Naga (comics)

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Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Sub-Mariner #9 (January, 1969)
Created by Roy Thomas, Marie Severin,
Alter ego Naga
Affiliations Lemuria, Set, Llyra
Abilities Fully amphibious physignogmy and suited for high water pressure, super strength, high speed swimming. With the Serpent Crown: mind control, ability to project bolts of mystical energy, teleportation, matter transformation abilities, further increased strength levels, immortality.

Naga is a Marvel Comics supervillain. Created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Marie Severin, he first appeared in Sub-Mariner #9 (January, 1969).

Naga is a member of the water breathing humanoid race Homo mermanus which settled in Lemuria centuries after that continent was submerged during the Great Cataclysm.

Approximately 600 years ago Naga was ruler of these "Lemurian" Homo mermanus when the Serpent Crown was discovered among the ruins of the old human built cities of Lemuria.

Donning the helmet Naga came under the influence of Set, a malevolent serpent god who was exiled in another dimension, but can use the Crown as a means to exert its malign influence on Earth.

Naga's physical appearance were changed from exposure to the crown, his facial features coming to resemble those of a snake and his skin becoming scale-like and green (from the common blue of other Homo mermanus). He converted the Lemurian people to the worship of Set and used its power to gain immortality, ruling over his people for centuries. Through his prolonged use of the crown the skin color and complexion of Lemuria's population also became green and scale-like. Naga's use of the crown eventually came to an end hundreds of years later when a rebel stole it from him as he slept. Naga still however remained immortal (or at least aged extremely slowly) and continued to rule Lemuria for centuries.

In more recent times, a half Lemurian mutant called Llyra came to prominence in Lemuria, eventually becoming the high priestess of Set. Attempting to attain even more power for herself, Llyra manipulated the by now senile and possibly insane Naga into arranging her marriage to his oldest surviving son, Merro.

Shortly after those events the Serpent Crown re-emerged in another underwater city - Atlantis. Lemurian agents stole the Crown from Namor the Sub-Mariner and returned it to Naga, who immediately donned it and once again accessed its vast powers. During the resulting conflict that was caused by Namor's attempts to reclaim it, the Crown and Naga were cast into an undersea chasm and thought destroyed and dead (Sub-Mariner #9-13; January - May, 1969).

A manifestation of Naga later briefly appeared when Hugh Jones, a human who wore the crown and fell under the influence of Set, conjured up "spirits" of the Crown's past wearers to do battle with the Scarlet Witch and The Thing (Marvel Two-in-One #66; August, 1980).

Later in the 1989 Atlantis Attacks crossover, when the Deviant Set worshipper Ghaur created a massive new Serpent Crown, Naga's spirit returned again. Ghaur then attempted to take control of the power of the new Crown, but came into conflict with Naga's spirit, a conflict which ended in the destruction of both participants (Fantastic Four Annual #22).

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