Naâma Province

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Map of Algeria showing Naama province

Naama (Arabic: ولاية النعامة ) is a wilaya of Algeria. Ain Sefra, Assela and Tiout are localities in this province. In Mecheria there is an airport.

[edit] Districts

For administrative purposes, Naâma is divided into 2 daïras (districts), they got their names from their eponymous capitals, they are (in alphabetical order):

  • Mecheria
  • Ain Sefra

[edit] Municipalities

These districts are further divided into 12 baladiyahs (municipalities), their names are also from the names of their eponymous capitals, they are (in alphabetical order):

  • Ain Ben Khelil
  • Ain Sefra
  • Assela
  • Djeniane Bourzeg
  • El Biod
  • Kasdir
  • Makman Ben Amer
  • Mecheria
  • Moghrara
  • Naama
  • Sfissifa
  • Tiout