Cambridge. He met his wife Jugnu Moshin at Cambridge University where she attended New Hall, Cambridge.